MOSLEY: Parcells' slur causes stir

jay cee said:
When I read it on one of the guys update, I thought it was an acronym or something. I disagree with most of the posters so far on this thread. I think he was wrong and It's good he apologized.

Call it PC or whatever, but it is not good to use slurs.

I have no problem with you disagreeing.

I still hold to my opinion though.

We are becoming a society of wimps.

We are so overly....and I mean overly....sensitive to everything. I don't think that being this overly sensitive is ever good for our country.

Quit whining and toughen up.


I don't see anything wrong with what BP said. It wasn't a was a shortened version of Japanese.

"Jap" is a WWII-era word. The "Japs" attacked Pearl Harbor by surprise....It's in the history books. So when he says "Jap plays", he means "surprise" plays.

I don't see the big deal.
I agree that America is getting WAAAAY too oversensitive about stuff like this, but why is it "a load of crap" and a "waste of time"?

"Jap" is an offensive and disparaging term for Japanese people. Parcells made a mistake using it.

If Parcells had said "cracker plays" or "****** plays", would it still be a "non-issue" to you guys?

That being said, he made a mistake and apologized for it, and stated that he didn't mean any offense. Nothing more for him to do, but hopefully he learned a valuable lesson.
Call it the wussifying of America. Say that people are unnecessarily sensitive or too easily offended. But I thought the comment was rude and unnecessary. How does it make the Cowboys a better team or Parcells a better coach?

Do I want Parcells to be fired? No. Fined? No. Sent to sensitivity training? No. But I do think he ought to know better -- and apparently did, as he mentioned that he didn't mean to offend anyone (i.e. he knew it COULD be offensive), then said it anyway.

Race is a serious issue in America. The Japanese were dehumanized using terms like 'Jap' (not unlike the Vietnamese being called 'gook') during wartime; Japanese Americans had their possessions confiscated and they were thrown into internment camps against their will. It has a hate-filled, deragatory origin and it doesn't belong in discourse today. Don't be surprised that someone finds the term offensive.
Nav22 said:
I agree that America is getting WAAAAY too oversensitive about stuff like this, but why is it "a load of crap" and a "waste of time"?

"Jap" is an offensive and disparaging term for Japanese people. Parcells made a mistake using it.

If Parcells had said "cracker plays" or "****** plays", would it still be a "non-issue" to you guys?

That being said, he made a mistake and apologized for it, and stated that he didn't mean any offense. Nothing more for him to do, but hopefully he learned a valuable lesson. is not a big deal.

How does "Jap" relate to the other two terms you used? Being white, "Cracker" doesn't bother me one bit. Why should it?

I understand "ni**er". That was a term used for slaves.

But "Jap".


I guess we should be upset when folks call Americans "Yankees".....heck, even "Yanks".....OH THE HORROR!!
I think, that for a long time in this country, the media has been very desirous that a japanese QB succeed in the league.
I have to admit I was surprised when I read that Parcells used a racial slur during a press conference. To his credit, Parcells immediately recognized his mistake and took responsibility for the slur and apologized for it. As an Asian-American, I have no problem with that and the matter should be dropped ASAP.

What shocks me is the ignorance of several members of this board who have a different opinion of using racial slurs than Parcells, myself, and many educated people in this world. These ignorant fans don't realize the bigotry, racism, discrimination among other things slurs like this one perpetuate.

This isn't about being politically correct; this is about accepting people not based on their race, religion, gender, sexual orientation, etc. Having said that, let's move on and focus on some football. Let's go Cowboys!! :)
OK, Parcells made a mistake, I just think that when the man said right away, "no disrespect intended", is seems to me that he did not mean it in a insensitive way, now if he had not said "no disrespect intended" that's different. He was referring to surprise plays and not trying to offend anyone. I respect everyone's opinion in that he shouldn't said it and it is a slur and that's fine because it is a slur. But Parcells did not mean for it to come out like a slur on the Japanese. Besides he did apologize to the Japanese media person covering mini camp anyway.

I hope that this doesn't blow up into something that it shouldn't

Bizwah said: is not a big deal.

How does "Jap" relate to the other two terms you used? Being white, "Cracker" doesn't bother me one bit. Why should it?

I understand "ni**er". That was a term used for slaves.

But "Jap".


I guess we should be upset when folks call Americans "Yankees".....heck, even "Yanks".....OH THE HORROR!!

Maybe since the "Japs" were rounded up and put in detention centers after the bombing of Pearl Harbor? This isn't a sensitive subject for everyone, but you don't get to determine who be should or should not be offended.

I agree that if you have to preface your comment with "not to offend anyone" and then repeat it after your comment, you know that you shouldn't say it.

It was a mistake. Now hopefully everyone will move on.
novadog said:
Jap was a term used in a predominatly derogatory fashion it's a racial slur in today's PC. Personally I think it's funny that he refers to trick plays that try to catch the other team off guard as "jap" plays. LOL

Either way he knew he shouldn't have said it when he did and that's usually a sign :p

oh well


SIR... I would appreciate it if you used "trickblue"... I find "trick" to be offensive...

and all along I thought "JAP" was an acronym for "Jewish American Princess"
newhouse said:
Call it the wussifying of America. Say that people are unnecessarily sensitive or too easily offended. But I thought the comment was rude and unnecessary. How does it make the Cowboys a better team or Parcells a better coach?

I do call it the "wussifying" of America because that's what it is.

Why let words bother you?

If terms like that bother you, big freakin deal.

This is just typical of our country today. We have lost our "toughness". I have complete confidence in our Armed Forces, it's the homefront that worries me.

We've become wimps......notice how everyone is getting "tired" of the war in Iraq because things are tough.

Thank God Hitler was alive when he was. While our Armed Forces make the Supreme Sacrifice, we at home would be calling them home.

These things are all related........we can take nothing here in America.

Do I want Parcells to be fired? No. Fined? No. Sent to sensitivity training? No. But I do think he ought to know better -- and apparently did, as he mentioned that he didn't mean to offend anyone (i.e. he knew it COULD be offensive), then said it anyway.

It's even ridiculous that people are even bringing up fines and classes.

And, I don't blame him for using a "disclaimer", people get so whiny and sensitive about the silliest things.

Race is a serious issue in America.

True it is........but how does whining about this type of thing help?

The Japanese were dehumanized using terms like 'Jap' (not unlike the Vietnamese being called 'gook') during wartime;

No, it wasn't dehumanizing. This is a poor assumption. Imagine you're underfire by the Japanese. You need to take out their machine-gun nest, or artillary.....Are you going to say......"We need to take out that Japanese artillary!"?

No, soldiers are taught to be efficient.....they merely shorten the phrase.

Japanese Americans had their possessions confiscated and they were thrown into internment camps against their will. It has a hate-filled, deragatory origin and it doesn't belong in discourse today. Don't be surprised that someone finds the term offensive.

This is true, and not many Americans know about it.......but to me, this is irrelevant to our discussion. What do the hardships of Japanese Americans have to do with Parcells statement.

"Jap" mainly refers to "Japanese".......usually military.....

Useless........this is what arguments like these are.....I really don't see how getting our bowels in an uproar about it solves the problem of racism.
Bizwah said: is not a big deal.

How does "Jap" relate to the other two terms you used? Being white, "Cracker" doesn't bother me one bit. Why should it?

I understand "ni**er". That was a term used for slaves.

But "Jap".


I guess we should be upset when folks call Americans "Yankees".....heck, even "Yanks".....OH THE HORROR!!

i'm glad i'm in mexico and the politically correct bs is still foreign to us.
dthahn said:
I have to admit I was surprised when I read that Parcells used a racial slur during a press conference. To his credit, Parcells immediately recognized his mistake and took responsibility for the slur and apologized for it. As an Asian-American, I have no problem with that and the matter should be dropped ASAP.

No, Parcells merely knew that there are wimps out there that would take it seriously.

What shocks me is the ignorance of several members of this board who have a different opinion of using racial slurs than Parcells, myself, and many educated people in this world. These ignorant fans don't realize the bigotry, racism, discrimination among other things slurs like this one perpetuate.

Opinion is the key word in that sentence........How is your OPINION the right one? amazes me that folks want to equate things like this with cross-burning, lynchings, etc.


This isn't about being politically correct; this is about accepting people not based on their race, religion, gender, sexual orientation, etc. Having said that, let's move on and focus on some football. Let's go Cowboys!! :)

How is using a term like "Jap" not accepting Japanese Americans? Do you know me? Do you know others on this board? You only know our opinions on this issue.

If Parcells said something like, "Those "Japs" are all jerks, they have ********** eyes." That is derrogatory. I can understand why you would want to label a guy a racist for that.

How is using a term like "Jap" not accepting

Again, we put too much emphasis on words.........
Bizwah said: is not a big deal.

How does "Jap" relate to the other two terms you used? Being white, "Cracker" doesn't bother me one bit. Why should it?

I understand "ni**er". That was a term used for slaves.

But "Jap".


I guess we should be upset when folks call Americans "Yankees".....heck, even "Yanks".....OH THE HORROR!!
I live in Texas and I don't want any foreigners calling me "yank" or "yankee" anymore. I take it as a put down. STOP IT!!! :D

But I guess I can't call british people "brits" any more either. :(
silver_ said:
i'm glad i'm in mexico and the politically correct bs is still foreign to us.

My lady-friend (politically correct) is from Mexico... she does not understand why Americans are so sensitive about everything... (she states she is Mexican... not Hispanic or Latino)

I explained to her that it was just a way for an overly litigious society, such as ours, to make an unearned buck or two at the urging of a shyster lawyer...
kmd24 said:
Maybe since the "Japs" were rounded up and put in detention centers after the bombing of Pearl Harbor?

This was an embarrassment to our country......a true black eye. But to me, this has no relevance in our discussion.

"Jap" is mainly a shortened version of "Japanese".

This isn't a sensitive subject for everyone, but you don't get to determine who be should or should not be offended.

Then who does?

And when does it stop?

Will everyone soon have to stop speaking for fear of "offending" someone?

I get offended on this board nearly everyday. I get offended by the things I see and hear on TV......but what does whining about it get?

Why do the PC people get to decide these things? I bet they wouldn't throw a big fit if someone used the term "Jesus Christ". Or even the term "Jewing" someone.

I agree that if you have to preface your comment with "not to offend anyone" and then repeat it after your comment, you know that you shouldn't say it.

It was a mistake. Now hopefully everyone will move on.

Remeber may be on the other end someday.
speedkilz88 said:
But I guess I can't call british people "brits" any more either. :(

That's where it really gets confusing. Different countries have different terms that are unacceptable.

Did you hear about the Basketball analyst that caused a small stir when he called Yao Ming of the Houston Rockets a Chinaman. He thought it was cool because another player had been referred to as the Dunking Dutchman.

He did not know the term Chinaman was frowned upon.

I don't think Parcells comment was a very big deal in the whole scheme of things, but just because it is not a big deal, does not mean he was not wrong for saying it.
Bizwah - I'm Persian, and I don't let words bother me when people use offensive slangs for middle-easterns...BUT not everyone is like us.

There are folks who are understandibly offended by racial slurs like this, and "Jap" IS a racial slur. It's an outdated and ignorant way to address Japanese people, and some Japanese people do find it offensive. Just like "gook", "chink", "******", "cracker", "wetback", "sand-******", etc etc. I'm not offended by this kind of stuff, and obviously neither are you, but that doesn't mean it's OK to use those words.

You have to be respectful of the fact that others may be a white man in America, I'm sure you haven't felt even 1/100 of the racism that a Black or Middle-Eastern or Japanese or Mexican man has faced here. (Hell, maybe the reason anti-Middle-Eastern words don't phase me is because I haven't faced any real racism yet.)

Maybe the "wussifying" of America has more to do with the increase in diversity, and therefore an increase in awareness which involves subtracting words/phrases from our vocab. that offends people over here. I don't see anything wrong with that. others have said, he apologized, so it should be done with and forgotten. He made a mistake that I'm sure he'll learn from.

E-dog said:
Are you serious??

He didn't mean thank God Hitler existed... he meant that in this day and age... if Hitler were in control of Germany and we were at war that we would be battling this out in a partisan way during an election year...
speedkilz88 said:
I live in Texas and I don't want any foreigners calling me "yank" or "yankee" anymore. I take it as a put down. STOP IT!!! :D

But I guess I can't call british people "brits" any more either. :(

True.........Living in MO, we really don't want to be called "Yankees"...but we really don't want to be called "Rebs" either.

We were a confused state in the Civil War.

We can't call British people "Brits", or "Tommies" apparently....or Germans "Krauts"......or Irish people "Micks".

It amazes me that we get in an uproar about this, but we have people call others on this board "**** head", "F*cker", etc....and no one seems to mind.

I remember folks characterizing the French as "cowards" because they wouldn't joing us in the Iraq War, and the Germans whipped them so easily in WWII. No one came to their aid.

I hear people characterizing Italians (I'm part Italian) for being hairy, or for having an increased libido.......why not rally to them.

I guess the main problem I have with the PC crowd is their inconsistency and hypocrisy...........

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