Video: MIke Fisher - Dalton Cheap Shot Shows What Drives Cowboys - Nothing


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Anyone trying to blame McCarthy or trying to say the team would have reacted if it was Dak are simply making excuses for what was obvious on the field yesterday:

the Dallas Cowboys are a heartless, soulless, balless team who care nothing about their TEAM but rather only about themselves as individuals.
That’s not making excuses that’s just my opinion. Whether they reacted yesterday or not means nothing. They’ve shown who they are long before yesterday.


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Dalton, he just gave his body up for this team. And you are talking about they don’t look at him as one of them. Lol. I don’t look at any of those guys as Dallas Cowboys just a bunch of frauds out there. Check collecting losers.
It’s just facts. If they looked at him as a Cowboy they would’ve done something. They stink. They are playing worse with Dalton than they did with Dak. They don’t care anymore.

Kevin T

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This season is turning into the Pre-Jimmy era. No discipline, no heart, almost no wins. Can't see this team winning another game this season.


Go Seahawks!!!
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But wasn't that a legal hit at the time? Can you really get angry at a legal hit?
For the record, I thought it was a clean hit and should still be legal. That said, it wasn't penalized but he was fined for it after review. Lee mentioned he was fine with the hit but he was upset at the celebration. I know the Cowboys didn't respond though.


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I have never seen a coach lose his team so quickly and I have never seen a team play hard for a coach after quitting on him. There is no way for MM to recover from this and still be respected by the players. They don’t respect him now and I doubt that they ever have. The players sure haven’t bought into Nolan or his defensive scheme and their level of play has reflected that.

Yep completely agreed..

The Fonz

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Maybe Andy's motivation should be justified by his own play too.....don't you think? I never saw the Pistol do that in Cincy.....just wondering. He should have been in KMoore's face a bit too. Andy's play looked more like a rookies that a vet before the cheap shot. And no, he didn't deserve the cheap shot and someone not rallying to him....says too much.
At Least he is can't tell me all the coaches we have are clueless maybe it is the players


Beyond tired of Jerry
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To be fair, Big Mac is used to the unwavering adulation of the few, subservient members of the press who covered him while he coached the Packers.

The M.O. of that group of Green Bay lifers is to uncritically regurgitate whatever narratives the organization feeds them.

When Big Mac's schtick became too stale for even the Packer organization to ignore any longer and the press finally began questioning Big Mac's coaching acumen, his prickly response was to lecture the assembled rubes as follows: "Let's just state the facts: I'm a highly successful NFL head coach."

Wow, what an arrogant putz. I wasn't excited about the hire when it happened but the more I learn about "Big Mike" it's easier to see why he'd appeal to the Joneses.


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Im dying to know what happened that made mike fisher hate McCarthy. McCarthy is really miserable with the local guys here and I bet fisher took offense to it and is now on a daily mission to talk crap about him. Its pretty hilarious.

McCarthy was extremely rude and miserable to Brad Sham in the coaches segment of the pregame show in week 2. It was kind of odd how rude he was to Brad. He seems to have relaxed around Brad since then.
Maybe Mike Fisher knows a fraud when he see one. MM is a guy who told Peter King that he was reinventing himself going over old plays and looking at what works in todays NFL. Think about that. You reinvent yourself and then let Kellen Moore call the plays for you? What was the purpose of doing all the work of proving the naysayers wrong that the game hasn't past you bye.
I'm a little overweight now but if I go to the gym and let someone else workout for me I'll be in shape in no time at all.


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Maybe Mike Fisher knows a fraud when he see one. MM is a guy who told Peter King that he was reinventing himself going over old plays and looking at what works in todays NFL. Think about that. You reinvent yourself and then let Kellen Moore call the plays for you? What was the purpose of doing all the work of proving the naysayers wrong that the game hasn't past you bye.

Excellent point.

To expound, why would Peter King putt out a puff piece about Big Mac studyin' up in his barn right before the 202\19 NFL coaching vacancies were about to open up?

Whyr such a positive article about a coach who got NO offers after he was fired PRIOR to the completion of the 2018 season?

I hope you're not insinuating that King might trade a glowing, if misrepresentative, review of Big Mac's coaching abilities and efforts to catch up to the realities of the modern NFL in exchange for later INSIDE ACCESS/INFORMATION (from McCarthy and his agent) if/when Big Mac got hired, because that surely would never happen.
