At 1 pm on Thursday Nasa is making an announcement that will "Impact the search for extraterrestrial life forms".
Here are the 3 main theories on what they think will be announced:
1. Life on one of Saturn's moons
Over at Kotaku, the speculation has centered on Rhea, one of Saturn's moons.
Chances are it has something to do with the recent discovery by the NASA-led international Cassini-Huygens mission of a tentative atmosphere containing both oxygen and carbon dioxide on the surface of Saturn's moon Rhea.
The oxygen in Rhea's atmosphere is five trillion times less dense than that of Earth, and the surface of the moon is far too cold to support life as we know it. That doesn't rule out life as we don't know it.
2. Arsenic
At, one theory again focused on one of Saturn's moons, but not Rhea.
So, if I had to guess at what NASA is going to reveal on Thursday, I'd say that they've discovered arsenic on Titan and maybe even detected chemical evidence of bacteria utilizing it for photosynthesis (by following the elements). Or something like that.
Almost at once, however, Alexis Madrigal, science editor at The Atlantic, threw cold water on the notion that NASA had proof of alien life.
I'm sad to quell some of the @kottke-induced excitement about possible extraterrestrial life. I've seen the Science paper. It's not that.
3. A new model for the existence of life
Writing at Discovery, Phil Plait suggest that rather than blowing the crowd away with a photograph of a little green alien, NASA is more likely to unveil a discovery about the conditions required for life to exist.
Of course, the speculation is that NASA will announce the discovery for life. Maybe. I can't rule that out, but it seems really unlikely; I don't think they would announce it in this way. It would've been under tighter wraps, or one thing. It's more likely they've found a new way life can exist and that evidence for these conditions exists on other worlds. But without more info, I won't speculate any farther than that.