Mom made to pay bill after son killed by drunk driver

Doomsday101;4603501 said:
Most people do not have issues with immigrants they have an issue with illegal immigrants. Those are 2 different issues. Yes all of our ancestors outside of Native Americans came from someplace else and I for one welcome anyone who wants to come to this country to make a better life I just expect they do so in a legal manner as many of them do.

I understand the point, we have the same argument up here to a lesser extent as unless it is an american draft dodger, most don't cross into Canada illegally although we do have our fair share.

Illegal migration has happened for millenia and I do always question why those of us already here many of whom descended from illegals then get to say this and that illegal can't stay.

Deep down I really don't give a crap because face it, illegals do the jobs we won't do, pick the fruit we won't, clean the crap out of mall toilets we won't, paint houses and cut lawns for cheap.

Unless and until you and I and others stop using the benefits of cheap illegal labour, it won't go away.
joseephuss;4603567 said:
Is this a common practice in that area? Have they passed on these bills to other families of people who were killed in traffic accidents?

probably have so it is probably a "by rote" bill.

I know up here, if you call for an ambulance, about six months later, like clockwork, you get a bill charging you for the use even if you are already dead.
CanadianCowboysFan;4603576 said:
I understand the point, we have the same argument up here to a lesser extent as unless it is an american draft dodger, most don't cross into Canada illegally although we do have our fair share.

Illegal migration has happened for millenia and I do always question why those of us already here many of whom descended from illegals then get to say this and that illegal can't stay.

Deep down I really don't give a crap because face it, illegals do the jobs we won't do, pick the fruit we won't, clean the crap out of mall toilets we won't, paint houses and cut lawns for cheap.

Unless and until you and I and others stop using the benefits of cheap illegal labour, it won't go away.

Sorry your wrong, illegal’s do jobs at a cheaper rate than most Americans will do it. I know many dry wall guys and other construction related fields who can't compete for jobs because they are under cut by illegals.

I understand the reasoning of coming to the US but there are proper procedures there is also work visa that you can apply for. We also end up paying a lot in their use of the public system such as the Hospital districts here in Harris County alone it cost our budget 600 million in 3 years.

You want to come to the US great I welcome anyone for another country to come here but we have laws and those laws need to be respected just as I would respect the law when I'm in another country.
Seven;4603488 said:
My dad carved plymouth rock, baby!! :cool:

So you ancestors were the original wetbacks huh.

As far as I'm concerned its karma for what the europeans did to the native population.
nyc-cowboy;4603595 said:
So you ancestors were the original wetbacks huh.

As far as I'm concerned its karma for what the europeans did to the native population.

Funny how the native population was doing it to each other before the settlers came to the US. No matter what country you are talking about there has always been conflicts where the strong dominated the weaker. You want to shame the US then shame the world including the Native Americans many tribes would invade kill and capture and take lands from others
Doomsday101;4603601 said:
Funny how the native population was doing it to each other before the settlers came to the US. No matter what country you are talking about there has always been conflicts where the strong dominated the weaker. You want to shame the US then shame the world including the Native Americans many tribes would invade kill and capture and take lands from others

And thats fine - its their business what they do on there own land - who is anyone to tell them what to do.
nyc-cowboy;4603607 said:
And thats fine - its their business what they do on there own land - who is anyone to tell them what to do.

They were not sharing it you had tribes go into other territories killing and capturing they were no different than the mean old Europeans who would come later, it is the way of the world like it or not so you can save the sob story. Man kind has done this since the beginning
Doomsday101;4603609 said:
They were not sharing it you had tribes go into other territories killing and capturing they were no different than the mean old Europeans who would come later, it is the way of the world like it or not so you can save the sob story. Man kind has done this since the beginning

True yes man's inhumanity to man doesn't surprise me, but it still don't make it right.
nyc-cowboy;4603611 said:
True yes man's inhumanity to man doesn't surprise me, but it still don't make it right.

Does not make it right? Of course not life it rough and life is not fair it is the way of the world. I deal with reality not fairy tales. If people want to make claims the others from across the ocean came to the new land and were mean fine that is true it is also true that many tribes were extremely cruel to other tribes using them as sacrifices and often just as a mean to take over areas of land. Be it in Europe, Asia, Africa or the the America’s it has always been that way
Doomsday101;4603614 said:
Does not make it right? Of course not life it rough and life is not fair it is the way of the world. I deal with reality not fairy tales. If people want to make claims the others from across the ocean came to the new land and were mean fine that is true it is also true that many tribes were extremely cruel to other tribes using them as sacrifices and often just as a mean to take over areas of land. Be it in Europe, Asia, Africa or the the America’s it has always been that way

that is true but they were on a level playing field, bows arrows etc

we brought in guns, cannons, diseases etc and it did change their life dramatically
Doomsday101;4603609 said:
They were not sharing it you had tribes go into other territories killing and capturing they were no different than the mean old Europeans who would come later, it is the way of the world like it or not so you can save the sob story. Man kind has done this since the beginning

OK fine - so then I guess ppl can save their "sob story"/complaining about the illegal aliens - you know like you said - " since man kind has done this since the beginning of time".
CanadianCowboysFan;4603411 said:
I understand the point but unless you are an indian, your family came over as an immigrant too (hell even indians migrated from Asia)

Do you understand the difference between legal immigration and illegal immigration?
Cajuncowboy;4603679 said:
Do you understand the difference between legal immigration and illegal immigration?

you assume that all the people who originally came were legal. The indians certainly didn't want them just like you don't want the illegals.

The fact many indians attacked the white settlers seems to show they considered them illegal.

the fact Europeans might have had no problem sending their flotsam and jetsam to North America (just like I am sure Mexico and other Central American countries have no issue with their poor leaving) doesn't make the immigration any more legal to the indians that lived here when the white man came.
CanadianCowboysFan;4603681 said:
you assume that all the people who originally came were legal.

I guess you would have to show me the native American law that said it wasn't legal. As a matter of fact, they were welcomed by them. But now we have laws in this country. And they should be enforced. We can't afford to have ever single criminal who wants to hide from the Mexican government over running the place. We don't have the room like we did before the great westward expansion. At some point you have to draw the line. Not only for security sake but to be able to keep the standard of living at an acceptable level.

bottom line is, if you are here illegally, you are breaking the law and therefore a criminal and should be treated as such, not give some unconstitutional amnesty.
CanadianCowboysFan;4603681 said:
you assume that all the people who originally came were legal. The indians certainly didn't want them just like you don't want the illegals.

The fact many indians attacked the white settlers seems to show they considered them illegal.

the fact Europeans might have had no problem sending their flotsam and jetsam to North America (just like I am sure Mexico and other Central American countries have no issue with their poor leaving) doesn't make the immigration any more legal to the indians that lived here when the white man came.

You added this last part since my previous post so I will address is separately. You seem to think the European settlers were some how the dregs of society. Do you have any idea of American history at all? Well, we have seen in the past that you don't but these people were coming here to escape persecution, not dodging the law for stealing or killing or some such act.
The rich usually don't leave, it is the poor. Generally immigrants in those days were those who thought they would have a better life in North America, not the top ranks from Europe.

The Natives here didn't want them and if they did welcome them at first, it was probably because they didn't know the white man was going to steal their land and give them small pox.

The irony of course is always that the descendants of immigrants who came here for a better economic future, after all, why else would you leave in most cases, when there were no real laws regarding migration, impose and prevent others from doing what their ancestors did.

Trust me, if coming to North America or western europe illegally did not make economic sense because people employed them, that kind of migration would stop.

It is really our fault ultimately because we employ them.
Cajuncowboy;4603679 said:
Do you understand the difference between legal immigration and illegal immigration?

There is no difference between illegal and legal least not nowadays.
CanadianCowboysFan;4603397 said:
she doesn't need a lawyer to fight it, just going to the press and then showing up in court should be enough

Are the drivers responsible for the clean up in Canada?
CanadianCowboysFan;4603702 said:
The rich usually don't leave, it is the poor. Generally immigrants in those days were those who thought they would have a better life in North America, not the top ranks from Europe.

The Natives here didn't want them and if they did welcome them at first, it was probably because they didn't know the white man was going to steal their land and give them small pox.

The irony of course is always that the descendants of immigrants who came here for a better economic future, after all, why else would you leave in most cases, when there were no real laws regarding migration, impose and prevent others from doing what their ancestors did.

Trust me, if coming to North America or western europe illegally did not make economic sense because people employed them, that kind of migration would stop.

It is really our fault ultimately because we employ them.

I agree, we should not be hiring illegals and they should all be sent back. I don't see what your point is though about the early settlers. fact remains that the natives DID welcome them. And those who had issues, see thePowhatan Confederacy, eventually came to be at peace.

Now all were peaceful and not all settlers were the best people in the world, but to say they broke some law, or that we had no business expanding is ludicrous.
Achilleslastand;4603720 said:
There is no difference between illegal and legal least not nowadays.

Sad but true. the lines have been blurred by, well, we all know who.

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