Video: Michael Irvin may know something about Deion and the Cowboys

You’re delusional if you think Jerry won’t meddle. Deion might be the only person on earth with a bigger ego than Jerry. That relationship will last 9 months, tops.
Not delusional and indidmt say he WOULDNT i said be less likely to as much as he has done! That's your opinion and your entitled to it. They said the same about Parcells ( regardless why it happened)
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Hiring someone like Deion will only prove once and for all where Jerry's priorities lie. If the focus is on trying to win something you look at a Ben Johnson type. If the goal is to keep the circus atmosphere rolling along you bring in Deion.

Personally, after 52 years of being a fan of the Dallas Cowboys, I think I may have finally reached the end of the line. Depending who Jerry brings in I might find myself at the breaking point. I might finally reach the point where I say "I hate the Dallas Cowboys", and the only person to blame for it will be Jerry friggin' Jones.

Hiring Deion could end up being the worst HC hire in the history of the NFL. Worse than Jason Garrett, Chip Kelly, Steve Spurrier, or Urban Meyer
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Mike knows Deion, for sure. He's got some insight into this.

Part of me thinks he's just hyping the idea to help Deion get more $ from Colorado. But it's hard to see how that benefits Jerry. Sure, you get in the news--but to float a guy like Deion, who basically everyone is excited about (albeit for different reasons), and come away with a Moore or Zimmer would be a huge letdown and misfire.

I hope it happens. I really do. Good or bad, it will be interesting. And who knows, maybe the team would have an identity again.
The circus isn’t going anywhere! If Jerry won’t change then how and when will he execute a solid plan of action?
I guess that's my point. Lol. That's why I don't get excited about anything until I actually see some signs of long-term change. Until then, I have the sit and wait type of mentality. Have to admit, not the best place to be as a fan. Lol.
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I can't wait to see Deion's reaction when Jerry snatches the trophy out of his hands as the confetti falls around them.
I guess that's my point. Lol. That's why I don't get excited about anything until I actually see some signs of long-term change. Until then, I have the sit and wait type of mentality. Have to admit, not the best place to be as a fan. Lol.
I agree. I’m at a crossroads as a fan of this team and we’ll see what Jerry does with this decision and the offseason. Interest has been waning for awhile. Sit and wait is all we got because it never amounts to anything!
I do not believe Jerry will all of a sudden change with Deion. It's way more likely Deion changes than Jerry. Jerry will never change. Period. He has never changed yet and he will not.

The circus atmosphere that all fans are upset about is exactly what this hire would bring. As a fan, if you were upset about the story and fans and the tours, then you should rethink this hire because the tours will be so much worse. If you are upset about Micah having a podcast, then you should rethink this hire because will bring more of that type of thinking.

Look, I get it. In some ways for some people it is an exciting time and it brings a lot of hope that a new coach will be hired change the 30 years of mediocrity but at some point we have to stop falling for the same thing over and over. I refuse to get excited before I actually SEE something different. That means in practice and also in results. My intention is never to "crap all over" any of the fans ideas or excitement. My beef is not with any of the fans or posters. My frustrations are always directed towards the top of the organization and their lack development and execution of a sound plan of action. H

My excitement over this hire would actually be based on it feeing different.

Like I was saying before I've become accustomed to retreads.

I dont necessarily expect or hope for wholesale changes. My hope would be Deion doesn't back down and is able to at least get compromise from Jerry. I would hope he's at least got the gumption to point out a guy like Zeke is washed and we need to go get a running back etc.

Prime isn't my first choice, but I wouldn't be mad. At this point the bar is so low I'm just happy to see we aren't relying on KM or Zimmer.

I do wonder if we got a coach like Prime would we actually utilize free agency?
Michael is absolutely correct, this is a critical point for Jerry! Sure he’ll make his money, but if winning is any kind of priority, this decision is a big one!
Maybe its just the Cowboys fan coming out of him and he is trying to talk this into existence but man this show was interesting.

Well its a boom or bust hiring so I am down with it.
I really don't want another retread with no ceiling, like Zimmer.
I'm down with it!. I think half our fans and media don't want it because of telhe media uproar but I tho know he's fully capable of putting together althenright STAFF! He won't be the OC and DC. The HC is to lead these men and staff and HE can do that. Plus Jerry respects him enough I believe he wouldn't step.on his toes as much especially at Jerry's old age
I think that's one thing I can get behind.
Deion, you are the HC - just lead and demand respect.
Let your coaches do the rest.
Heck, it might work - would be interesting to say the least.

Still think somehow his son ends up part of this if he comes. Have no clue how but just seems like they are a package deal.

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