MNF - Deadskins vs Panthers Thread

this game is boring. I'm not up on the playoff seedings like I use to be so help me out guys. IMO we need the Seahags to host the Gnats and have a knock down, drag out afffair. (I would rather play the Giants, because I just think Seattle is a little nastier and more dangerous)Then the winner has to come to big D and play us the following week. this realistic? I'm thinking and hoping it is.
The 5 and 6 seed would need to win for that to happen. Possible, but unlikely.
I don't like Cam...never have since he and his Dad were on the take at Auburn. But I agree with him. Guy does take some cheap shots and that was one of them...that should be an EASY call IMO

You forget, this is the NFL that was losing ratings in a landslide.

They will do everything in their power to keep this game close for as long as possible.
I don't like Cam...never have since he and his Dad were on the take at Auburn. But I agree with him. Guy does take some cheap shots and that was one of them...that should be an EASY call IMO
It doesn't have anything to do with your feelings. The NFL is ratchet.