Mike and the Maddog are conceding


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FCBarca;1911793 said:
Better still, some could simply man up and accept defeats with the same kind of maturity that comes with winning.

Spin, it seems so many people get addicted to seeing things the way they want to, not the way they are. :p:
You'll find yourself a lot less stressed out when you stop dictating to people how they should conduct themselves


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FCBarca;1911793 said:
Better still, some could simply man up and accept defeats with the same kind of maturity that comes with winning.

Spin, it seems so many people get addicted to seeing things the way they want to, not the way they are. :p:

Giants won. Yes.

They didnt stop us. We stopped ourselves. Their was no great pressure on Crayton... actually there was none at all. He let the Giants off the hook. (Denny Green) "We let'em off da hook"


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YoMick;1911802 said:
Giants won. Yes.

They didnt stop us. We stopped ourselves. Their was no great pressure on Crayton... actually there was none at all. He let the Giants off the hook. (Denny Green) "We let'em off da hook"

Come on...You really want to play this game?...You know how many times losing teams claim they were the 'better team'?...Happens nearly every game in every sport and what does it accomplish?...Does it change the result?...Does it give you solace?...Or perhaps does it sound like sour grapes?

I think you have to take losses just like you do wins, some come out better than others and some don't...Boys had no business winning that Buffalo game but they did...Giants weren't the better team if we played them 7 times, Dallas would win most of them in all likelihood...But on Sunday and in the playoffs, Dallas lost...They had everything in their favor except momentum and they blew it....It's over, let's move on.

Let's refocus on next year, the draft, free agency etc.

I just can't understand how this argument of 'we were better' really matters...Dallas lost, better or not.


Have a Good Day Pilgrims
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I just want to put in my 2 cents , my opinion of what I saw was a team that panicked in the second half.

Not throwing blame around, tho there was alot to throw, but it's the first time this year I saw Them really looked panicked.

The last drive was hard to watch. They had been in that position many times this year and looked calm cool and collective , this time they certainly looked flustered.

The Vac. deal may not have been directly one of the causes but I think all the BS about it made Romo and the rest press a little.

Again, just my opinion.;)


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windward;1911798 said:
You'll find yourself a lot less stressed out when you stop dictating to people how they should conduct themselves

I suppose if I lived in Fantasy land then it'd be a lot less stressful too


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FCBarca;1911812 said:
Come on...You really want to play this game?...You know how many times losing teams claim they were the 'better team'?...Happens nearly every game in every sport and what does it accomplish?...Does it change the result?...Does it give you solace?...Or perhaps does it sound like sour grapes?

I think you have to take losses just like you do wins, some come out better than others and some don't...Boys had no business winning that Buffalo game but they did...Giants weren't the better team if we played them 7 times, Dallas would win most of them in all likelihood...But on Sunday and in the playoffs, Dallas lost...They had everything in their favor except momentum and they blew it....It's over, let's move on.

Let's refocus on next year, the draft, free agency etc.

I just can't understand how this argument of 'we were better' really matters...Dallas lost, better or not.

No it makes defeat that much harder to swallow knowing you had the better team but failed to do the job. When Dallas lost in 94 to the 9ers I knew we were the better team but we made too many mistakes and it cost us the game. I do think this Cowboys team was better than the Giants but we made the mistake and they didn't. I take nothing away from the Giants they are a good team.


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Doomsday101;1911824 said:
No it makes defeat that much harder to swallow knowing you had the better team but failed to do the job. When Dallas lost in 94 to the 9ers I knew we were the better team but we made too many mistakes and it cost us the game. I do think this Cowboys team was better than the Giants but we made the mistake and they didn't. I take nothing away from the Giants they are a good team.

I'm never going to concede Dallas wasn't the 'better' team, but they lost...There's only scoreboard when it comes down to it.

I just find it unsportsmanlike to carry on and on about who was better when the game is over...Sometimes you have to accept defeat, regardless of who was 'better'...Seems when it comes to sports the respect in defeat is harder to internalize than in success


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Doomsday101;1911824 said:
No it makes defeat that much harder to swallow knowing you had the better team but failed to do the job. When Dallas lost in 94 to the 9ers I knew we were the better team but we made too many mistakes and it cost us the game. I do think this Cowboys team was better than the Giants but we made the mistake and they didn't. I take nothing away from the Giants they are a good team.
yep, that's why they coined the term upset. It's when the better team loses.


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CATCH17;1911649 said:
Our players played so good all season to have it all taken away in 4 hours.

So you missed all the month of December? Lucky you!


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FCBarca;1911830 said:
I'm never going to concede Dallas wasn't the 'better' team, but they lost...There's only scoreboard when it comes down to it.

I just find it unsportsmanlike to carry on and on about who was better when the game is over...Sometimes you have to accept defeat, regardless of who was 'better'...Seems when it comes to sports the respect in defeat is harder to internalize than in success

I agree it was a loss and it does make it harder because many felt we were the better team but on sunday the Giants did what they had to do to win the game. I have no excuses for the Cowboys and tip my hat to the Giants.


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windward;1911831 said:
yep, that's why they coined the term upset. It's when the better team loses.

I agree and this franchise has been on both ends of the spectrum when it comes to the upset. The people I feel for is the players and the coaches these are the people who back in Feb where at Valley Ranch hitting the weights and putting in the work, they are the ones who went through the training camp, putting in the long hours only to get this far and walk away like this hurts then of course they deal with the day after crucifying that we see taking place. That is the way it goes


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FCBarca;1911812 said:
Come on...You really want to play this game?...You know how many times losing teams claim they were the 'better team'?...Happens nearly every game in every sport and what does it accomplish?...Does it change the result?...Does it give you solace?...Or perhaps does it sound like sour grapes?

I think you have to take losses just like you do wins, some come out better than others and some don't...Boys had no business winning that Buffalo game but they did...Giants weren't the better team if we played them 7 times, Dallas would win most of them in all likelihood...But on Sunday and in the playoffs, Dallas lost...They had everything in their favor except momentum and they blew it....It's over, let's move on.

Let's refocus on next year, the draft, free agency etc.

I just can't understand how this argument of 'we were better' really matters...Dallas lost, better or not.

All I can say is..... "Thank you for making my point"


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YoMick;1911618 said:
that the Giants got away with one in Dallas.

They have both stated that Dallas didnt have their A-game.

Meh... Just reporting from NY.

They were also the same clowns who said how the officials screwed over the Giants, big time, in our meeting in The Meadowlands.

Bottom line, we lost.

BTW-Green Bay ain't no world beater either-they just happened to beat a VERY bad Seattle team at home. The Giants' run game could give the Cheeseheads fits.


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Boysboy;1911882 said:
They were also the same clowns who said how the officials screwed over the Giants, big time, in our meeting in The Meadowlands.

Bottom line, we lost.

BTW-Green Bay ain't no world beater either-they just happened to beat a VERY bad Seattle team at home. The Giants' run game could give the Cheeseheads fits.

Favre had to gain some of his youth just on the sole knowledge of Dallas losing to the Giants. We were in his head. He saw Dallas as a losing proposition. He just about said so. He see's the Giants as a stepping stone to SB.

I hope he wins and retires.

Packers are going to the SuperBowl. Former Giants RB Grant should bust them up pretty good...


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Had Galloway or Hansen thrown some love to an opponent after a narrow Dallas win, they'd be vilified as "mediots" and "haters." Mike and the Mad Dog? They get a pass. Just another day in la la land.
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They did enough to win, bottom line... Dallas is the one that didn't do enough be playing come this Sunday. :cry:


Kind of a depressing first post...
However, I don't think you can say Dallas isn't the better team (for sure). They beat the Giants twice this year. This game came down to horrible penalties, terrible gaffes, and an opponent who played well and mistake free.
I like the comparison to the 94 49er game. We spotted a good team too many points to recover from.
It is a painful way to lose.


The Duke
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CigarCutter;1912080 said:
Kind of a depressing first post...
However, I don't think you can say Dallas isn't the better team (for sure). They beat the Giants twice this year. This game came down to horrible penalties, terrible gaffes, and an opponent who played well and mistake free.
I like the comparison to the 94 49er game. We spotted a good team too many points to recover from.
It is a painful way to lose.
:welcome: to the Zone. Love the avatar.