MNF- Bills vs Bengals

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show what..... the player collapse? Because we are watching the game. Why do boxing matches show a knock out over and over and over. we are not children. We are watching the game and want to see wth happen to the man.

Because boxing's goal is for one boxer to knock out another. Football is not boxing.
We look for big hits. But when it involves a significant injury, no, the networks don't show that.
Has to be cardiac related. He was able to get up and move before falling back down, I don’t think it’s a broken back/neck.

As mentioned in a previous post there is a defibrillator out there, signs are pointing to something in that realm. Let’s hope for the best, fingers crossed.
Administering CPR? I hope we didn't just witness a Chuck Hughes type of situation.
Cardiac arrhythmia possible….the way he just stood up after a not so hard hit and then just fell like a tree, syncope?
This is a nightmare. This is why the players are so disturbed and worried.

Because boxing's goal is for one boxer to knock out another. Football is not boxing.
We look for big hits. But when it involves a significant injury, no, the networks don't show that.
Don’t argue with the low life’s. They’ll never understand.
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