Merriman and SD can't reach a compromise

Woody'sGirl said:
I personally thought the "compromise" was stupid. I'm w/the Chargers here. You're either here or you're not. Right now, he's not. I think they should go ahead and work on the contract. Cuz he's not coming in unless they change the injury protection language.

Forget the injury waiver and negotiate the contract now. That way everyone knows what the compendation would be if he gets injured. Then plug the contract numbers into the injury waiver. I realize that he probably can't be signed until after a certain date, but they can agree on what the compensation WILL be if he is injured.
thats7 said:
That staunch approach doesn't make their contract correct now does it.
It appears that they also have been very lucky.
How many of us have heard our grand fathers say "I've been doing it this way for 30 years" and we were left wondering why he just didn't do it the right way.

It doesn't make it incorrect either. We don't know what the exact verbiage is that the Chargers use. We also don't know what the exact point of contentions are from the Postons either. I do think it's odd that the Postons have not mentioned this. Seems as if this issue could easily be resolved through popular opinion of the fan base if the points of contention would be made known. Perhaps somebody knows exactly what they are.

The one thing that I think we can believe is that the language of the contract is simular to all the other teams and other players signed. Are we then to believe that the Postons are the only agents smart enough to protect there players best interests? Come on now. This doesn't ring true. There's more here.
Verdict said:
Forget the injury waiver and negotiate the contract now. That way everyone knows what the compendation would be if he gets injured. Then plug the contract numbers into the injury waiver. I realize that he probably can't be signed until after a certain date, but they can agree on what the compensation WILL be if he is injured.

This would seem to be a logical approach to me. In truth, I know very little about this type of litigation but if I'm not mistaken, Verdict, you have a legal backround. Is this not correct? Seems as thou I remember you mentioning this at some point.

I just think there's more to this then is being made public.
The Postons are the only ones who care. No one else cares.

Its like when the entire marching band turns one way and a single member turns the other way. They look stupid.
Woody'sGirl said:
I personally thought the "compromise" was stupid. I'm w/the Chargers here. You're either here or you're not. Right now, he's not. I think they should go ahead and work on the contract. Cuz he's not coming in unless they change the injury protection language.
I completely disagree.
Merriman needs to be learning the plays and alignments.

He needs physical reps too but being mentally in shape is hugely important and he can not simulate that on his on without a playbook or team meetings.

SD is being pretty ignorant here. Next year they will likely be in the same boat.

Just adopt a more acceptable contract and go forward. I can't see alienating young guys before they even show up. The whole thing reaks of cheap and petty. I am usually against the Postons nonsense but int his case they have a very valid point.

The guy who was drafted at that position last year had a cetain salary and contract to bemeasured against; part of that measurement should be in the language of protection. If you draft a guy and he shows up healthy, give him certain protections from football/training related injuries for the first season at least.
It doesn't make it incorrect either. We don't know what the exact verbiage is that the Chargers use. We also don't know what the exact point of contentions are from the Postons either. I do think it's odd that the Postons have not mentioned this. Seems as if this issue could easily be resolved through popular opinion of the fan base if the points of contention would be made known. Perhaps somebody knows exactly what they are.

The one thing that I think we can believe is that the language of the contract is simular to all the other teams and other players signed. Are we then to believe that the Postons are the only agents smart enough to protect there players best interests? Come on now. This doesn't ring true. There's more here.

Exactly. That standard response form within any organization is so generic that's it's laughable. It has got to be the vortex of all the "I dunno's"" in the free world. I agree with you 100% on thinking there's more here. This little nugget wasn't hidden under the beverage coaster when players and agents sign.
jterrell said:
I completely disagree.
Merriman needs to be learning the plays and alignments.

He needs physical reps too but being mentally in shape is hugely important and he can not simulate that on his on without a playbook or team meetings.

SD is being pretty ignorant here. Next year they will likely be in the same boat.

Just adopt a more acceptable contract and go forward. I can't see alienating young guys before they even show up. The whole thing reaks of cheap and petty. I am usually against the Postons nonsense but int his case they have a very valid point.

The guy who was drafted at that position last year had a cetain salary and contract to bemeasured against; part of that measurement should be in the language of protection. If you draft a guy and he shows up healthy, give him certain protections from football/training related injuries for the first season at least.
I actually agree with you that he does need to be there for all the reasons you stated. But right now, he's not going to sign that injury waiver in its current state. I thought the compromise was weak and that basically he's tired of hearing the negative backlash.

Seems to me both sides have drawn a line in the sand, so they should just get on with the business of drawing up his contract, since SD is known for their #1 draft picks hold out.

Who knows, working on the contract might just get him on the field sooner. Postons or no Postons.
thats7 said:
Exactly. That standard response form within any organization is so generic that's it's laughable. It has got to be the vortex of all the "I dunno's"" in the free world. I agree with you 100% on thinking there's more here. This little nugget wasn't hidden under the beverage coaster when players and agents sign.

So then, may I assume that you have access to the standard verbiage or the Charges verbaige used in addressing this contingency? I would like to read it to see how generic it may or may not be.
So then, may I assume that you have access to the standard verbiage or the Charges verbaige used in addressing this contingency? I would like to read it to see how generic it may or may not be.

thats7 said:

You elluded to the fact that the standard language is so generic that it's laughable. I have never seen this but I took you to mean that you have actually read it.
Woody'sGirl said:
I personally thought the "compromise" was stupid. I'm w/the Chargers here. You're either here or you're not. Right now, he's not. I think they should go ahead and work on the contract. Cuz he's not coming in unless they change the injury protection language.

I also agree with the Chargers that the compromise was idiotic.

However, though I've come down on Merriman before, I'm beginning to see his point. The Chargers can go to Hel1 with their "it was good enough for other draftees" argument. All it will take is one guy getting jobbed for the whole thing to come crashing down on them. Why write special language in your camp agreement to job your own draftees? Great way to build faith, SD.
thats7 said:


You elluded to the fact that the standard language is so generic that it's laughable. I have never seen this but I took you to mean that you have actually read it.

No sir.....I was speaking of the comment made by the organization. Nothing what-so-ever of the language format in the contract. I wouldn't even know where to begin to comment about that. I stay away from the contract gig and it's peripherals. They do what they do, whether I like it or not.
thats7 said:
No sir.....I was speaking of the comment made by the organization. Nothing what-so-ever of the language format in the contract. I wouldn't even know where to begin to comment about that. I stay away from the contract gig and it's peripherals. They do what they do, whether I like it or not.

I' m so confused.

SilverStarCowboy said:

"The Chargers maintain their protection agreement has been standard through the years and was good enough for the team's other draftees."

Read my first post. A response to the above written, which was the thread.
You cats are drifting.
thats7 said:
"The Chargers maintain their protection agreement has been standard through the years and was good enough for the team's other draftees."

Read my first post. A response to the above written, which was the thread.
You cats are drifting.

thats7 said:
No sir.....I was speaking of the comment made by the organization. Nothing what-so-ever of the language format in the contract. I wouldn't even know where to begin to comment about that. I stay away from the contract gig and it's peripherals. They do what they do, whether I like it or not.

Sorry, I miss understood.

Well, all I can say is that without actually reading what his contained, I can't say that it is or is not BS on behalf of the chargers.

Two things though. If we can believe what is reported, there lanuage is simular to most other teams. Everybody else gets there players signed. I just can't believe the Postons are so much smarter then the Drew Rosenhouse's or the Lee Steinberg's of the world. Why would these other agents just look the other way on this if it were so risky? Doesn't make sense.
This is one of those "we've got nothing to talk about so we'll debate something we don't have all the facts on" threads. I wish we did know for a fact that whatever the Postons are complaining about is bogus, because I'd be as happy as the next guy to hate on them and Merriman. So please, someone get the real scoop on this. Until then, wake me when this thread is over.
DLCassidy said:
This is one of those "we've got nothing to talk about so we'll debate something we don't have all the facts on" threads. I wish we did know for a fact that whatever the Postons are complaining about is bogus, because I'd be as happy as the next guy to hate on them and Merriman. So please, someone get the real scoop on this. Until then, wake me when this thread is over.

How 'bout we just let ya sleep. ABQ has valid statements. He fully obliges the fact that there is no substantial substance to this and is simply stating that fact. Which is the only fact......Jack.
Maybe I'm wearing rose-colored glasses on this since I'm a Terps and Merriman fan (I am NOT really keen on him dropping his first agent and signing with these 2 jackasses), but there are several articles on that deal with the Merriman-Chargers debate. I read most of them, and found some interesting quotes in there from others. Check out the full articles, since it sheds a little more light on the situation. I just pulled out a couple of the more relevant statements.
An article in this week's SportsBusiness Journal quotes NFL Players Association officials indicating Merriman and Poston are not being unreasonable.

"The player is fully within his rights not to attend a minicamp," NFLPA General Counsel Richard Berthelsen is quoted as saying. "And in fact he is doing the responsible thing by showing a concern about what he would be paid if he got hurt in the minicamp."

Mark Levin, the NFLPA's director of salary cap and agent administration, told the publication the language of the Chargers' agreement is unique.

"I can't say if it is good language or bad language," Levin said. "But it is different than that of 21 other teams I have looked at."
An agent not involved in the standoff said last night the verbiage indeed needs to be reworked – while acknowledging he allowed his client to attend last weekend's rookie minicamp anyway.

"This is a relationship business and there has to be some trust on both sides," the agent said, speaking on the condition of anonymity. "In our course of history with the Chargers, they stepped up when we had a player go down at a rookie minicamp. But the language does need to be changed. It's totally messed up.

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