FEATURED Morning Pops!

Morning Pops, Jobb, Leon, Just Bob, and all I may have failed to mention.......should say "Morning Pops and auxillery family".
Pups lookig great, JustBob. wish I had room for a couple more in the bed, but the two spoiled Springers would be most unhappy!:)

Hope your back is getting better, Leon. Get it right before you go out and torque it on the course.

Rain here last night too, Jobb! They say it will clear till next Tuesday when we will likely get more plus snow.
Stay safe, all....and GO COWBOYS!

Thanks, ologan. It's still hurting like heck right now. Don't know if I pulled a ligament or what. If it was just plain muscle soreness/tightness, it has had plenty of time to heal. It's looking like I'm going to have to go to the doctor.
Morning Pops and friends and neighbors. May you have a blessed day and enjoy the game. The door is wide open now for the Cowboys so hopefully they can finish the fight!
Morning, Pops, ologan, Jobb, Bob, ABQ, Phil and any "regular" I may have missed. Morning to all the irregulars too.:D

Yesterday morning I said the door was wide open for the Cowboys to walk through to get the division championship. Well they blasted through it, grabbed the title and kicked the door shut in the Eagles faces. It's great to be alive this morning.
Morning Pops. Are you smiling Weldon!? Howdy to all the guys and girls. Hope you enjoyed that as much as me. Congrats to the team. Howdy Leon. How's your back?
Morning Pops. Morning Fellas and a very good morning to anybody who decides to stop in.

Your Dallas Cowboys are NFC East Division Champs Fellas!!!!!!

Enjoy and on to the playoffs!
Morning Pops. Are you smiling Weldon!? Howdy to all the guys and girls. Hope you enjoyed that as much as me. Congrats to the team. Howdy Leon. How's your back?

It's still hurting quite a bit. I pushed it by going to the game yesterday (and I"m sooooo glad I did) but today I'm headed back to the chiropractor. It's been sore for over 10 days now so I'm thinking I better make a dr. appt. Sore or tight muscles never lasted this long before, even at my advanced age.
Morning, Pops and friends. Have a great day. Nothing much going on today for me.
It's still hurting quite a bit. I pushed it by going to the game yesterday (and I"m sooooo glad I did) but today I'm headed back to the chiropractor. It's been sore for over 10 days now so I'm thinking I better make a dr. appt. Sore or tight muscles never lasted this long before, even at my advanced age.

If you're not having any pain, numbness, tingling, or weakness in your legs then you need physical therapy. See your doc and ask for a referral to physical therapy. Massage, heat, ice if it works, and gentle stretching and see how it goes.
Morning Pops and all. Have a great day! It's chilly, rainy and dreary here. Maybe it'll be nice for Christmas.
Good afternoon, Cbz and all Zoners. This has been a great week to be Cowboys fan. Enjoy the day.:D
Morning, Pops and all my friends. I hope everyone is all set for Christmas. I think I'm ready too. In case you don't log on tomorrow I'll wish you all a very Merry Christmas now. Thanks for being here in our little "community".
Morning Pops and howdy gang. Thanks Leon. Merry Christmas to you and all. May the sun always shine and you have wind in your sails. Sure as heck ain't no sun here though.
Merry Christmas, Weldon. Put another candle on Jesus' birthday cake for me. Merry Christmas everyone!!!
Merry Christmas Weldon, Bob, Leon, Phil, ABQ, ologan and any regular and others I may have inadvertently left off. May you all be blessed and the New Year find you healthy and long lived. You guys are great.
Merry Christmas Pops ..Merry Christmas my friends....Reading the weather Phil...Not to happy about what's coming.
Evening Pops and all....a late evening Merry Christmas to all, and to all a good night! Stay safe!!
Morning, Pops and everyone. I hope you all got lot's of nice presents and made your loved ones happy as well. Have a great day!
Morning Pops. Howdy Leon. Rise and shine the rest of you guys.

Hope you had a wonderful Christmas. Now be safe thru the the rest of the holidays enjoying them sensibly.

Horrible night Leon. Granddaughter and/or daughter made me sick the last few days. Hard shaking chills last nite and copious sputum. Coughed all night. Taught me a lesson to avoid sick people at my age. Better this AM thank goodness.

TC all.

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