Missouri governor shortens DWI sentence of Britt Reid | AP News


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Just makes me sick to see anyone that was driving drunk and caused injury or death and they treat him with kid gloves


the POS should spend life in prison since the reports are that the little girl will never be normal because of what he did
she is serving a life sentence because of what he did; so he should serve one as well


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CowboysZone LOYAL Fan
Disgusting ......... When this idiot kills someone I hope the Governor is held accountable


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Good to see condemnation here. If he was a Cowboy this thread would be full of defenders
I had no use for Josh Brent that killed his friend in a drunk driving accident I wanted him in jail for a long time
While I think there are some POS's here that care nothing for anyone or anything except winning football games that is only a minority


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Well when you lose someone to a drunk driver, this stuff pisses you off. Drunk Drivers should be thrown under jail. No excuse!!! The judges that are lenient never lost a loved one and probably drink and drive themseves.


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Before we get the torches and pitchforks out, has anyone actually verified the govonors story as to exactly why the sentence was commuted?

I know nothing about Missouri DWI convictions and incarceration, but I did find that if you are convicted of killing someone by drunk driving, Missouri is one of the more lenient states in the entire US per minimum and maximum time allowed by state law.

All things considered, I have little doubt as sad as the story is, the family is being well taken care of by the Hunt family vs if someone else would have hit them monetarily wise to take care of the little girl injured. I'm not condoning drunk driving, but your own state has guidlines per length of sentence.


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Before we get the torches and pitchforks out, has anyone actually verified the govonors story as to exactly why the sentence was commuted?

I know nothing about Missouri DWI convictions and incarceration, but I did find that if you are convicted of killing someone by drunk driving, Missouri is one of the more lenient states in the entire US per minimum and maximum time allowed by state law.

All things considered, I have little doubt as sad as the story is, the family is being well taken care of by the Hunt family vs if someone else would have hit them monetarily wise to take care of the little girl injured. I'm not condoning drunk driving, but your own state has guidlines per length of sentence.
so its all about money, eh?
always someone wanting to find excuses for POS's that do things like this


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so its all about money, eh?
always someone wanting to find excuses for POS's that do things like this
Do you honestly think that the Justice system doesn't work on exactly what kind of lawyer you can or can't afford?

I knew a man charged killing his wife. Guy just happened to have money. The reality is it was proven in court that a lot of the states key evidence that came from within thier own department really screwed up the evidence. Guy was found not guilty (he had claimed self defense from day one). It was only because he could afford "expert testimony" by some good laywers (who were not cheap) that the state ended up firing a couple of guys in their investigation department for screwing up. Take a guy who couldn't afford that kind of a defense, and NO WAY would the same guy be walking free.

That said, you missed my point about money pertaining to this incident.


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CowboysZone ULTIMATE Fan
I happen to think MOST injury and fatalities are absolutely preventable. Is there really and difference between wreckless/inattentive drivers and drunks? Not if you are a victim or family.
Something happens to the human brain when it commands a death machine.


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Do you honestly think that the Justice system doesn't work on exactly what kind of lawyer you can or can't afford?

I knew a man charged killing his wife. Guy just happened to have money. The reality is it was proven in court that a lot of the states key evidence that came from within thier own department really screwed up the evidence. Guy was found not guilty (he had claimed self defense from day one). It was only because he could afford "expert testimony" by some good laywers (who were not cheap) that the state ended up firing a couple of guys in their investigation department for screwing up. Take a guy who couldn't afford that kind of a defense, and NO WAY would the same guy be walking free.

That said, you missed my point about money pertaining to this incident.
and you missed the real point about justice
your rather pathetic lecture about money might be interesting to the very young and uninformed but anyone over thirty has already figured that out if they have a brain at all


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Do you honestly think that the Justice system doesn't work on exactly what kind of lawyer you can or can't afford?

I knew a man charged killing his wife. Guy just happened to have money. The reality is it was proven in court that a lot of the states key evidence that came from within thier own department really screwed up the evidence. Guy was found not guilty (he had claimed self defense from day one). It was only because he could afford "expert testimony" by some good laywers (who were not cheap) that the state ended up firing a couple of guys in their investigation department for screwing up. Take a guy who couldn't afford that kind of a defense, and NO WAY would the same guy be walking free.

That said, you missed my point about money pertaining to this incident.
Worked in the system 20 years. It is about the money most times. Also, attorney's are too quick to resolve cases too many times damn the guilt or innocent. Stats run the system. Move the case. Lot of pressure from system to speed the case resolution.


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Worked in the system 20 years. It is about the money most times. Also, attorney's are too quick to resolve cases too many times damn the guilt or innocent. Stats run the system. Move the case. Lot of pressure from system to speed the case resolution.
we do not have a justice system; simple as that
we have a system of laws

the punishment should fit the crime and most of the time that does not happen
here we have someone that willingly drank and drove and sentenced a young girl for life; he should be sentenced to life himself
THAT is justice


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Worked in the system 20 years. It is about the money most times. Also, attorney's are too quick to resolve cases too many times damn the guilt or innocent. Stats run the system. Move the case. Lot of pressure from system to speed the case resolution.
I completely agree with you.

I will add that attorney's decisions on how they will handle the case is generally determined on what they're being paid vs "market value".

Working for the state, you're paid flat rate via salary. Working for the defendant the state is going after, you're paid hourly.


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and you missed the real point about justice
your rather pathetic lecture about money might be interesting to the very young and uninformed but anyone over thirty has already figured that out if they have a brain at all
Exactly how did I miss the "real point" about justice in the United States?

Fact is, be it shoplifting, speeding or the death of someone, it all comes down to how much you can pay your legal team with you being the defendant.


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we do not have a justice system; simple as that
we have a system of laws

the punishment should fit the crime and most of the time that does not happen
here we have someone that willingly drank and drove and sentenced a young girl for life; he should be sentenced to life himself
THAT is justice
We do have a justice system. That system works within the system of laws set forth and written.

Actually, I'll disagree with your comment about the punishment not fitting the crime.

Reality is a lot of people don't have money, they are given a public defender, and the defendant is spit out via punishment via the "wheels of Justice".

EVERYONE knows about Reids DUI issue. Why? Because he makes news, and news sells.

Exactly how many people have been hit by a drunk driver and no ONE knows about it bceause either the palintiff or defendant wasn't "newsworth" other than you local BFE newspaper on online version of that newspaper?

Our justice system isn't perfect by far, but overall in the world, it's acatually not bad exactly due to our rights.


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We do have a justice system. That system works within the system of laws set forth and written.

Actually, I'll disagree with your comment about the punishment not fitting the crime.

Reality is a lot of people don't have money, they are given a public defender, and the defendant is spit out via punishment via the "wheels of Justice".

EVERYONE knows about Reids DUI issue. Why? Because he makes news, and news sells.

Exactly how many people have been hit by a drunk driver and no ONE knows about it bceause either the palintiff or defendant wasn't "newsworth" other than you local BFE newspaper on online version of that newspaper?

Our justice system isn't perfect by far, but overall in the world, it's acatually not bad exactly due to our rights.
Our justice system isn't functioning the way it was intended to function, and agencies aren't functioning the way they should be functioning. This isn't 1980, 90 anymore. If you did the crime you did to time back then. Now if you do the crime depending on your looks, or who you vote for, or donate to, seems to play a bigger factor in your punishment.


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I completely agree with you.

I will add that attorney's decisions on how they will handle the case is generally determined on what they're being paid vs "market value".

Working for the state, you're paid flat rate via salary. Working for the defendant the state is going after, you're paid hourly.
You know it well!!