A young, hungry player with unlimited potential...man, is he on the wrong team. A couple years he will be completely void of spirit, or he'll have serious attitude problems. He'll certainly get no proper coaching here.
So true. I can only hope that he doesn't become a product of the me first entitled environment while not winning a darn thing culture in place here.
It's gonna take massive intestinal fortitude to overcome his surroundings.
I just hope we're not witnessing another play impressively enough to get paid handsomely on a second contract scenario. And then kinda coast and go through the motions for a few years and maybe midway thru that 2nd contract say company line things to make us think he's ready to ball again.
We've seen that movie with Dak, Tank and Zeke.
Hope springs eternal in Micah's situation being different. I wish him the best.