My 13 y/o chihuahua just died


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I'm sorry man, that's always depressing. It's never enough time with them, is it? It's been a rough time all around and hope you're hanging in there! We're pulling for you and if you need to talk or vent or anything, we're here!


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Thank you, really appreciated. :(

We're all brothers and if we can't have sympathy and support for each other, then humanity is truly doomed. It's bad enough when their health is failing and you know it's coming, but unexpected pet death is worse. If you get down further, don't hesitate to consider going do a doctor for some temporary antidepressants. A few people I know who had dealt with loss -and- fighting cancer had to do that but recovered later enough to get off the meds. Sure, there's "toughing it out" but if the hits keep on coming, sometimes we need help.


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We're all brothers and if we can't have sympathy and support for each other, then humanity is truly doomed. It's bad enough when their health is failing and you know it's coming, but unexpected pet death is worse. If you get down further, don't hesitate to consider going do a doctor for some temporary antidepressants. A few people I know who had dealt with loss -and- fighting cancer had to do that but recovered later enough to get off the meds. Sure, there's "toughing it out" but if the hits keep on coming, sometimes we need help.
Wise words, much appreciated. In 2020 the hits just keep coming. :(


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Sorry Joe, I know it hurts losing a pet, a family member really. We have two chi’s and one is getting near the end.......he is my wifes little chosen one.
That's what I have/had, two chi's one 15 and one 13. I just lost the 13 yr old and the 15 yr old is mourning more than me. I guess I will have to double down on spoiling the 15 y/o. It's really sad watching him looking for his compadre.


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He was my little buddy and I did not expect his sudden death. I've already had a hard year with fighting cancer and COVID going on and now this. I just needed to put it into words how hard this is hitting me.

So very sorry for your loss, they are just like family. I am sure you gave him an awesome life. Prayers to you during this difficult time.


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Sorry bud, I’ve lost a lot of close people in my life and seen a lot of people die but one of the toughest things I’ve gone through is losing a pet, especially unexpected. They’re so much better than humans, they’re always there for you whenever you come home, they can tell when you’re upset or not feeling well, they know when something is wrong and they love you unconditionally.

A few years ago I lost my dog suddenly and unexpectedly to cancer over the course of a couple days and I lost my cat of 21 years last year...I still miss them both. The only good thing that came of it was that I adopted another dog and two more cats from rescue groups therefore saving other animals lives in then process.

Condolences friend, there’s really nothing anyone can say to help with the pain.

“Hang strong, Roll on”