News: Myles Garrett Reinstated


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"For the win!... Boomshockalocka!"

Great post, Ghost!

Your boy got toasted on the rules so he does need your support. Lol. So you endorse lying about the rules and video to pad a weak case too like I caught your boy and another trying to do, huh? What's funny is that they're doing the exact same thing they accuse Garrett of doing: lying to make things look better for themselves when things don't look so good. So I guess this is really just an exercise of game recognizing game, lol. As I said before, human nature. In all its hypocritical glory.


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Your boy got toasted on the rules so he does need your support.
LOL! *** are you talking about? I gave you the exact quote from the 2019 related to the play in question. The only one being toasted here is you; you're just not smart enough to realize it.


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Your boy got toasted on the rules so he does need your support. Lol. So you endorse lying about the rules and video to pad a weak case too like I caught your boy and another trying to do, huh? What's funny is that they're doing the exact same thing they accuse Garrett of doing: lying to make things look better for themselves when things don't look so good. So I guess this is really just an exercise of game recognizing game, lol. As I said before, human nature. In all its hypocritical glory.

Not sure how one gets toasted on the rules when he quotes the actual rule.
By rule, it was roughing the passer. Hell, the QB doesn't hit the ground until
the receiver turns up field with the ball.

Also, you are the Al Sharpton of this board, so it's not a shock that you would
paint Garrett as the victim and accuse an innocent man, and actual victim, of
any wrongdoing.

I never thought I'd say this but thank God for people like Mike Tomlin.


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You're assuming that he didn't. Garrett didn't go off like that for no reason.

Have you ever watched anything from NFL Films?
They have mics everywhere.

Why did Garrett apologize to Rudolph the next day?
Why did he wait so long to come out with this bs story?
He's a dirty player. Multiple fines last year.

Some girl from ESPN tweeted her opinion of why he hit hit Rudolph and he ran with it.

There is enough of THIS, on both sides, in the world.
No need to manufacture a story to except to cause hate between People that
have no reason to hate each other.


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LOL! *** are you talking about? I gave you the exact quote from the 2019 related to the play in question. The only one being toasted here is you; you're just not smart enough to realize it.

No, you provided a partial quote of the rules, which is why I posted the big detail you left out plus busted you trying to attribute something from the rules to the video that absolutely didn't happen. And you're being critical of Garrett for a fabrication? According to your M.O. here, you ARE Garrett, lol. I corrected you plus showed you being a hypocrite to boot. That's what you call getting toasted.


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Not sure how one gets toasted on the rules when he quotes the actual rule.
By rule, it was roughing the passer. Hell, the QB doesn't hit the ground until
the receiver turns up field with the ball.

Also, you are the Al Sharpton of this board, so it's not a shock that you would
paint Garrett as the victim and accuse an innocent man, and actual victim, of
any wrongdoing.

I never thought I'd say this but thank God for people like Mike Tomlin.

Guess you were too busy supporting your little buddy who shares your viewpoint to read my response on the rules (plus overlooking his false report about the video I posted) nor have paid attention to any of the points I've made or the possibilities I've been open to. But you and your buddies have an agenda to stick to so you're not open to anything but what your agenda tells you is required. Oh, how is it this "innocent man" you speak of also got fined by the NFL? That would imply wrongdoing, wouldn't it? Lol. Dang, son.


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Wow, you know EXACTLY how someone would react and EXACTLY what someone would have done if called that slur? Have you had the EXACT experience a few times to know how the numbers shake out regarding reaction? That's a lot of assuming you're doing there. In the video the reporter says that Garrett said after the appeal that he didn't want it to get out. That's certainly one possible reaction. Why would he publicize it only to not want it to get out?

Don't get me wrong, I wasn't there and I do allow for anything to have happened or not happened. I'm just exploring all the possibilities here. There's no question that people sometimes lie to protect their own interests (see mattjames2010 in this very thread) and that goes for both of them. Garrett is looking for something to explain the horrible crap he pulled and Rudolph probably isn't going to admit he said it if he did because then PR swings against him whereas now it's overwhelmingly for him. If only there were audio to ferret out the liar.
OMG a slur? How mean of him lol. He deserves the gallows for it. As if slurs aren't uttered during sporting events from both sides all the time. If words make someone loose their composure, they are not a stable person and that is not debatable. It is hard to believe how society at large has turned into this sad state where words are considered crimes. We even have laws now that prevent free speech because (((some))) people can't handle criticism of any kind toward them.


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OMG a slur? How mean of him lol. He deserves the gallows for it. As if slurs aren't uttered during sporting events from both sides all the time. If words make someone loose their composure, they are not a stable person and that is not debatable. It is hard to believe how society at large has turned into this sad state where words are considered crimes. We even have laws now that prevent free speech because (((some))) people can't handle criticism of any kind toward them.

So slurs are okay then? And you're someone who attempts to style himself as a man of faith around here? Ha! Tell the rest of the loons at Westboro hello for me, lol. True colors indeed.


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Guess you were too busy supporting your little buddy who shares your viewpoint to read my response on the rules (plus overlooking his false report about the video I posted) nor have paid attention to any of the points I've made or the possibilities I've been open to. But you and your buddies have an agenda to stick to so you're not open to anything but what your agenda tells you is required. Oh, how is it this "innocent man" you speak of also got fined by the NFL? That would imply wrongdoing, wouldn't it? Lol. Dang, son.

I'm speaking on the slur accusation when using the word "wrongdoing", but hey,
you have an agenda so no need for context, right?


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I'm speaking on the slur accusation when using the word "wrongdoing", but hey,
you have an agenda so no need for context, right?

You'd have needed to actually state a context for anyone to get that. But you were too busy trying to twist what I have on record in this thread to fit your own, wait for it .... agenda. That's the one thing in common with you and a few others here. Why the need to even do that? When the issues can't stand on their own without your manipulation then that says a whole lot about the instability of your position. Not one, not two, but three of you have done that in here talking to me. Y'all should run for office, lol.


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You'd have needed to actually state a context for anyone to get that. But you were too busy trying to twist what I have on record in this thread to fit your own, wait for it .... agenda. That's the one thing in common with you and a few others here. Why the need to even do that? When the issues can't stand on their own without your manipulation then that says a whole lot about the instability of your position. Not one, not two, but three of you have done that in here talking to me. Y'all should run for office, lol.

What makes you so sure I'm not in office already?
2020 is going to be Great!

I'm guessing you were the kid that shouted "I know you are but what am I" in elementary school.
Are you not trying to portray Garrett as a victim while claiming Rudolph is "probably" guilty?

All you've proven is that it takes more than three people to successfully explain to you that
you don't know what the hell you're talking about. Go ahead with ya bad self... smh/lol