Micah: By the end of the year you're gonna say we put a good defense together

Is he willing put money on that claim? I'll put a grand up against him that they won't. How about it, Micah? I know you guys read this forum and Twitter during the games. .
He wipes his butt with a grand! Lol...

Depends some on whether Lawrence, Bland, Lewis and even Kneeland return and the rest stay healthy. I don't think it can be great because of the DTs, but it's easy to say that it should be better.
I would love to see a total incentive-based pay scale in this league.
Since the focus has been always about player stats than restructure a salary cap based solely on stats.
It would immediately shut up a lot of the Divas.
Besides health one of the bigger obstacles they have to overcome is how terrible the offense will be moving forward. They will be put in a lot of bad spots and on the field far too often.
At least wait for them to suck before layout out the excuses. You will have your chance to defend them.

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