You going? Have you been to Wembley before? Was skint after Christmas when the tickets went on sale and not sure I fancy paying £170 quid for 2 tickets in the top tier behind the end zone.
I am going, have bought season tickets in club wembley. My Dad is a Raiders fan, so him my Mum & Brother are going to the Raiders game & my wife, son & I are going to the Cowboys game.
I have been to most of the Wembley games (didn't go to either game last year as we spent the money going to Dallas instead).
Haven't ever had End Zone tickets at Wembley, but to be honest all of them are decent.
If you do come down & are there early the UK Cowboys Fan Club have a party organised for the Saturday night in the No 1 Sports Bar in London. They also have something arranged in one of the local pubs (The Green Man) on the Sunday before the game.
CHeck out their website ( for details.