Moral dilemma: A Roman's Money

Reverend Conehead

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Due to some good investments and wise money choices, you're prosperous. You're doing so well that you buy a summer home in Italy and live there much of the year. The house even includes a nice yard, something that's not a certainty in Italian homes. You hang out there with your significant other and have a nice time together. You invest in some devices, a metal detector and a sonar scanner, just for the fun of it. Turns out, on your property, there's a huge stash of Roman-Empire-era coins! It's on your property, so they're yours! You have them appraised, and they are currently worth 100 million dollars!

You are clairvoyant. Part of the way you became wealthy was to help the police finally recover the body of Jimmy Hoffa and Amelia Earhart's airplane. You're not hurting for money, but that 100 million would be a whopper amount that you've never possessed. That night, you have one of your visions. You see a desperate Roman soldier digging in his backyard, and finding only dirt and rocks. He's sobbing. Where his right hand should be is a bloody, bandaged stump. Through your vision, you're able to speak to him. Turns out, he's been a soldier defending the empire since he was 20 years old, and he's now 55. He recently lost his hand in battle, and is going to need to retire. However, the Roman government's pension for him is garbage. He would have to live in poverty, except that he has a life savings of gold and silver coins buried in his back hard. He just can't find it! Minor earthquakes and ground movements have moved it from where I remembered burying it.

You realize you can help him. You know exactly where the money is buried. Through your clairvoyance, you can send a message back in time to help him find is money that he earned decades ago. If he finds it, he'll have it made for retirement. He'll be able to afford the best possible prosthetic hand of the time. And he'll be set for life with the money he earned and put a way, and he'll lead a good life with his wife and two kids. If he can't find his money, he'll have to struggle to scrimp by.

However, if he finds his money, you won't find it in your century. You'll still be decently wealthy with your Italian vacation house, but you wont' have anywhere near that 100 million in Roman coins.

Your choice:
Do you send the clairvoyant message back through time to help the Roman guy find his money stash that he earned and thus lose out on 100 million dollars? Or do you take the money and run, and not worry about the struggles of a Roman dude centuries ago? If you give him the money back, you'll still be wealthy. However, your net worth totals around 2.2 million. You could be worth over 100 million dollars if you take the Roman coins.

What is your choice?


Mike Smith aka Backwoods Sexy
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CowboysZone ULTIMATE Fan
The guy is already dead and resting in peace. However you can make it so both are happy.

Send the roman a message back in time and tell him to use the money to buy some objects. Before he dies tell him to bury those objects he will no longer need in the same place the coins were buried

So when you dig there you might not find the coins but you might find some pottery or other items worth just as much if not more.

You both win, the soldier got to retire in peace and live a decent life. His spoils of life are buried and become yours later...a thank you for helping him in his life.

Drops mic.
Man I am so Awesome.

Reverend Conehead

Well-Known Member
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The guy is already dead and resting in peace. However you can make it so both are happy.

Send the roman a message back in time and tell him to use the money to buy some objects. Before he dies tell him to bury those objects he will no longer need in the same place the coins were buried

So when you dig there you might not find the coins but you might find some pottery or other items worth just as much if not more.

You both win, the soldier got to retire in peace and live a decent life. His spoils of life are buried and become yours later...a thank you for helping him in his life.

Drops mic.
Man I am so Awesome.
That was a creative solution. Thanks.