Name one particular play by the Cowboys that you'll never forget


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Name one play. That you'll never forget by the Cowboys. For me. It was Smith dropping the ball in the end zone against the Steelers in the Super Bowl. I'm still sick over it. LOL
Yeah, that was definitely a downer. The play, and it wasn’t even a play because the game was over, was when Bob Lilly threw his helmet in the air after losing to Miami in the Super Bowl. The Cowboys hadn’t won one yet and he displayed the frustration of all of us.


Regular Joe....
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Name one play. That you'll never forget by the Cowboys. For me. It was Smith dropping the ball in the end zone against the Steelers in the Super Bowl. I'm still sick over it. LOL

Yeah, that's right up there for sure. If you ever watch that play again, pay attention to the blitz pickup on Lambert by Scott Laidlaw. Lambert is dogging right up the middle. Roger goes play action to Laidlaw and then Laidlaw zeros in on Lambert and absolutely cleans him out. One of the best straight up blitz pickups I've ever seen. Shame it ended in a drop.


Cowboy , It’s a way of life.
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CowboysZone DIEHARD Fan
I know I said just one play, but the ball snapped over Tony Romo's head runs back 15 yards to get it scrambles throws down field first down. I'm not sure if that's the exact yardage but that forever will stick in my head every time I see the ball snapped over a quarterback head.