More sour grapes from the Yanks...

bbgun;3633771 said:
When the Yanks went up 1-0, I didn't rub it in Texas fans' faces. Try to learn from my example.

you've just set the bar too high for the rest of us;)
nyc;3633807 said:
I didn't rub anything in your face.

btw, he has roided all his life. He and Mark Teixeira both were roiding since high school at least.

And I'll bet you didn't mind when both were with the Rangers. Funny how it matters now that they are Yankees :lmao:
Ozzu;3633692 said:
That's not actually what happened. The Rangers were given a budget by MLB and then kept money available in that budget for a mid-season move, which they made.

nyc;3633762 said:
Umm, the Rangers had the money budgeted to make the moves.

Go tell that to the teams who contributed to the fund and are sitting at home because they don't spend money they don't have.
Cythim;3634902 said:
And I'll bet you didn't mind when both were with the Rangers. Funny how it matters now that they are Yankees :lmao:

No. Funny how your are almost always wrong every time you hit Submit Post.. Especially since the only thing you ever do is present assumptions as fact. :rolleyes:
nyc;3634920 said:
No. Funny how your are almost always wrong every time you hit Submit Post.. Especially since the only thing you ever do is present assumptions as fact. :rolleyes:

Oh, i forgot no one in Dallas cares about baseball unless the Rangers are in the playoffs :lmao:
Cythim;3634914 said:
Go tell that to the teams who contributed to the fund and are sitting at home because they don't spend money they don't have.
You are lame. The only reason the Rangers needed the money was because the sale of the Rangers had not yet been completed. There was no question the sale was going to happen and the new owners had cash on hand. Baseball made a no-lose business decision, something you've made perfectly clear you aren't capable of doing with the views you present.

It appears you've got sour grapes fever too. It seems all you do is come here to argue lame *** points.

I'm tired of reading for drivel in your arguments with everyone else. Meet /ignore
nyc;3634950 said:
You are lame. The only reason the Rangers needed the money was because the sale of the Rangers had not yet been completed. There was no question the sale was going to happen and the new owners had cash on hand. Baseball made a no-lose business decision, something you've made perfectly clear you aren't capable of doing with the views you present.

It appears you've got sour grapes fever too. It seems all you do is come here to argue lame *** points.

I'm tired of reading for drivel in your arguments with everyone else. Meet /ignore

Haha, that is cute, you can take your ball and go home :lmao2:
The thing is the yankees spend money to win... Who wouldn't spend money to win? The owners of the other teams are in it for a business decision not the passion of the sport. Granted the Yankees have a lot of money, but don't let the owners of the other teams fool you into thinking they dont have the money to spend. I read an article that was stating the Marlins/Pirates pocket almost all of the revenue sharing they receive from the higher payrolls. My point is the yankees are criticized for "buying" championships, but if you had the ability to get a player that could change your franchise why not. Not to mention have the salaries that are given out to the yankees are inflated by other teams... Its a bidding war and teams know the yanks will go high so thats why our payroll is that high. In addition to the yankees are loyal to the older stars like Jeter, Posada, Rivera, Pettitie their salaries are inflated to keep them inhouse and to show respect. For instance is Jeter really worth 20 mill a season next year when we sign him to a 3 year 60 million dollar contract? I think not, but he is a yankee Icon

Another interesting fact is alot of the players from the yankees are home grown. They actually have the 2nd highest percentage of homegrown players in MLB at nearly 60%. These are all homegrown players that have played this season that I can think of

Joba Chamberlain
Phil Hughes
Andy Pettitte
Mariano Rivera
David Robertson
Francisco Cervelli
Jorge Posada
Robinson Cano
Derek Jeter
Ramiro Pena
Brett Gardner
Marcus Thames
C. Curtis
K. Russo
E. Nunez
J. Miranda
I. Nova
J. Albaladejo
utrunner07;3632655 said:
lol, a Yankee's fan crying about how other teams financial situation, take a look in the mirror ***

Isn't it PRECIOUS, watching fans of the best team money can buy whining about another team spending money on talent??

I love it... I'm not even a Rangers fan, but this time of the year, I'm a fan of any team that's playing the Yankmees... I give that team absolutely no respect, not when their success is built on a sweetheart cable deal that pays them so much that they don't have to worry about MLB's luxury tax...

The Yankmees are simply playing by different rules than any other ML team, and as a result, parity is nonexistent in the nation's pastime...
basstapp;3635456 said:
The thing is the yankees spend money to win... Who wouldn't spend money to win? The owners of the other teams are in it for a business decision not the passion of the sport. Granted the Yankees have a lot of money, but don't let the owners of the other teams fool you into thinking they dont have the money to spend. I read an article that was stating the Marlins/Pirates pocket almost all of the revenue sharing they receive from the higher payrolls. My point is the yankees are criticized for "buying" championships, but if you had the ability to get a player that could change your franchise why not. Not to mention have the salaries that are given out to the yankees are inflated by other teams... Its a bidding war and teams know the yanks will go high so thats why our payroll is that high. In addition to the yankees are loyal to the older stars like Jeter, Posada, Rivera, Pettitie their salaries are inflated to keep them inhouse and to show respect. For instance is Jeter really worth 20 mill a season next year when we sign him to a 3 year 60 million dollar contract? I think not, but he is a yankee Icon

Another interesting fact is alot of the players from the yankees are home grown. They actually have the 2nd highest percentage of homegrown players in MLB at nearly 60%. These are all homegrown players that have played this season that I can think of

Joba Chamberlain
Phil Hughes
Andy Pettitte
Mariano Rivera
David Robertson
Francisco Cervelli
Jorge Posada
Robinson Cano
Derek Jeter
Ramiro Pena
Brett Gardner
Marcus Thames
C. Curtis
K. Russo
E. Nunez
J. Miranda
I. Nova
J. Albaladejo

WOW, you've been able to come up with 18 of perhaps 40 players who played for the Yankmees this season who are home-grown!!!
You mean the yanks couldnt buy this years world series like normal?!?!?! HOLY CRAP!

The reason baseball is fading is because the same teams are always in the the XLCS games....

Whoever can spend the most money on its roster wins 9/10....

When your 3rd baseman and Short Stop get paid more then the opposing team kicking your *** I find it FUNNY!

Baseball needs a salary cap / revenue sharing mix like the NFL to keep things competitive.
VirusX;3637648 said:
You mean the yanks couldnt buy this years world series like normal?!?!?! HOLY CRAP!

The reason baseball is fading is because the same teams are always in the the XLCS games....

Whoever can spend the most money on its roster wins 9/10....

When your 3rd baseman and Short Stop get paid more then the opposing team kicking your *** I find it FUNNY!

Baseball needs a salary cap / revenue sharing mix like the NFL to keep things competitive.

I agree. Baseball is going to collapse right after the NBA does. The NBA screwed up even worse allowing the free agent crap this offseason happen. Now all the sudden, there are going to only be 3-4 good teams every year while all the other teams rot away. Once those teams fold, 60% of all NBA fans are going to fold when them.

Baseball insist on keeping unbalanced power in the league. That means all the cities that aren't in that balance of power have a futile time generating new fans. Slowly that will kill baseball because the Yankees alone cannot sustain 30 baseball teams.

Thats what is great about the NFL. The Cowboys are the Yankees of the NFL, yet they can't win 25% of all championships because the NFL keeps the power balanced.

Baseball plays 2,430 games a year. Football plays 261. Who has more fans come to the games over the course of a year. Baseball due to how many games they play. Who makes more money and has more fans. Football. Which sport has more balance between the teams for the most part? Football.

NBA & MLB will fail due to poor business practices. The NFL is thriving. You won't see the NBA / MLB building $1+ billion dollar stadiums in a full blown recession. The NFL built two! (Cowboys & Giants)
silverbear;3637405 said:
WOW, you've been able to come up with 18 of perhaps 40 players who played for the Yankmees this season who are home-grown!!!

I bet you can't do that for the rangers... just saying the clueless fans of baseball say the yankees buy everyone. They have signed A-rod, Tex, CC, AJ. Those have been the biggest aquicisitons since 2004. They are the most hated team in baseball because they win championships.... Not because they buy players thats just a lame excuse
basstapp;3638230 said:
I bet you can't do that for the rangers... just saying the clueless fans of baseball say the yankees buy everyone. They have signed A-rod, Tex, CC, AJ. Those have been the biggest aquicisitons since 2004. They are the most hated team in baseball because they win championships.... Not because they buy players thats just a lame excuse

Not sure how many I can list that entered the Majors from the Texas minor leagues, but here goes.

These players are on today's roster. All of them came out of the Texas Rangers minor leagues:

Neftali Feliz
Derek Holland
Tommy Hunter
Michael Kirkman
Colby Lewis
Alexi Ogando
Darren Oliver
C.J. Wilson
Elvis Andrus
Ian Kinsler
Michael Young
Julio Borbon
Nelson Cruz
Mitch Moreland

Many many more played for Texas this year, they just aren't currently on the roster.

So, YES you can do it. You can name MORE home grown Texas Rangers than you can Yankees on the active roster. (active is what counts, as the other may never make it in the bigs with the Yankees or Rangers)

You could add David Murphy to that list too, but he actually had his first major league game with Boston, but he also spent time in the Texas minors before becoming a Texas Ranger.
Sour grapes?

Dumb post

Yankee fans, didn't want Lee in mid season, we are well aware of the Payroll Tag etc, we realize that Lee to the NYY basically ends the BB season.

Now, if Andy retires and a few others go, and Lee wants NY, like he's told everyone ; including his best friend Teixeira, then great, welcome to the Big Apple.

Champions don't whine , we know winning, we know about the economics of BB, we respect our opponents.

Nonsense article.
I used to follow MLB many years ago. But over time I simply lost interest.

Free agency + payroll inequities = an uneven playing field.

The professional game became inherently unsporting. That took the fun out of it for me.

I know a lot of people don't care whether a sport is fair. More power to you.
And people who argue that the Yanks ruin BB have NO IDEA about the economics.


The Luxury Tax payouts help support slob owners who refuse to put their own Coin into the team like George and JJ(NFL) did - who only want to use the profit generated for team spending. There are PLENTY - PLENTY of owners with more wealth than George had over the years , George took his OWN money and put it back into the club - he poured his heart into winning.

Milwaukee - Pitt - KC - Minny etc others have been guilty of taking TAX sharing money and doing everything with it but SPEND IT ON PLAYERS.

As George Steinmbrenner said, they want my money but do they want my overhead costs? and expenses? Do you know what a LOCAL 3 Union Electrician makes? - now try 200 -400 of them at the stadium daily.

Until there is a CAP we play by the rules.

And when you can match - MO, Jeter -Posada- Andy- Bernie Williams as a homegrown core for over a decade Lemme know....
ZeroClub;3638360 said:
I used to follow MLB many years ago. But over time I simply lost interest.

Free agency + payroll inequities = an uneven playing field.

The professional game became inherently unsporting. That took the fun out of it for me.

I know a lot of people don't care whether a sport is fair. More power to you.

Yeah the parity laden no trade zone NFL is riveting :rolleyes:
The best thing to happen to the Yankees might have been Teixeira sitting down.

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