Michael Irvin tells the greatest stories!

I'm currently rereading Boys will be boys (up to the 92 superbowl so far) and it just always amazes me the stuff these guys would do....if this happened today can you imagine the media fall out?
yep listening to him is like listening to Bill Russell commentate a basketball game.
Yea, Emmitt's holdout was because he felt too feminine.

I mean come on.

From what I've read it wasn't a holdout. Emmitt had played out his contract. He's not going to take the field if he's not getting paid.
The way social media is now the whole team would be suspended before we could finish with training camp. :laugh:

Not to mention the rules now if they had to be implemented against Larry Allen, Erik Williams, Kevin Gogan, Mark Tuinei and Nate Newton...all were mean uglies.. with Stepnoski as the choirboy of the group. Talk about enforcers. That offensive line played very offensive, but oh so good together.
I can tell why he's still a football broadcaster/commentator when many other players have fallen by the wayside.

He just told a story about Super Bowl week and how Big E (Erik Williams) missed a team meeting after being out all night. The penalty was not playing the upcoming game. "The rule was if you miss meetings or practice, you don't play PERIOD!" Irvin says.

He says Williams stumbles in at the end of the meeting

"Big E walks in and Jimmy was so hot and he was like 'listen, we know the rules, the rules are the rules. This is how we get here. We follow the rules.' And the room was dead quiet, man. And all of a sudden Jimmy says, 'But I'm no dummy! We'll take this up after the Super Bowl. Big E get ready to play.' And the room erupted, and I knew right then we would win that Super Bowl just from that one moment. We needed that big fellow. He was the anchor on our offensive line. That was a great Super Bowl. That was the moment I remember saying 'okay, now we will win.'"


I love that Irvin told that story. He knows how to spin a tale.


Throw him some snow and he'll talk you to death.
I'm currently rereading Boys will be boys (up to the 92 superbowl so far) and it just always amazes me the stuff these guys would do....if this happened today can you imagine the media fall out?
Great book. A lot of insight into the personalities of those teams.

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