Video: Murray led the NFL in yards, then retired after only 3 more seasons. What happened?


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I watched this and some good HL, but the commentary is kinda lame and timid.
I always liked murray and he was great in 2014, and they should have signed him .
He wasnt burnt out , we had the OL, but when they let murray go, that led to changing the Off , and Tony getting
the broke collarbone.

Had they kept murray it would have been a continuation of 2014 and they might have made it to the SB.
If they had won a SB it would have been worth paying murray.
I am positive that if they had signed murray tony doesnt get hurt.

Murray broke OJ's record, and jim browns record, for 100 yd games in a row, and emmit's single season total yds record.
Also he still holds the single game record for the cowboys.

Mr. party boy has not come close to any of these records, but jones pays him 15 mil a year while in a pass first offense!
They could have had murray for 8 mil a year. But they got cheap and also as they say in this video chose dez over
murray lol and look how that turned out! Dez gets hurt in game one and was never the same. later tony gets hurt
trying to pass instead of handing off to murray.

when they let murray go they threw a SB chance out the window.

first off Zeke was better then DM the day he stepped on the field from college. He did get closes to 1800 as a Rookie IMO easy to say the would have had the rushing title 2016-2018 had it not been interrupted by false reports and poor suspension..

trying to tell me that it took DM what his 4th season to do that much like Henry?/ why , well zeke was better then both his first 3-4 seasons.. in 5 seasons, zeke has 46 R TDs Murray had 49 for his career and in that same 5 years he nearly has the same yards both rushing and receiving then Murray had in can try hard to put down zeke and even after a suspended year missing 6 games and last years OL/Injurys debacle zeke still leads all RBs in yards and second in TDs since he came in the league..

you go out of your way to put a player down whos better , period..

I liked DM would have been ok keeping him but i have the ability to compliment both as both were very good but Zekes still better. Period no debate better..

odd fans want to hate zeke so much they ter him down but end up with egg on their faces ripping heir own , in fact their own is the better player.. DM left for rival , got what he way fans would be ripping zeke for DM when zekes clearly better and is still here playing..


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In this workplace, there are 31 other entities to go knocking on doors if you're that scary talented as a player. Not sure YOU understand the business model of the NFL here. Talent costs. Don't think it's worth it, don't pay it.

You are not getting it. Players have to share the same pot of money no matter what team they are on or go to. Any dollar in Mahomes' pocket is a dollar not in other Chief players' pockets. Same thing with Rodgers and GB players and every other player making big money and their respective players on their teams.

Keep it simple. No need to complicate it.


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Different situations. Elliott has been a healthy bell-cow back each of his seasons here. Other than his suspension, which the team didn't agree with, he doesn't miss games and he's been productive.

Murray missed games in every year but his last one with the team. Until that season, he'd never carried the ball more than 217 times. Elliott did not have fewer than 242 carries in his first four seasons, and three of them were over 300.

Dallas did not know how much it could rely on Murray healthwise, so the team made him what it felt was a reasonable offer. Elliott was a lot more proven. Last year was a down year for him (relatively) for a lot of reasons, but the front office had no reason to believe it couldn't rely on him for three or four more years to play at a high level when it re-signed him.
There is no argument, Zeke is by far a better back than Murray. I think that is what you are saying. We are in agreement on that point.

There should have been a limit the Cowboys were willing to give Zeke that was far shy of what they ended up agreeing to give him. He'll never play up to the value of his contract.


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I saw this video! It's insane what happened to him, but that's the life of a RB in the NFL.


If I'm so pretty, why am I available?
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Shadows made him fall down.


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And fans always want to see a player get less. Especially if they're old enough to remember when players were regular joes financially just like them. Those days are over and thus all the lamenting and finger-pointing about "greed." Defense mechanisms. Freud would be proud.
Marcus are you saying that none of these star players today are greedy ??:omg:
I wanted dak to get a good deal, but not 25% of the cap! lol
The more 1 star player makes the less money there is for the non star players, and often times those guys are the ones
that help win the games!

The best way to pay players would be they all get 1 mil per year, and then depending on the season they have
they get a % of the remaining cap. That way anyone that has a good year would be paid good.
Dak would have made much more in his rookie contract under a system like that.
And all of the cap is paid out each year.

The way it is now a few star players get 75% of the money and the rest get crumbs.
So I tend to feel for the guys getting crumbs over the stars bickering about I want 40 mil a year not 35.


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Murray was ridden hard and put away wet. If you want a thoroughbred to last, you can't treat them that way. That's just abuse.


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We obviously disagree, I see it from a players perspective and you see it from a fan's. Salud!
At least you guys were civil about it which I applaud. I get both of your point of views.
I too went on to get a better paying job. Actually double my salary, better benefits, and more time to spend with my family. Actually after 4 months on the job, I was offered more money some place else but I turned it down mainly because I like the people I worked with. If that is greedy than so be it but sometimes the work environment is better than anything else. I say to each his own.


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CowboysZone ULTIMATE Fan
At least you guys were civil about it which I applaud. I get both of your point of views.
I too went on to get a better paying job. Actually double my salary, better benefits, and more time to spend with my family. Actually after 4 months on the job, I was offered more money some place else but I turned it down mainly because I like the people I worked with. If that is greedy than so be it but sometimes the work environment is better than anything else. I say to each his own.
Yes sir! We are all different.


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And fans always want to see a player get less. Especially if they're old enough to remember when players were regular joes financially just like them. Those days are over and thus all the lamenting and finger-pointing about "greed." Defense mechanisms. Freud would be proud.

That's a fallacy. Fans look at the cap. If they got rid of the cap, I wouldn't care a bit how much players get paid. Sure, maybe some fans think as you assume. Most don't and your blanket statement is ignorant. You assume motivations for those that disagree with you.


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You are not getting it. Players have to share the same pot of money no matter what team they are on or go to. Any dollar in Mahomes' pocket is a dollar not in other Chief players' pockets. Same thing with Rodgers and GB players and every other player making big money and their respective players on their teams.

Keep it simple. No need to complicate it.

Right, and if those players think they cant get their worth on that team, there are 31 others. Guarantee there are a few who aren't in cap hell and they can carve out their value there. There are cap casualties all over. So your argument about other players being squeezed out by higher paid ones doesn't hold water if you're saying they can't get theirs. You're right, this isn't complicated.


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Marcus are you saying that none of these star players today are greedy ??:omg:
I wanted dak to get a good deal, but not 25% of the cap! lol
The more 1 star player makes the less money there is for the non star players, and often times those guys are the ones
that help win the games!

The best way to pay players would be they all get 1 mil per year, and then depending on the season they have
they get a % of the remaining cap. That way anyone that has a good year would be paid good.
Dak would have made much more in his rookie contract under a system like that.
And all of the cap is paid out each year.

The way it is now a few star players get 75% of the money and the rest get crumbs.
So I tend to feel for the guys getting crumbs over the stars bickering about I want 40 mil a year not 35.

So players get accused of being greedy, non-team players and then you want to advocate a system that makes them prioritize personal achievements rather than the team's? Managing the cap is the team's responsibility, not the player's. If you think Dak would take up too much cap, don't pay it. It's not rocket science. How is it the players' fault for wanting to get as much as other teams have given? No one holds a gun to the front office folks' heads and say, "pay market rate." If that's too expensive when you shop, you put it back on the shelf, right?


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That's a fallacy. Fans look at the cap. If they got rid of the cap, I wouldn't care a bit how much players get paid. Sure, maybe some fans think as you assume. Most don't and your blanket statement is ignorant. You assume motivations for those that disagree with you.

Well maybe you should pay attention to comments on stories of baseball players getting paid. Because it's some of the same piker gripes shared here and there's no cap to look at over there. I don't think baseball fans are vastly different than football fans, are they? Why do you think attitudes like that prevail even over there? Because they're the same society-wide, that's why. You got people in here telling players what they "should" be content with for retirement. Really? It's none of anyone's damn business what players want more money for.

Again, it's the team's responsibility to manage the cap. If the product is too expensive for you to pay other players, then don't contract for the product. How is it fans get on the players when the team pays them knowing full well there's a cap to pay other players? Logically, where should the ire be directed in such a situation and where does it actually go overwhelmingly? You don't think someone should attempt to explain that curious behavior? Or are you the type to pretend controversial things don't happen and divert blame where personally convenient?


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...I always like DeMarco. Had good instincts for holes. Even Romo said it. Such a shame he left, then went downhill after. Actually, he had one good year in TEN.