MNF - Eagles vs Chiefs

*rant on

This isn't Arena football. The last thing I want to see is every game played in a dome. Buffalo is building a new stadium and it's not a dome, because home field advantage. Minnesota building a dome was the dumbest thing they ever did. Frankly, I've never been crazy about the Cowboys moving into one.

Super Bowls are played in domes or warm regions because it's a week long party ultimately ending with a concert surrounded by football. It's about fan comfort.

*rant off
Weather should not determine outcomes of games. Skill should. Pass heavy teams will have a tougher time in rain and snow. Run heavy teams will excel. The better team doesn’t always have the best shot for their skill set. It should be equal across the league. Either all outside or all in domes.

Whether you think playing in the elements adds a home field advantage or not, it still results in sloppy football and more turnovers. Even for the home team.

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