yes , but just because there are worse teams, and coaches, doesnt mean we cant
criticize the cowboys.
There are also many teams who are doing way better than the cowboys last 5-10 years.
Not really ,
I mean when it's really a common occurrence ,
you just picking on the Jones family it's just more of the pitchfork and torch crowd just complaining more,
it literally is more common for players to end up on teams that allegedly waste their career, it happens there are not many teams winning championships, I hate to break it to you there are a lot of Hall of Fame players that never even played in the Super bowl, it just happens, now there's more movement now where a guy like DeMarcus Ware finally went and got his ring elsewhere, but that doesn't usually happen and they usually chase the money..
It's their own fault that they stay on their teams, why do you think Martin stayed here for a couple extra contracts instead of just left same with tyron Smith just stayed stop having empathy for players who made their own choices and right now!!
you see that with a player who came right out and complained he wanted to be on a winning team he wanted to be traded they handed him $40 million he stayed that's miles Garrett, that's a hypocrite, I don't have any empathy for players like him he'll go down as one of the best pass rushers in the history of the NFL that never played for a championship, unless it happens late in his career..
I mean if you think about it Matthew Stafford nearly had that happen but he ended up leaving and going to the Rams he got lucky but his counterparts in Megatron and Barry Sanders never really sniffed the championship,
nobody feels bad for them,
they took the money, they stayed and that's just normal...
that's more normal than what you're suggesting so you can criticize whoever you want but I'm bringing common sense in this conversation saying it's getting old because when you bring up a subject when it seems like you're nitpicking our ownership when it's normal across sports the entire landscape of sports have players that end up on teams that just never them rings but they choose to stay especially in the NFL..
Like I said, times are changing there are more player movement, but if this was such a negative thing for the players, they would move more often!!!!
Why would they sign new deals, why did Prescott sign his third deal here?
he could have got the same money elsewhere, lamb same thing, I mean this continues you see something the players do not they all want a ring but when they're drafted and they're and they like their teams.. they like most of their fan base, they remain.... and yet you're choosing to be a representative them to protest and to complain when it really is not necessary because we're about to watch it happen again.. we watched OSA just sign a new deal we seen Trayvon diggs here, we're gonna see Michael Parsons stay here, So apparently it's not such a big deal..
but you're making it a big deal so you can further protest the front office you don't understand that that's what people see when people start becoming complainers 24/7 it's all some of you all do and it gets old and tiresome because this is normal it's more normal than you think....
If this place was such a mess and the culture you guys described which I get it because of the lack of championship games but this was so bad and Jerry was so hard to work for and our coaching staff was such clowns and our culture was actually losing which is actually not regular season win percentage is much better than a lot of teams then why are players staying?!!
there are literally more staying till the end of their careers, don't give me tank his words on his way out that's called being butthurt, the man was here 11 years he was part of the issue, he's gone, he made some words on his way out, but other players are signing new deals, more players are staying then leaving, if they were drafted here and become stars the likelihood they stay they do not go, explain why they stay if it's as bad as what fans are trying to imply?!!