Mixed martial artist guilty of ripping out friend's heart, tongue


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Umm. Yeah.

Let me say this. MMA is fine to learn for health and protection, but this so called sport is completely ignorant. It isn't a sport at all. It's legalized brutality. Only a Mongoloid would participate is such idiocy.


A Northern California mixed-martial artist accused of ripping out his friend's heart and removing his tongue while the two were on hallucinogenic drugs has pleaded guilty to murder and mayhem charges.

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Sam I Am;4716537 said:
Umm. Yeah.

Let me say this. MMA is fine to learn for health and protection, but this so called sport is completely ignorant. It isn't a sport at all. It's legalized brutality. Only a Mongoloid would participate is such idiocy.


A Northern California mixed-martial artist accused of ripping out his friend's heart and removing his tongue while the two were on hallucinogenic drugs has pleaded guilty to murder and mayhem charges.

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Then you must have the same feelings toward boxing, rugby and football? I spent years of my life doing MMA and wouldn't trade the experience for anything else.
This dude is one ****ed up person and he would probably done same thing even if he wasn't involved with MMA
I live by where that happened. Dominant news story
Sam I Am;4716537 said:
Umm. Yeah.

Let me say this. MMA is fine to learn for health and protection, but this so called sport is completely ignorant. It isn't a sport at all. It's legalized brutality. Only a Mongoloid would participate is such idiocy.


A Northern California mixed-martial artist accused of ripping out his friend's heart and removing his tongue while the two were on hallucinogenic drugs has pleaded guilty to murder and mayhem charges.

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I see both sides of it, to be honest. But with the garbage on TV nowadays it's nice to know you can turn on something where what you watch is REAL and isn't complete fluff, reality style TV garbage.

That may sound bad and if it does, oh well. Most of these athletes (Or fighters, whatever you want to call them) have a lot of respect for each other. It doesn't change the fact that they have people paying to watch a glorified dog fight but it is what it is.

I don't condemn the sport, because there are protection rules in place.
Sam I Am;4716537 said:
Umm. Yeah.

Let me say this. MMA is fine to learn for health and protection, but this so called sport is completely ignorant. It isn't a sport at all. It's legalized brutality. Only a Mongoloid would participate is such idiocy.


A Northern California mixed-martial artist accused of ripping out his friend's heart and removing his tongue while the two were on hallucinogenic drugs has pleaded guilty to murder and mayhem charges.

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guy gets *** on drugs and kills a guy but it is the sport that he participates in that is ignorant:rolleyes:
Sam I Am;4716537 said:
Umm. Yeah.

Let me say this. MMA is fine to learn for health and protection, but this so called sport is completely ignorant. It isn't a sport at all. It's legalized brutality. Only a Mongoloid would participate is such idiocy.

I really don't think Mongoloid is the word your looking for.
rkell87;4716934 said:
guy gets *** on drugs and kills a guy but it is the sport that he participates in that is ignorant:rolleyes:

Kids kill other kids because they listen to Marilyn Manson and Eminem.

I mean, if something as innocent as listening to music can drive a person to kill then a lifestyle of combat training is definitely going to do the job.

What was that you said about drugs?
lol, you'd have to be a complete clown to connect this story to the sport of MMA.

Plus, this is very old.
Sam I Am;4716537 said:
Umm. Yeah.

Let me say this. MMA is fine to learn for health and protection, but this so called sport is completely ignorant. It isn't a sport at all. It's legalized brutality. Only a Mongoloid would participate is such idiocy.


A Northern California mixed-martial artist accused of ripping out his friend's heart and removing his tongue while the two were on hallucinogenic drugs has pleaded guilty to murder and mayhem charges.

Complete Story

Compared to other athletes in other sports who ever never once been accused, arrested or charged with crimes.
I'm sure the drugs had nothing to do with this at all and he did it cause he's into MMA.

I could name countless sports that has more and more serious injuries so for all it's brutality it's fairly safe when put next to things like Football and Hockey
rkell87;4716934 said:
guy gets *** on drugs and kills a guy but it is the sport that he participates in that is ignorant:rolleyes:

Yeah pretty much true, even if I feel a little bit like Sam too. You have to understand some of these guys are just born violent in nature anyway and something constructive and organized like this sport actually helps to train their mind to be a better human being. I still will never watch it though.
basstapp;4716677 said:
Then you must have the same feelings toward boxing, rugby and football? I spent years of my life doing MMA and wouldn't trade the experience for anything else.

Not a big boxing fan either, but even so. There is a huge difference between boxing and the MMA.

I find is extremely lame that you bring up football. Football's intention isn't to harm another player. It's to score or and not be scored upon. You want to argue your point, fine. Just make sure you aren't trying to spew hyperbole to support your point. It won't work with me.
What does MMA have to do with the guy being on drugs and what happen. Was the guy that ate the other guys face an MMA guy on drugs, Hell what about the BTK serial killer was he an MMA guy.

I mean sick people do sick things and people on drugs tend to do sick things.

It is irrelevant to what they do for a living or if they trained or did not train.

What ever
rkell87;4716934 said:
guy gets *** on drugs and kills a guy but it is the sport that he participates in that is ignorant:rolleyes:

I'm guessing you were on drugs when you posted this since no where did I say it's the sports fault. Personally, MMA is IMO the best way to train martial arts. My issue is with the sport itself. To make a sport out of brutality is barbaric. We are not neandertals, though it seems some people do want to de-evolve back into neanderthal man.
Sam I Am;4717927 said:
Not a big boxing fan either, but even so. There is a huge difference between boxing and the MMA.

I find is extremely lame that you bring up football. Football's intention isn't to harm another player. It's to score or and not be scored upon. You want to argue your point, fine. Just make sure you aren't trying to spew hyperbole to support your point. It won't work with me.
From his home, watching the NFL games from his couch:
"Hyperbole, you say?" — Gregg Williams

~j/k~. I know what you mean... I do, and agree. Couldn't resist havin' some fun at GW's expense. :backs away: :)

masomenos;4716963 said:
I really don't think Mongoloid is the word your looking for.

You would be incorrect. Ghangus Khan was a Mongol and his brutality is well known.
Sam I Am;4717966 said:
I'm guessing you were on drugs when you posted this since no where did I say it's the sports fault. Personally, MMA is IMO the best way to train martial arts. My issue is with the sport itself. To make a sport out of brutality is barbaric. We are not neandertals, though it seems some people do want to de-evolve back into neanderthal man.

where did I say that you said it was the sports fault? If your issue is with the sport then why use this instance to make your stand? And how is running at one another full speed not barbaric?

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