Twitter: Murray accuser retracts his statement; takes wife back

Murray is classy I think so f this dude.

Why do you think Murray is classy? Because you heard a couple of sound bites? Because he plays for the Cowboys?

We have no idea whether he is classy or not. Literally no idea. He could be a terrific person and one of high moral character. He could also be exactly what is being portrayed in this story - a person who takes part in an affair with a former teammates wife.

Not to compare the alleged incidents, but since the OJ Simpson case, how anyone can think that an athlete or high profile person is classy or a good person without knowing them on a personal level is beyond me.
Apollo was hiding in the closet like R. Kelly.


Why is Joe Randle with R. Kelly?
Murray is RKG. No chance Garret would ever have a player in his team do this stuff. Not possible. No chance
I don't know about y'all, but I see a whole lot of ********ness in this situation by both men involved.
I prefer not to vindicate crap tossing, as a rule...
I don't know about y'all, but I see a whole lot of ********ness in this situation by both men involved.

Looks like it for sure..

I found it hard to believe he said all that about Murray and then it was all of a sudden a mistake.
who cares ?

I dont get it everybody is spreading their private life over the internet. sick people.


Keep your private business private. Then folks won't need to talk about it.
I wish people had more shame about themselves. Instead, everyone wants to tell all their business, then get mad when people comment on it.
Shut UUPPP!!!!
Well, Fox, et al, are doing their damn best to keep any Cowboy involved from serious considerations for a MVP vote...

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