Mom made to pay bill after son killed by drunk driver

nyc-cowboy;4603595 said:
So you ancestors were the original wetbacks huh.

As far as I'm concerned its karma for what the europeans did to the native population.

No, mine were. My grandparents were already at Jamestown when the Pilgrams landed. My folks were one of the first surviving families that came to this country. This country must have looked strange when the white population was only 75 to 100 people all living in a swamp. I am sure that every new boat bringing more people was a comfort just for survival's sake. After researching my ancestors, I realized that it took some brave people to sail across a large ocean to live in the conditions that they had to face.
CanadianCowboysFan;4603702 said:
The rich usually don't leave, it is the poor. Generally immigrants in those days were those who thought they would have a better life in North America, not the top ranks from Europe.

The Natives here didn't want them and if they did welcome them at first, it was probably because they didn't know the white man was going to steal their land and give them small pox.

The irony of course is always that the descendants of immigrants who came here for a better economic future, after all, why else would you leave in most cases, when there were no real laws regarding migration, impose and prevent others from doing what their ancestors did.

Trust me, if coming to North America or western europe illegally did not make economic sense because people employed them, that kind of migration would stop.

It is really our fault ultimately because we employ them.

just when I think you cannot get any worse you do
Always amuses me the SOB sisters whinning about what happened to the American Indian.

For thousands of years they preyed on each other.

Then someone came along and did it to them.

Big deal.

And those that came to the new world from Europe were in many cases at the beginning coming for religious freedom more than any single other reason.

Later on most came for economic reasons. But not the first wave.

As regards diseases its not exactly put out there that Syphillis came from America.

People talk about small pox but which disease is still a big problem?
nyc-cowboy;4603647 said:
OK fine - so then I guess ppl can save their "sob story"/complaining about the illegal aliens - you know like you said - " since man kind has done this since the beginning of time".

If the US is not willing to enforce our laws then we put people in office who will.
nyc-cowboy;4603595 said:
So you ancestors were the original wetbacks huh.

As far as I'm concerned its karma for what the europeans did to the native population.

Think before you post.

Did you see the emoticon? It was a joke.

How do you carve a rock, genius?
CanadianCowboysFan;4603490 said:
so still an immigrant

Right over you self righteous, pompus head.

See above post.

You should win an award. I'm not allowed to say what for.
Doomsday101;4603501 said:
Most people do not have issues with immigrants they have an issue with illegal immigrants. Those are 2 different issues. Yes all of our ancestors outside of Native Americans came from someplace else and I for one welcome anyone who wants to come to this country to make a better life I just expect they do so in a legal manner as many of them do.

Thank you dooms. They need to do it legally AND assimilate.
jnday;4603982 said:
No, mine were. My grandparents were already at Jamestown when the Pilgrams landed. My folks were one of the first surviving families that came to this country. This country must have looked strange when the white population was only 75 to 100 people all living in a swamp. I am sure that every new boat bringing more people was a comfort just for survival's sake. After researching my ancestors, I realized that it took some brave people to sail across a large ocean to live in the conditions that they had to face.

Yes thats very true - to leave your homeland for another world - just like that 11-12 year old kid that hops on a freight train from central america to get to a new world.
Its the one thing every alien has in common - they are fleeing for survival/for a better way of life.

Nobody is saying that illegal immigration is "right" but maybe some should have a bit of compassion for some very desperate ppl.
Seven;4604147 said:
Think before you post.

Did you see the emoticon? It was a joke.

How do you carve a rock, genius?

First I didn't know you were joking - second I thought you used carved the rock as an expression.
Seven;4604162 said:
Thank you dooms. They need to do it legally AND assimilate.

I agree, most countries require it as well. So many try to make this about race when in fact it is about doing it in an orderly and legal fashion. We have many who come to this country every year legally and we have many who each year earn their citizenship and they take great pride in doing it and I’m proud for them but how is it right to allow others to bypass the entire system?
nyc-cowboy;4604184 said:
Yes thats very true - to leave your homeland for another world - just like that 11-12 year old kid that hops on a freight train from central america to get to a new world.
Its the one thing every alien has in common - they are fleeing for survival/for a better way of life.

Nobody is saying that illegal immigration is "right" but maybe some should have a bit of compassion for some very desperate ppl.

This might be pointed if not for certain issues. I've said it before and it bears repeating: if a person from India can legally come from half way around this globe to do nothing better than to pump my gas, I don't see why a person who enjoys a greater proximity, not to mention interest groups in this nation looking out for them has such trouble simply doing it right.

The Indian who came to pump my gas isn't royalty, he/she isn't rich and the conditions left behind are just as awful with terrorism and poverty. Yet they get it right.

I personally don't have a problem with the people I see. They're doing nothing but working and not bothering me one bit and I know the conditions some of them left and I'm glad they did. But our nation does have laws concerning it and they should be enforced.
vta;4604210 said:
This might be pointed if not for certain issues. I've said it before and it bears repeating: if a person from India can legally come from half way around this globe to do nothing better than to pump my gas, I don't see why a person who enjoys a greater proximity, not to mention interest groups in this nation looking out for them has such trouble simply doing it right.

The Indian who came to pump my gas isn't royalty, he/she isn't rich and the conditions left behind are just as awful with terrorism and poverty. Yet they get it right.

I personally don't have a problem with the people I see. They're doing nothing but working and not bothering me one bit and I know the conditions some of them left and I'm glad they did. But our nation does have laws concerning it and they should be enforced.

interesting concept. follow the laws of the nation u came to willingly? I like that.
vta;4604210 said:
This might be pointed if not for certain issues. I've said it before and it bears repeating: if a person from India can legally come from half way around this globe to do nothing better than to pump my gas, I don't see why a person who enjoys a greater proximity, not to mention interest groups in this nation looking out for them has such trouble simply doing it right.

The Indian who came to pump my gas isn't royalty, he/she isn't rich and the conditions left behind are just as awful with terrorism and poverty. Yet they get it right.

I personally don't have a problem with the people I see. They're doing nothing but working and not bothering me one bit and I know the conditions some of them left and I'm glad they did. But our nation does have laws concerning it and they should be enforced.
Well thats simple - its a numbers thing - the country lets in a certain mount of ppl. its like hitting a lottery to get a visa to come here as a permanent resident.

Don't you think that if they could do it legally, that they would.
nyc-cowboy;4604381 said:
Well thats simple - its a numbers thing - the country lets in a certain mount of ppl. its like hitting a lottery to get a visa to come here as a permanent resident.

Don't you think that if they could do it legally, that they would.

No because many have no desire to become US citizen they come here to make money and send it back home. Those who do want to become citizens they need to go through the process. Unless you think the borders should be just wide open no question asked. Funny those who do not live in the Border States have no fricken clue.
Doomsday101;4604387 said:
No because many have no desire to become US citizen they come here to make money and send it back home. Those who do want to become citizens they need to go through the process. Unless you think the borders should be just wide open no question asked. Funny those who do not live in the Border States have no fricken clue.

Well now your talking about a "specific" illegal - yes on the border states its different.

I was talking in general terms - here in NYC we got illegals from all over the world and most if they could would do it the "right way"
nyc-cowboy;4604405 said:
Well now your talking about a "specific" illegal - yes on the border states its different.

I was talking in general terms - here in NYC we got illegals from all over the world and most if they could would do it the "right way"

It is different that we get the bulk of the burden no doubt but other communities are also having to deal with the problems that come along with illegals I think you will find the vast majority favor people from outside of the US to come here but we ask it be done in a legal manner.

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