Yes, I am wearing that cap from now on. I still have on my mind that music from the cab... lol... it was something like that "haillaa laijaia jai jaiyaaaa jayhayahhhhh" it seems funny now, but it was not so funny while I was on the cab!
I want to add some interesting facts, and see whatyou guys think.
1. Strangely, correct me if i am wrong, there were "MANY" colt fans on the game. Since I traveled alone, I took the time to walk all around the stadium while inside, and talked to people, etc. I found many citizens from Dallas that liked the COLTS, especially younger fans. This due to the "Peyton Manning fever" Since i DONT go very often to Texas Stadium, I have no clue if this is normal when other teams come.
2. There is ALOT of fanbase from outside of Dallas that comes to watch the game. This also afirms our theory that the Cowboys have a large userfan base countrywide.
3. On this particular game (dont know if on any othere) the team was introduces just like that... "as a team" and not individually. Fact that reflects the good vibe the team is goigh through atm.
4. There just seems to be a connection with the overall team and the fans, something that seems to be just there, and that had been kindda lost for the last years!
Any comments guys?