My gripes - Tell me why this happens


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Ender;2292852 said:
No we abandon the run because it was bad play calling. But ypu guys love Garrett right. He should be the head coach right.

Funny, I was pointing this out last year towards the end of the year, then the playoffs....I love Red as much as any Cowboys fan, but he got owned in the last part of the year and people were saying he has to be our coach...and don't forget Sparano was helping call plays (right?)

Anyway, I still hope he's our next coach, but no one ever called him out for that lame play calling...what's with all the draws, why none of those pitches that have been killing?


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The team has no fire. They walk out there and expect to win off talent a lone. Now maybe since they got punched in the mouth early in the season, they can get it together and realize that they have to start getting up for big games. It looked like they thought it was preseason.


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Yakuza Rich;2293044 said:
I think we abandoned the run because it wasn't working and the Commanders kept scoring. I would've like to have seen Felix to give a change of pace for their defense and sometimes running backs just don't "have it" some games. I think the defense was the major problem today (along with McBriar forgetting how to kick). It wasn't like last year's Eagles loss where the Eagles were not scoring, but we refused to run the ball. Even still, the offense did manage to score 24 points with only 1 turnover, so it's really not like the offense is the problem. Anybody who relies on the offense scoring 27+ points a game to win is asking a bit too much.


Good point. Essentially the skins had us in a whipsaw which was established with their running game. I don't know if we underestimated how physical this game was going to be but they just flat out kick our buts in the running game. Also for the life of me, I don't know why we are missing so many wide open sacks, it is like we are tackling with our eyes closed.


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adbutcher;2295149 said:
Good point. Essentially the skins had us in a whipsaw which was established with their running game. I don't know if we underestimated how physical this game was going to be but they just flat out kick our buts in the running game. Also for the life of me, I don't know why we are missing so many wide open sacks, it is like we are tackling with our eyes closed.

I'd like to know that also. Ware should have double the amount of sacks he has so far.


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adbutcher;2295149 said:
Good point. Essentially the skins had us in a whipsaw which was established with their running game. I don't know if we underestimated how physical this game was going to be but they just flat out kick our buts in the running game. Also for the life of me, I don't know why we are missing so many wide open sacks, it is like we are tackling with our eyes closed.
It's a trend at this point. They're leaving their feet, or not coming in under control. It needs corrected, pronto.

It's all a trend.

In the grand scheme, this is just one loss, and it's pretty meaningless - but it's the things we continue seeing over and over, like Garrett's playcalling when the team gets behind, missed tackles and sacks, big turnovers from Tony Romo, mental mistakes and bad penalties....alot needs fixed, and I think that's more depressing than simply losing to the Commanders.


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We ran the ball 4 times (4 times) from the middle of the second quarter and beyond. 1 of those was a Romo scramble, and one other was that end around to Owens.


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superpunk;2295209 said:
It's a trend at this point. They're leaving their feet, or not coming in under control. It needs corrected, pronto.

It's all a trend.

In the grand scheme, this is just one loss, and it's pretty meaningless - but it's the things we continue seeing over and over, like Garrett's playcalling when the team gets behind, missed tackles and sacks, big turnovers from Tony Romo, mental mistakes and bad penalties....alot needs fixed, and I think that's more depressing than simply losing to the Commanders.

Losing at home to a bitter division rival is not in any way shape or form "meaningless". How can you even think that? This is far and away the toughest division in the NFL and it's a good bet that 50% of the teams in the East will not make the playoffs because they are going to be beating each other up over the course of the season. There is not a team in the East that can afford a division loss at home.


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HowAboutThemCowboys;2295523 said:
Losing at home to a bitter division rival is not in any way shape or form "meaningless". How can you even think that? This is far and away the toughest division in the NFL and it's a good bet that 50% of the teams in the East will not make the playoffs because they are going to be beating each other up over the course of the season. There is not a team in the East that can afford a division loss at home.
Because it's one loss. And it's unlikely that we were going to sweep the East. And it's September. It was a big game, but in the long run the outcome will most likely not mean much unless we collapse big time. It's not like we haven't had success at Tex-Ex Field.