I have no problem with the money the average football player makes.
Let’s be real, most pro athletes have God-given skills that they could’ve used in more than one sport. Yes, some people are more gifted in certain sport-specific skills, or just enjoy a sport more, but you’re either born or not with these types of abilities. For them to pick the most abusive sport of all, one that is far more likely to leave you with life-lingering injuries, they deserve everything they earn. Even if all sports earn the same average salary, the average football player has a much shorter career.
They also don’t make as much money as the other sports or even have the same opportunities if they’re not up to speed quickly. Baseball players make a gazillion dollars because of no cap and have a gigantic minor-league system and the Japanese leagues to fall back on. NBA players make a ton of money, even the scrubs, and have European, Chinese, and other leagues to go to. NHL is probably the closest and even they have more international options and less salary cap restrictions. Soccer is worldwide and always looking to hire players. The only option for a football player is CFL or one of these upstart leagues like the XFL, Arena, or USFL that never seem to last.
I’m probably biased because Football is my passion, but all things considered, these players are worth every penny they are getting. If we’re going to complain about anything it should be these quarterbacks that are making gazillions of dollars and protected by a new rule every year. And playing devils advocate, there is not a single position with more pressure in any professional sport than a quarterback of a major city.
How they choose to spend their money and their life is on them. The NFL offers several programs nowadays to help these guys, it’s personal choice, and if they choose to blow it all or spend it in unwise ways, so be it. The average person does that too, you just don’t hear it when they’re making less than $100,000 a year.