Micah's Podcast

I know it's an easy distraction to point to when we lose, but I genuinely don't understand the frustration people have with Micah having a podcast. The Kelce brothers had one weekly when both were playing, and both brothers were considered the best at their position in the league. If I remember correctly half the team and coaches had a radio show when we were actually winning in the 90's. What's the big deal? I know in today's social media age it creates a higher likelihood that something he says can get spun and become a distraction, but if he has free time and wants to use it that way, then who cares?

Seems like the macho, tough guy attitude with some is that every player should be focused on nothing but football 24/7 until we win a Super Bowl. To me, that is neither realistic, nor healthy. I operate at a pretty high capacity in my career, and part of what enables me to do my job at a high level is a healthy work/life balance. When I'm at work I am focused and (usually) am at the top of my game, but that is due in large part to being able to relax and decompress at the end of the day. If I were working 80 hours a week and focusing on nothing but my job my lack of happiness and rest would certainly impact my work product negatively. The same must be true for anyone, particularly athletes. Seems like all of the replies to anything he says are just tough guy remarks about the podcast, and I just don't think it's a big deal.
It's nothing wrong with it, people and fans and the media just wants to have somebody to hate

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