The fact Lewis failed three drug tests in 1988 and now won't discuss them because they "are in the past" is telling enough don't you think? If it were just one, then yeah ok maybe he accidentally took the wrong cough medicine, but three, come on.
We all know the US sprint program was dirty, no dirtier than any other country but dirty nonetheless. Leroy Burrell, Marion Jones, Tim Montgomery, Florence Griffiths-Joyner who came out of nowhere to win, then retired only to die from a disease we all know was steroid induced at a very young age), Justin Gatlin need I go on?
Johnson was stupid and got caught but that does not mean he was the only one. You know it and I know it.
I never stated black men could not swim, that is your interpretation of it and a straw man argument.
All you need to do is look at the medal winners and you will know that other than a handful of Japanese, Chinese and Koreans and the one black on your 4x100 relay, the swimming events were won by whites. It is not an all in inclusive sport like track (and yes I know the sprint finals were all black).
In any event, your argument proved my point, you only pointed to Europe, North America, South America (where they were white South Americans) and some asian countries competing in swimming. It is not all inclusive.