MegaUpload Users Plan to Sue the FBI over Lost Files

Dallas;4398056 said:
You guys argue more just to argue. The USA has the right to shut this place down if they have valid proof it is involved in these illegal activites. The good folks will get filtered out.

Also..legit enterprise businesses should have either SFTP or FTPS server in place for these purposes, hell I have a couple of them for my customers alone. Why on earth you want your sensitive data involved in an offsite drop box location where you have ZERO control once archive bits have been applied. You want to delete it? Ok it's gone from your file manager view but I STILL HAVE IT IN MY archive snapshots. At SOA we are not allowed to keep data externally unless it is non sensitive data. Whoa to the user who is caught doing it, actually.

If you need access to my files legitamately, then you CALL ME and you ask me and I set you up a valid authenticated account, which I can audit at my leisure. You then use that to come inside my house to get your files.

Far more is involved in this than most realize.

I used to handle IT services for litigation @ BP Alaska. This was normal SOP for the DOJ. They show up w/ court order for 300 users HDs and we seized them and then we would do audits on all of them searching for the suspected smoking gun emails, which we typically found. This sometimes took months, sometimes a year or more, its normal. It will all get sorted out in the end. The bad accounts and there will be millions will be seized and the legitimate users will have his/her information back. It's actually easier w/ MU because everyone has an actual account. Validation will most likely take a while, because they are after the big fish here. The little valid fish will get left out in the cold for a while, but the information will be provided back to the customers, just not in the time frame they probably are hoping for.

Sucks...yes...but its pretty SOP and I have no sympathy for any souls using a well known point-click download site for piracy files to have his/her "research" data associated with.

Maybe they should have read more about the giant site in the 1st place.

Ding Ding Ding

For the life of I just can not see a smart, legit business having people upload business files to a site like that.

Plus if you look at the name of a couple of the businesses bringing the suit and they have PIRATE in their name complaining about losing files on a site that is known as a pirating site...well good luck to you.

Where I work we do work for the state. Any time I have to send files to the state I do it via FTP to their secure server which we have to change the password on a regular basis. In some online sites the state uses we have to have secure certificates and state issued username and passwords. There are always security protocols in place and we NEVER use an online storage site that can be used by anyone.

Just stupid stupid stupid to put up business information on a site like that.
BP. Small businesses. Not all have the bandwidth, hardware, or expertise to host their own FTP server. So they hire an outside firm. A file hosting company. It's what they do!

btw, Dallas says, call me and I will do it for you. Umm, Dallas. That makes you the next MegaUpload. :muttley:
Yeah I'm not contesting at all that it would be stupid for most businesses to rely on a site like MegaUpload.
Sam I Am;4398065 said:
BP. Small businesses. Not all have the bandwidth, hardware, or expertise to host their own FTP server. So they hire an outside firm. A file hosting company. It's what they do!

btw, Dallas says, call me and I will do it for you. Umm, Dallas. That makes you the next MegaUpload. :muttley:

And I would hope that most businesses would make sure they are using a hosting company that would not be open to the general public, would not be sharing their servers with every tom, dick or harry who wants to upload movie files they copied and that said company would be sure to have enforced protocols in place to deal with vast...VAST uploads and downloads of pirated software and files.

Sorry guy. Any legit business that wants to do something with a hosting site should do a little more research and not be associated with a site that is mostly known for illegally uploaded or downloaded content.

There is no way that site did not know they had a vast amount of pirated files on the site. There is no way that site did not know that there were many people downloading illegal content on that site. And any business that wants to have important and private business documents stored on that site should have taken 10 minutes to do some research and see what that site was and come to the conclusion that they should not use it.
BrAinPaiNt;4398075 said:
And I would hope that most businesses would make sure they are using a hosting company that would not be open to the general public, would not be sharing their servers with every tom, dick or harry who wants to upload movie files they copied and that said company would be sure to have enforced protocols in place to deal with vast...VAST uploads and downloads of pirated software and files.

Sorry guy. Any legit business that wants to do something with a hosting site should do a little more research and not be associated with a site that is mostly known for illegally uploaded or downloaded content.

There is no way that site did not know they had a vast amount of pirated files on the site. There is no way that site did not know that there were many people downloading illegal content on that site. And any business that wants to have important and private business documents stored on that site should have taken 10 minutes to do some research and see what that site was and come to the conclusion that they should not use it.

You know who the smartest runt of the litter is in this whole thing, because they police their site constantly and wipe CR material as they find it and its reported?

If you want to be a hosting site and operate legitimately, then you CALL these guys and they will show you how.

BrAinPaiNt;4398028 said:
If you are stupid enough to use a site for legit files that is known far and wide as a site that is widely used for illegal run the risk of that site being shut down.

I notice you keep saying this over and over but I think you are inserting your own knowledge as what everyone else should know. MegaUpload and a lot of other file hosting sites are used extensively for legitimate purposes by a lot of people and businesses in the world. Perhaps if you are a current or former pirate of various content then it is well known to you, but the majority of internet users do not fall into that category.

If the file hosting sites promote the pirated content or have a big "Pirates are welcome here!" sign then you could have a valid argument. Online file hosting has been both popular and common for a long time and the average internet user (which is the majority of internet users) does not have any idea which sites are to be avoided unless the site promotes itself as such or several media sources run major stories about it.

A good non-internet example would be self-storage units. How many times have you heard of self-storage units being raided because one or more people used them to store illegal content such as drugs, stolen property, etc.? Should all of the legitimate storage renters lose their own property because they should have known that a self-storage place is sometimes used by a few people for illegal purposes?

It is very naive and condescending of anyone to call people dumb or stupid for not being familiar with the illegal underworld of the internet especially when the only people who know about that area are likely people who are involved, have been involved or know people involved in such activities.

Reality;4398098 said:
I notice you keep saying this over and over but I think you are inserting your own knowledge as what everyone else should know. MegaUpload and a lot of other file hosting sites are used extensively for legitimate purposes by a lot of people and businesses in the world. Perhaps if you are a current or former pirate of various content then it is well known to you, but the majority of internet users do not fall into that category.

If the file hosting sites promote the pirated content or have a big "Pirates are welcome here!" sign then you could have a valid argument. Online file hosting has been both popular and common for a long time and the average internet user (which is the majority of internet users) does not have any idea which sites are to be avoided unless the site promotes itself as such or several media sources run major stories about it.

A good non-internet example would be self-storage units. How many times have you heard of self-storage units being raided because one or more people used them to store illegal content such as drugs, stolen property, etc.? Should all of the legitimate storage renters lose their own property because they should have known that a self-storage place is sometimes used by a few people for illegal purposes?

It is very naive and condescending of anyone to call people dumb or stupid for not being familiar with the illegal underworld of the internet especially when the only people who know about that area are likely people who are involved, have been involved or know people involved in such activities.

Interesting angle and one that makes a lot of sense. My philosophy is that I wouldn't trust any external company with mission critical files, MegaUpload included. I guess the needs of some companies and a lack of resources would demand it.
Reality;4398098 said:
I notice you keep saying this over and over but I think you are inserting your own knowledge as what everyone else should know. MegaUpload and a lot of other file hosting sites are used extensively for legitimate purposes by a lot of people and businesses in the world. Perhaps if you are a current or former pirate of various content then it is well known to you, but the majority of internet users do not fall into that category.

If the file hosting sites promote the pirated content or have a big "Pirates are welcome here!" sign then you could have a valid argument. Online file hosting has been both popular and common for a long time and the average internet user (which is the majority of internet users) does not have any idea which sites are to be avoided unless the site promotes itself as such or several media sources run major stories about it.

A good non-internet example would be self-storage units. How many times have you heard of self-storage units being raided because one or more people used them to store illegal content such as drugs, stolen property, etc.? Should all of the legitimate storage renters lose their own property because they should have known that a self-storage place is sometimes used by a few people for illegal purposes?

It is very naive and condescending of anyone to call people dumb or stupid for not being familiar with the illegal underworld of the internet especially when the only people who know about that area are likely people who are involved, have been involved or know people involved in such activities.


I think it is very naive for a company of people to not know how to do some google checks or various checks through other services not to find out that Megaupload is not a very good site to use. I also find it very naive and condescending that the name of two companies bringing the suite have PIRATE in their names and you and others think they don't know what that site is used for.

Just saying.
Reality;4398098 said:
I notice you keep saying this over and over but I think you are inserting your own knowledge as what everyone else should know. MegaUpload and a lot of other file hosting sites are used extensively for legitimate purposes by a lot of people and businesses in the world. Perhaps if you are a current or former pirate of various content then it is well known to you, but the majority of internet users do not fall into that category.

If the file hosting sites promote the pirated content or have a big "Pirates are welcome here!" sign then you could have a valid argument. Online file hosting has been both popular and common for a long time and the average internet user (which is the majority of internet users) does not have any idea which sites are to be avoided unless the site promotes itself as such or several media sources run major stories about it.

A good non-internet example would be self-storage units. How many times have you heard of self-storage units being raided because one or more people used them to store illegal content such as drugs, stolen property, etc.? Should all of the legitimate storage renters lose their own property because they should have known that a self-storage place is sometimes used by a few people for illegal purposes?

It is very naive and condescending of anyone to call people dumb or stupid for not being familiar with the illegal underworld of the internet especially when the only people who know about that area are likely people who are involved, have been involved or know people involved in such activities.


With all do respect, I disagree. My 11 year old son knew exactly where to go to get "bad stuff Dad". So to view this situation from a 1990s angle isn't really fair. I think your normal user today who is smart enough to figure out the front end of MU, is smart enough to have read a few things about the site prior to doing so.

My staff used to think the same thing about the "typical user", but most web users doing these types of transactions on the internet really don't have a "typical user" catagory to fall into, and I would actually like to see that used as a defense by some. That would be kind of interesting, because you cannot play dumb in court, now can you?

My dog ate my homework... ;)
Dallas;4398118 said:
With all do respect, I disagree. My 11 year old son knew exactly where to go to get "bad stuff Dad". So to view this situation from a 1990s angle isn't really fair. I think your normal user today who is smart enough to figure out the front end of MU, is smart enough to have read a few things about the site prior to doing so.

My staff used to think the same thing about the "typical user", but most web users doing these types of transactions on the internet really don't have a "typical user" catagory to fall into, and I would actually like to see that used as a defense by some. That would be kind of interesting, because you cannot play dumb in court, now can you?

My dog ate my homework... ;)

My wife uses the Internet every day and she had never heard of MegaUpload. She doesn't warez (wouldn't even know how too). She also doesn't share files with people other than posting pics to share with friends on stuff like Facebook. (which she actually no longer uses)

You can't expect everyone to know what MegaUpload is and what *some people* use it for.
BrAinPaiNt;4398109 said:
I think it is very naive for a company of people to not know how to do some google checks or various checks through other services not to find out that Megaupload is not a very good site to use. I also find it very naive and condescending that the name of two companies bringing the suite have PIRATE in their names and you and others think they don't know what that site is used for.

Just saying.

So since Youtube hosts pirated/unauthorized content (and it hosts a TON of it), they should be raided, all of their equipment confiscated and everyone who was too stupid (your words) to not know it was used widely for illegally hosted content should lose their personal videos?

So since Flickr hosts pirated/unauthorized content (and it hosts a TON of it), they should be raided, all of their equipment confiscated and everyone who was too stupid (your words) to not know it was used widely for illegally hosted content should lose their personal photos?

Your hypocrisy and naivety is flowing strong within you .. you are making assumptions that everyone knows or should know what you know and have the same opinions as you.

Sam I Am;4398121 said:
My wife uses the Internet every day and she had never heard of MegaUpload. She doesn't warez (wouldn't even know how too). She also doesn't share files with people other than posting pics to share with friends on stuff like Facebook. (which she actually no longer uses)

You can't expect everyone to know what MegaUpload is and what *some people* use it for.

I expect anyone who is file sharing to know more than your average FB user and stuff like that.

My mom would never know anything about MU because she has never shared a file in her life off the web as well, but I get your point.

Again, I am talking about those who file share. :D

To answer #reality:

You do know those sites are policed right? You are using YouTube and Flikr as an example and I know full well they police those sites. I also know full well that MU never did anything of the kind. If you make a conscientcious effort to show you are doing your JOB, then you probably won't have much of an issue w/ regard to visits from the FBI.

I support shutting a host down if they are blatantly allowing constant/consistent CR material to be hosted. Do the flippin job as an host and take care of the trash. It really isn't asking much, I don't think.
Dallas;4398118 said:
With all do respect, I disagree. My 11 year old son knew exactly where to go to get "bad stuff Dad". So to view this situation from a 1990s angle isn't really fair. I think your normal user today who is smart enough to figure out the front end of MU, is smart enough to have read a few things about the site prior to doing so.

My staff used to think the same thing about the "typical user", but most web users doing these types of transactions on the internet really don't have a "typical user" catagory to fall into, and I would actually like to see that used as a defense by some. That would be kind of interesting, because you cannot play dumb in court, now can you?

My dog ate my homework... ;)
Just because you have exposed your child or allowed him to be exposed to the seedy side of the internet does not mean the rest of the world has. The average (or typical as you call it) user does not know which sites are considered legitimate or not unless the media or their friends inform them. To suggest otherwise does nothing but show your real lack of knowledge in that area.

The people who pirate or have pirated content are likely to know which sites support the shady underworld of the internet. The average person has no idea unless the media or people they know tell them.

Reality;4398128 said:
Just because you have exposed your child or allowed him to be exposed to the seedy side of the internet does not mean the rest of the world has. The average (or typical as you call it) user does not know which sites are considered legitimate or not unless the media or their friends inform them. To suggest otherwise does nothing but show your real lack of knowledge in that area.

The people who pirate or have pirated content are likely to know which sites support the shady underworld of the internet. The average person has no idea unless the media or people they know tell them.

Hmm this makes me think about Comcast's bandwidth cap for some reason. According to Comcast:

250 GB/month is an extremely large amount of data, much more than a typical residential customer uses on a monthly basis. Currently, the median monthly data usage by our residential customers is approximately 2 - 3 GB.

Obviously I'm not the typical user and when I don't even try I average about 100-150GB per month. This is from multiple PCs though.

I guess I'm just piggybacking on to your point a bit. The average user is usually far different than what you might expect.
Reality;4398122 said:
So since Youtube hosts pirated/unauthorized content (and it hosts a TON of it), they should be raided, all of their equipment confiscated and everyone who was too stupid (your words) to not know it was used widely for illegally hosted content should lose their personal videos?

So since Flickr hosts pirated/unauthorized content (and it hosts a TON of it), they should be raided, all of their equipment confiscated and everyone who was too stupid (your words) to not know it was used widely for illegally hosted content should lose their personal photos?

Your hypocrisy and naivety is flowing strong within you .. you are making assumptions that everyone knows or should know what you know and have the same opinions as you.


From an earlier post I made...

I am sure my stance will be misunderstood, misconstrued, multilated,(oxford comma) and taking out of context to make it seem like I am on the side of the FBI over this issue...when that is not the case.

But if you wish to keep up with the berating talk my way while complaining about naivety and hypocrisy...please do.

There is a big difference between an internet user who might just surf the net on occasion and want to post some pictures on some site vs a BUSINESS that wants to upload BUSINESS files on the internet.

One could understand a casual user doing it. One would expect a BUSINESS that has SMART employees to do a little research and protect their BUSINESS and clients information. It is not like it would take very much to do a little research here. It is not some secret site that only a handful of russian pirate lords know about. The info can be found pretty easily on the internet with some simple searches which should be quite easy to find for a person that is employed at a business that wants to protect it's files, information and it's reputation.

Reality;4398128 said:
Just because you have exposed your child or allowed him to be exposed to the seedy side of the internet does not mean the rest of the world has. The average (or typical as you call it) user does not know which sites are considered legitimate or not unless the media or their friends inform them. To suggest otherwise does nothing but show your real lack of knowledge in that area.

The people who pirate or have pirated content are likely to know which sites support the shady underworld of the internet. The average person has no idea unless the media or people they know tell them.


And that is your opinion sir, though it appears to lack a bit of the common side of those playing the web, I digress.

This is your site and I don't want a hammer thrown at me so I will zip my pie hole before one comes. ;)

Good day...
BrAinPaiNt;4398109 said:
I think it is very naive for a company of people to not know how to do some google checks or various checks through other services not to find out that Megaupload is not a very good site to use.
All I can say is your knowledge is severely damaged when it comes to understanding how most people including businesses use the internet.

Most businesses would not know they need to do background checks on companies because they believe the internet is already policed for them.

Most average people look at the internet like this .. they need a site to store files so they hit Google and search for something like "where can i host a large file" .. yes, they type in searches just like that. They then typically click on the first search result they see that sounds even remotely like it provides what they need. They go there, the site looks legitimate so they upload their file and give out the URL to whoever needs it.

If your AC goes out, do you find a repair shop, then hire an investigator to perform a background check on the company, call the better business bureau and check with the police and fbi to see if there are any reasons why you should not use them? Of course not. You believe that since 1) the company is in business 2) the media has not run any negative stories about them 3) no friends have told you any negative stories about them and 4) the phone company allowed them to advertise in the phone book and keep their phone line that the company must be on the level.

If they in turn rob you when they come to your house, should your neighbors then call you stupid for not doing the steps above or simply knowing it?

I also find it very naive and condescending that the name of two companies bringing the suite have PIRATE in their names and you and others think they don't know what that site is used for.
So your real problem is that you despise the only plantiffs that have been named and promoted in the media? So you would be okay with it as long as it was organizations like "Last Chance Home of Orphan Children" or "Bubba's Bar and Drunk Videos"?

Yeah .. I'm just saying as well ..

Dallas;4398136 said:
And that is your opinion sir, though it appears to lack a bit of the common side of those playing the web, I digress.

This is your site and I don't want a hammer thrown at me so I will zip my pie hole before one comes. ;)

Good day...

You Sir are a pervert...exposing your child to such seediness. :p: ;)

Of course anyone that knows of megaupload or any site similar has to be some kind of pirate themselves. I mean there is no way someone could have just heard of it from others. Nor is there any way a smart business could actually do any actual research of a company they are going to use to entrust the privacy of their own files to be hosted on.

Talk about being condescending and naive. Whoa.:laugh2:
BrAinPaiNt;4398135 said:
From an earlier post I made...

I am sure my stance will be misunderstood, misconstrued, multilated,(oxford comma) and taking out of context to make it seem like I am on the side of the FBI over this issue...when that is not the case.

But if you wish to keep up with the berating talk my way while complaining about naivety and hypocrisy...please do.

I have no issue with people being on either side of this argument. If MegaUpload was indeed profiting from pirated content, they deserve to be taken offline and prosecuted. My issue is with call people stupid who simply did not know that MegaUpload and other similar services were used for such illegal activities.

It is like you and others ignore the fact that sites like MegaUpload purposely promote themselves as legitimate file hosting services as a way to stay off the radar of those would come after them. In doing so, sites like MegaUpload provide a lot of users who have a need for hosting remotely accessible files with a solid solution. I do not believe those users should be punished simply because a site they put trust in had a hidden side.

It is that mindset that will eventually force everyone to use Google or Facebook for every single thing you do on the internet.


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