Most Re-Watched Movie - Westerns

IMO, it is one of the greatest films of all-time but I do not re-watch it often. I cannot stand those idiotic and gutless people in that town. The movie is a good reflection of poor human qualities though.
One of my favorites
Yes. You exude bad vibes. Me mum always said I should avoid river people.
Bad vibes only bother those with thin skin. Somehow, I get the feeling your mum intentionally gave you bad advice. "River people" must be her slang for "friends".
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Yes, "friends".
The senior center complaint booth called. It needs your input.
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Eli Wallach should have been nominated and won an Oscar, one of the greatest portrayals of a character ever.
Wallach was certainly desiring of an Oscar nomination although I am not certain he would have won that year.. He (and other actors through the years) was squeezed out of his nomination by the five-actor maximum limit for finalists after the Academy votes. It is likely Academy voters held the Spaghetti western label against The Good, The Bad And The Ugly, along with its cast also.

To be fair, the Academy nominated a solid five finalists for the Best Supporting Actor pool with Gene Hackman and Michael Pollard, both for Bonnie and Clyde, Cecil Kellaway, for Guess Who's Coming To Dinner, John Cassavetes, for The Dirty Dozen, and winner George Kennedy, for Cool Hand Luke. Personally, I can see Wallach replacing Pollard in that grouping.
The classics with Clint and the Duke of course.
Other classics like Tombstone and Lonesome Dove.

Here recently, because some channels were playing them a good deal...Open Range.

And another one that I initially just kind of liked but since I have watched it a good deal more...The Quick and the Dead it really has grown on me.

Still Love Dances with Wolves movie.

Also another movie that is kind of a western and kind of not but seems to be forgotten...Last of the Dogmen.
Wallach was certainly desiring of an Oscar nomination although I am not certain he would have won that year.. He (and other actors through the years) was squeezed out of his nomination by the five-actor maximum limit for finalists after the Academy votes. It is likely Academy voters held the Spaghetti western label against The Good, The Bad And The Ugly, along with its cast also.

To be fair, the Academy nominated a solid five finalists for the Best Supporting Actor pool with Gene Hackman and Michael Pollard, both for Bonnie and Clyde, Cecil Kellaway, for Guess Who's Coming To Dinner, John Cassavetes, for The Dirty Dozen, and winner George Kennedy, for Cool Hand Luke. Personally, I can see Wallach replacing Pollard in that grouping.
Or Cassavetes, he was playing himself.
°Joe the scene where he pulls the dude down the stairs by his belt.

°Hang'em High...great story...great character.

°Big Jake....always loved this movie.

°Cahill-U.S. Marshall...another fav.

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