My thoughts on why Jerry said what he said about almost drafting Manziel

A GM looking to pass the buck of blame at Valley Ranch?

Yeah, I can see that.
It came from Jerry's own mouth. He was overruled by his inner circle. Heck, they even put an gag order on him to not talk about Johnny football. Yes its hard to believe that Jerry did listen to Stephen. I think he is slowly relenting his grip on this team and eventually he will probably let the guys that know football run it for him.

The only time Jerry is "overruled" is when he allows it.
Sometimes I think people over think things. I think that is the case with Manziel. He is like Tebow lite as far as how much interest is generated among the press and fans.
I don't disagree with any of the theories here but I'll add one more. Jerry and Manziel had stuck up some type of relationship after the college football season was over. I don't think Jerry ever thought he'd have a real chance to draft him until maybe right before the draft when it became clear there was a real chance he could slip. After Jerry passed, I think he wanted a way to tell Manziel that he still really liked him as a QB and that Manziel would still be very welcome to become a Cowboy in the future should the opportunity arise. I think Jerry was trying to mend fences with the idea that he may be able to trade for him at some point or even pick him up as a free agent. I think he wanted Manziel to know he was still on his side and it was others who led him down another path so that he could go back to him at some point and still say, "you were always my guy". It is not going to surprise me one bit if Manziel still ends up as Romo's replacement.
I must be simple-minded because stuff like this doesn't occur to me. I hear about Jerry listening to his coaches, personnel guys and Stephen and see him selecting three OL in the past four years and think maybe he's learning. That he's coming to understand that nothing can put the Cowboys in the headlines and keep them there like winning can. And nothing can improve a team like a dominant OL can. Seems obvious to me, but like I say, I'm prolly simple-minded. :D
I must be simple-minded because stuff like this doesn't occur to me. I hear about Jerry listening to his coaches, personnel guys and Stephen and see him selecting three OL in the past four years and think maybe he's learning. That he's coming to understand that nothing can put the Cowboys in the headlines and keep them there like winning can. And nothing can improve a team like a dominant OL can. Seems obvious to me, but like I say, I'm prolly simple-minded. :D

Me too...
IMO, Jones is WAYYYYYY too worried about what people think...he has billions, he has the most popular sports franchise in the country and maybe in the world...why does he feel the need to let his narcissistic tendencies shine through at virtually EVERY opportunity? You don't hear other owners or GMs spewing this crap to the media on a regular basis....Jones is worried about how he is about you JUST SHUT UP and let the team's success speak for you? While I follow what the OP stated, and it is likely spot on, Jones should not worry about hedging his bets so that people will think highly of him....

IMO, I like Jones the owner as long as he stays out of the media....thus,......
Great write up. I don't think there's that much thought behind any of Jerry's comments on Manziel other than making news. I believe Jerry is sensitive to the Cowboys becoming a back page item and when when he senses it, he just talks until he gets an appropriate level of reaction. The Manziel questions were the lowest hanging fruit to reply to but it could have been a comment about Romo, a flirtation with an active coach, or a hint of making a big trade this season that would garner the attention he wants. We talk about Jerry the owner and Jerry the GM but often it's the marketer in chief role that he jumps into that surfaces at the cowboy lower points.
My two cents. Jerry doesn't have any problem playing the rube. He played the rube for the Minnesota Vikings in the Walker trade, and see where it got him.

It cost him nothing to play the fool after the decision was made, and if enough NFL GMs buy into that, he'll Herschel them as well.
I'll throw out an interesting hypothetical:

Given how much Jerry is reported to love Manzel, and the fact that Brian Hoyer is playing well enough to keep the Browns starting job, does anyone think there is any chance of Jerry and the Cowboys trading for Manzel?
Gotta love Jerruh...

I heard this today from a Commanders fan (after messing with him on the non PC nature of his team's name)...

"You're idiot owner did GREAT by drafting lineman!!! He has the best line in football...or close to it! The kid you all drafted this year is playing AWESOME!!!

But that idiot keeps talking about how he wanted to take Johnny Manziel...WHY?!? He doesn't even know how to understand when he did good!!!"

Hate to admit it, but he's right. Stop talking about Johnny Football Jerruh. Hold your head high for once.

No Commander fans should be poking at Jerry. As bad as he's been in recent years, I can always count on 3 or 4 owners that are worst. At the top of that list is Snyder. The Skins are still the laughing stock of the league. At least we've been some what competitive
Here's one - Jerry can't shut up, ever, about anything. If he isn't talking about himself, he wants to know what YOU think of him... he has to be the center of attention, he has to take the credit, or dispense the blame. It's as if his life support system is powered by his vocal cords. There is no grand Machiavellian scheme behind what Jerry says, no secret motivation, no surreptitious intent - he simply loves to talk, especially about himself, but more than his love to talk, he has an overweening *need to be heard*...
Jerry was told by his inner circle to stop talking about Johnny football to the media. However, he did it anyways and blurted out that he wanted Johnny all along but he was happy that he was wrong. As the saying goes:

“It's better to keep your mouth shut and appear stupid than open it and remove all doubt”

Love that quote so much. I say it often lol
Did Jerry say he had to be talked out of it? I just recall him saying he wanted him and thought hard about it but decided to go in another direction. For all we know there were others in the war room that wanted him too.

There was the report about the draft card being snatched out of his hand, but we know that was fake because they don't hand in draft cards when they're in the war room in Dallas (ie, not at the draft in person).

I think his comments were mostly driven by the fact that he knew it would put him and the Cowboys front and center for a news cycle.
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Gotta love Jerruh...

I heard this today from a Commanders fan (after messing with him on the non PC nature of his team's name)...

"You're idiot owner did GREAT by drafting lineman!!! He has the best line in football...or close to it! The kid you all drafted this year is playing AWESOME!!!

But that idiot keeps talking about how he wanted to take Johnny Manziel...WHY?!? He doesn't even know how to understand when he did good!!!"

Hate to admit it, but he's right. Stop talking about Johnny Football Jerruh. Hold your head high for once.

He is asked about Johnny. He doesn't randomly bring it up.

Also the last time he was asked he declined to comment.

Jerry Jones said:
Romo, by contract as well as by commitment, is going to be certainly the quarterback for several years to come. Don't care who we drafted, that's the way it was going to be. So that's what was going through our minds. That's why we didn't spend a lot of time considering Manziel.

Let's move along people.

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