Moss isn't expected to play against the Cowboys

abersonc;1137992 said:
Skins fans are delusional -- Why wouldn't a QB lock on to his game-breaking WR?

Lloyd has basically come out and said he is struggling against all the Cover 2 teams are playing against them.

Maybe it really isn't Brunell locking onto Moss, maybe Moss is just the only guy who can get open.
superpunk;1137984 said:
So you're not currently trying to correct anyone's opinion of Gibbs? :D

uh, uh, well you got me there ;)

but still, as Commanders fan, im not going to try and change the reputation of a cowboys fan. However, when it comes down to trying to fix the reputation of the face of our franchise, you know I have to at least try :eek::
How is this "official" if it is just a buch of stuff reporters are saying that Gibbs told them?
No matter, the Boys beat the Skins w/ or w/o Mr. Moss. No worries.
wileedog;1137999 said:
Lloyd has basically come out and said he is struggling against all the Cover 2 teams are playing against them.

Maybe it really isn't Brunell locking onto Moss, maybe Moss is just the only guy who can get open.

there have been several times where recivers have been running down the sideline wide open(including moss) and brunell hasn't seen them.

Sure, this happens with every QB, but it seems like it happens more with brunell
Don't trust Joe gibbs!! He is a good, upright man but lies through his teeth about injuries.
abersonc;1138005 said:
How is this "official" if it is just a buch of stuff reporters are saying that Gibbs told them?
Isn't that typically how anything "official" is reported? Most people don't listen to the press conferences first hand or talk to the coaches on a regular basis. They get their info from the reporters.
Danny White;1137932 said:
According to several media outlets here in D.C., this is from Gibbs himself.

Skins fans are actually thinking this may HELP the team as it will force Brunell to spread the ball around rather than lock in on Moss. I, for one, think this is absurd and really hurts them.

Deadskin fans are saying that to try and fool themselves. Moss is the one guy who can make down field plays on a consistent basics. I for one is very glad he not playing. Everytime they throw him a screen it makes me nervous.
skinsngibbs4life;1137949 said:
Oh I know. I've been saying all week that Moss wouldn't be playing. Hamstring injuries are killer for WR's.

I just think it is funny how all cowboys fans call him the "master of mis-information", and yet, most of his injury reports this year have been spot on

It's not a knock, it's a sign of good gamesmanship.
theogt;1138013 said:
Isn't that typically how anything "official" is reported? Most people don't listen to the press conferences first hand or talk to the coaches on a regular basis. They get their info from the reporters.

No. Officially out would be that he was listed as "out" on the injury report. In the press conference he said "it is looking more and more like we will be without Santana"

I seem to recall hearing something similar about Portis a few weeks ago. Portis started that game.
this is great news, if true

brandon lloyd and randel-el are talented, but without Moss they're just two number two recievers
skinsngibbs4life;1138010 said:
there have been several times where recivers have been running down the sideline wide open(including moss) and brunell hasn't seen them.

Sure, this happens with every QB, but it seems like it happens more with brunell
How does that equate to locking on Moss?

And without Moss, is he suddenly going to miss less open receivers, especially when the ones left don't get open as often?
abersonc;1138026 said:
No. Officially out would be that he was listed as "out" on the injury report. In the press conference he said "it is looking more and more like we will be without Santana"

I seem to recall hearing something similar about Portis a few weeks ago. Portis started that game.
Well, the official report comes out on Wednesdays so he might have just now decided he's out for the game, but if the quote you posted is what they're relying on, that's pretty far from official.
sacase;1138034 said:
E I G H T I N T H E B O X !!!!!!!!!!!

Better -- double coverage on Cooley - he's the one that can hurt us.
The only thing that worries me this Sunday is that we have so much going for us in our favor.
theogt;1138035 said:
but if the quote you posted is what they're relying on, that's pretty far from official.

You like it when I'm right. Admit it.
Moss was the only player that scared me.
We can load up on Portis and play the screen/flat passes well...they may never get a first down...