Jerry would never do it....i agree, but i think the OP is bringing up a situation if SJ sees his dad spending his entire life especially these last 30 years and really not enjoying life. He is a billionaire and living one of the most boring lifes you can live; i mean you could travel the world with your family or grandkids. I bet he hasn't ever taken a European vacation, or gone on a cruise in the Mediterranean, been to Hawaii or seen the eight wonders of the world. For a filthy rich man, he has not taken advantage and enjoyed life to the fullest. Instead just acting like he knows football, failing at it every year, selling snake oil and shattered dreams to the public. That is how he will be remembered. Back to my point, SJ could see all that and his wife might even factor in, imagine that.....sell the dammmm team and the whole clan will still have enough money for generations. Or at least, hire your GM, HC and do it the proper way. You can't spend it all or even take it with you, as Jerry will find out. Well, anyway.... that is my hope too...but i don't live for this, i enjoy my own life even without the Cowboys.