Gotta love all the different ways people see the path to this point. Hindsight isn't always 20-20 in some cases. Seems it's being used to justify people's opinions either way. Rather of one didn't like JG and are now saying he learned, or finally got it. Or if someone wants to say it was his plan or process.
Well, it's really just the way things went, and how circumstances came about. Walk down the street, take a step to the left, and keep on going, take a step to the right, and slip on a banana peel. That's another hindsight opinion too for some.
It's in the past, and now a new path, because circumstances got him to this point, rather if one agrees it's his plan, or got here in spite of it. Many obstacles not directly involved. Bad contracts, old players, INJURIES can and will, and did detour things.
All I care about right now, is getting that playoff win over Detroit, then will forward from there.
Win Sunday and some will have different opinion, saying he finally really got it right. Some will say, yeah, I knew he could do it. Lose and I can almost guarantee the usual suspects that haven't been around, or some that changed their tune during the season, will be right back to wanting JG gone. Can't win a playoff crowd will be out.