MNF- Bills vs Bengals

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Looks like hit to chest stopped his heart when he got up. This has happened in baseball etc when someone is hit with a line drive in chest region. So sad! Unreal. I’m stunned. Cancel it
Because boxing's goal is for one boxer to knock out another. Football is not boxing.
We look for big hits. But when it involves a significant injury, no, the networks don't show that.
Boxing hurts more than football Yes it does I know
If they were able to revive him then they may continue. Otherwise end it.
I have to imagine if his life were in danger he wouldn’t still be on the field. I sincerely hope so anyway.
They said "they were seen giving him oxygen" on backboard as moved to ambulance

I don't think they "give you oxygen" if you aren't breathing.....I would think.

Maybe that's a good sign?

I heard CPR....and I started thinking the worst
This is horrible. I'm crying I can't imagine what his teammates and family/friends are feeling

I'm tearing up. And so are the studio people.
they should if they have any shred of humanity

Definitely, I'm not sure how the players can regroup. I remember with Euro 2020, Christian Erickson went down with a heart attack and survived. They played on after a while, but I don't know. I think the game should be postponed.
Hypertrophic cardiomyopathy to arrhythmia would be most likely. Like Reggie Lewis Either way just pray for the man
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