My TG Signatures, Banners, and Wallpapers

LaTunaNostra said:
I didn't know you were in school now...what are you majoring in, WG?

PS..your trip to Vegas got me thinking and I just booked a pricelinedotcom for me and my mom the week between Christmas and New Years..kinda peak season, but that's how it goes...I used to play blackjack like I post, but I'm "reformed" But I did want to give her a special treat this year as she was so sick last the little summer job will pay for that. Sort of. I'll break the news to hubby tonight..."hey I got a job!" then "guess what, I'm going to Vegas"....

....he'll appreciate the CowboysZone as a leisure activity a bit more, I reckon.:)

Stay single - you don't need to explain nothing to nobody. :) brother and sister-in-law live in Vegas...

I might be able to get you hooked up to see Shecky Greene. :)

As far as the "single" thing and not having to answer to people...I'm single...I'm answering to Winicki all the time. "How come you're nicer to Hos that you are me?" "Why haven't you ever made me a sig pic?" "Are you PMing other people here?"

The guy is SOOO possessive.
Woody'sGirl said:
I'm getting my masters in Curriculum and Instruction emphasis on Instructional Technology. Basically learning how to incorporate technology into education. It's primarily for teachers, but I came at it from a different angle since I'm a minor techie, since I write technical documentation. So I was looking at learning about education. It was a fairly easy program and one of the primary reasons I went back to school was cuz most of my friends were getting masters. :)

Instructional Technology is growing my state every teacher who wants to get certified K-12 has to take a course in it, and pass a state technology exam. I am sure you will find post-secondary adjunct work if you choose to, WG.

I swear outside of the traveling mishaps, I had a great time in Vegas. I thoroughly enjoyed it. I'm old school I used a reg 35mm for pics, cuz my friend's digital was missing too many components. But I took 3 rolls of pics. We walked so much my knees and ankles hurt, but I'd do it again. I'm planning to put some of the pics on the web, once I get 'em developed. We really didn't gamble that much, maybe next time, but I enjoyed the shows we went to. I'm sure you and your mom are going to have a ball. Who knows, your hubby might want to go as well...after he gets over the initial shock...:D

Thanks for the reminder about the knees and ankles..I am definitely renting a car in mom can't walk far; I've been there before and know those walks from some of the parking garages to the casinos are all day excursions. I want to take her off the strip too...not as far as The Canyon probably, but do a daytrip sight seeing outside the city proper. I've already been to Vegas with my husband for New Years' 2000, we saw in the millenium morning on a helicopter ride over the Canyon. As long as I am back for the Sunday games, no problem, :)
Well...sorry B, I had a great idea for a Glenn Wall paper but I just could not find an image of Terry that would fit the other picture I had :(

It was a boris vallerjo (sp?) painting called Icarus and I was going to have Terry as the body with the guys wings.
BRILLIANT idea, BP..Icarus was the first 'wings' image I had as well. I know the Vallejo, and how difficult it would be to find any photo to match that. :) But there is a Vallejo minotaur poster that always made me think of Parcells.

The pop artist Frank Frazetta did a gorgeous Icarus long before Vallejo. I had it on my bedroom wall as a kid. You've spent enough time searching, and I appreciate it very let me look...if I can find an Icarus of any period (by anyone, even Breughal) and a pic to match it, will you do it?
LaTunaNostra said:
BRILLIANT idea, BP..Icarus was the first 'wings' image I had as well. I know the Vallejo, and how difficult it would be to find any photo to match that. :) But there is a Vallejo minotaur poster that always made me think of Parcells.

The pop artist Frank Frazetta did a gorgeous Icarus long before Vallejo. I had it on my bedroom wall as a kid. You've spent enough time searching, and I appreciate it very let me look...if I can find an Icarus of any period (by anyone, even Breughal) and a pic to match it, will you do it?

I will try....just gotta remember I have to find an image that will somewhat match up with a terry image...and the images have to be of decent quality as well.

But I will give it a go ....and can do at least that much :cool:
BrAinPaiNt said:
I will try....just gotta remember I have to find an image that will somewhat match up with a terry image...and the images have to be of decent quality as well.

But I will give it a go ....and can do at least that much :cool:

The more I think about the Frazetta Icarus the more I realize it won't he had Icarus on Pegasus and chained to the ground....tho that might have symbolized our offense last year perfectly. :rolleyes:

I'll look around tho.
Well, I found an Icarus I that looks like a receiver trying to make a catch


But the TG photo I want in it is low quality.


I already had a great appreciation for the photoshop skills you guys have developed, but never really stopped to think about the TIME you put into the matches, in addition to the actual artwork. Geez, Irvinite, Juke, BP, Arturo, et al..

I am going to shut my greedy trap (for awhile) and try to better appreciate what I've already got. LOL
Well thanks to your franzetta tip (can not believe I did not think of him and his art) I found one of his pieces called birdman.

So I just used a portion of that, a portion of a nice Terry Glenn Ohio state pic (as you mentioned before)....combined those together with a background, another terry pic and then blended them together to make it look like a painting.

This is for a desktop but you could shrink it down if need be.

Not the best thing...but it is a little different. :cool:
Oh my gosh, and you used the OSU "torso" pic!

I love it BP, and YOU....the colors are WILD!!

LaTunaNostra said:
Oh my gosh, and you used the OSU "torso" pic!

I love it BP, and YOU....the colors are WILD!!


Well I knew you would like the 6 pack pic lol.
LaTunaNostra said:
Well, I found an Icarus I that looks like a receiver trying to make a catch


But the TG photo I want in it is low quality.


I already had a great appreciation for the photoshop skills you guys have developed, but never really stopped to think about the TIME you put into the matches, in addition to the actual artwork. Geez, Irvinite, Juke, BP, Arturo, et al..

I am going to shut my greedy trap (for awhile) and try to better appreciate what I've already got. LOL

I will mess with this one later.....I need to get to my end of month and quarter reports :(

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