BUT they can be relative in conversation during the year because they are generally never at the bottom of their division. They give enough wins during the season over the years for people to have hope.
I also think with all this money, players, drafts and free agents, Jerry doesn't like to put the actual work that is required to actually build something better than he is use to, and as long as he can make the news, he's happy.
Jerry is over 80 years old now. My own father worked full time until he was in his 70's because he loved to work. When he hit 80, he finally said no more, time to enjoy my life (added my mom had passed for about 12 years while he worked to keep himself busy during the day).
I think Jerry's life is football, but it's apparent other than owning the most valuable team in the NFL, when it comes to being a GM, he needs to trust someone to do the work for him and take a back seat. Will never happen though.