Nate Newton on Lucky & Cowboys past and more


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I love to listen to Nate.

I'd still like to know why he was dumb enough to put himself in prison though.


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There are people saying ESPN is already circling the drain without Jerry doing that so what do you know that they don't know?

Who are these people?
Second, "circling the drain" is just a figure of speech. It's like saying the cutbacks you see in the newspaper industry will spell the demise of newspapers. Newspapers aren't going anywhere. But they will likely change form. The New York Times isn't going out of business any time soon, even if it's cutting its copy desk operations. But what it will do is transform itself more to a digital publication, as the cost of print and the habits of readers (from print to electronic devices) change.
ESPN too will undergo major change, but part of the cuts ESPN is experiencing is a result of overextending itself with "rights contracts," i.e., buying the rights to various sports and overpaying for those rights.

But ESPN isn't going anywhere. Why?
1. ESPN has deep pockets being owned by Disney.
2. ESPN still broadcasts sporting events, which the public wants to see.
3. ESPN really has only one rival, FOX Sports, and even FOX's programming isn't as varied and diverse as ESPN's.
4. ESPN will be able to adapt even if television viewership wanes by offering its programming via other digital devices and next-generation technology.

Besides, Jerry Jones benefits from ESPN as much as ESPN benefits from the Cowboys. Jerry is a consummate show man, a modern-day P.T. Barnum. And Jerry knows that whether good news or bad, if the Cowboys' name is always in the news that means the Cowboys are never forgotten.

You can't buy that type of free advertisement. So, again, why would Jerry Jones want that to stop?


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Who are these people?
Second, "circling the drain" is just a figure of speech. It's like saying the cutbacks you see in the newspaper industry will spell the demise of newspapers. Newspapers aren't going anywhere. But they will likely change form. The New York Times isn't going out of business any time soon, even if it's cutting its copy desk operations. But what it will do is transform itself more to a digital publication, as the cost of print and the habits of readers (from print to electronic devices) change.
ESPN too will undergo major change, but part of the cuts ESPN is experiencing is a result of overextending itself with "rights contracts," i.e., buying the rights to various sports and overpaying for those rights.

But ESPN isn't going anywhere. Why?
1. ESPN has deep pockets being owned by Disney.
2. ESPN still broadcasts sporting events, which the public wants to see.
3. ESPN really has only one rival, FOX Sports, and even FOX's programming isn't as varied and diverse as ESPN's.
4. ESPN will be able to adapt even if television viewership wanes by offering its programming via other digital devices and next-generation technology.

Besides, Jerry Jones benefits from ESPN as much as ESPN benefits from the Cowboys. Jerry is a consummate show man, a modern-day P.T. Barnum. And Jerry knows that whether good news or bad, if the Cowboys' name is always in the news that means the Cowboys are never forgotten.

You can't buy that type of free advertisement. So, again, why would Jerry Jones want that to stop?
Why do you name the biggest newspaper to make your point? Lots of newspapers around this country are folding. And being owned by Disney is not going to save ESPN if it continues to lose viewership as the trend continues.


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Garrett gave the press today what Belichick gives them 365 days a year, and they cried like newborns

Funny take.
Nate says Jerry is a marketer and will give the press what they want.
But Stephen is way less ibto pandering or being manipulated
Jason way less still.

So wirh no Jerry, he said Stephen and Jason said nip this at the


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Why do you name the biggest newspaper to make your point? Lots of newspapers around this country are folding. And being owned by Disney is not going to save ESPN if it continues to lose viewership as the trend continues.
ESPN is like the New York Times of television sports broadcasting.
Second, do you think Disney would invest in ESPN just to see it fail? I think not.

Silver Surfer

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Remember that commercial
With that dude dancing while dressed like a big fig

Its funny what the mind can remember. When you mentioned the commercial, the first thing that came into my head was "here's the tricky part". I probably haven't seen that commercial in almost 40 years, but I remember that line. Weird. :confused:


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ESPN is like the New York Times of television sports broadcasting.
Second, do you think Disney would invest in ESPN just to see it fail? I think not.
I'm so sorry you think so highly of ESPN, but that does explain your reluctance to admit it's failing. And you have the order of what happen all wrong... When Disney bought ESPN it was a good investment but that product has since gone down hill with viewership. It is failing.


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I'm so sorry you think so highly of ESPN, but that does explain your reluctance to admit it's failing. And you have the order of what happen all wrong... When Disney bought ESPN it was a good investment but that product has since gone down hill with viewership. It is failing.

Stop being childish.
Childish people resort to the "You must like the person/group you're defending" debate tactic. You're better than that.
It's not a matter of me thinking highly of ESPN. I really don't watch ESPN anymore because I'm more interested in football, and I have the NFL Network to satisfy that itch.
However, I recognize that ESPN is a giant when it comes to sports programming and sports coverage, even if it is experiencing a down period. You don't have to like ESPN to recognize this.

Second, I've already acknowledge ESPN has fallen on hard times.
ESPN too will undergo major change, but part of the cuts ESPN is experiencing is a result of overextending itself with "rights contracts," i.e., buying the rights to various sports and overpaying for those rights.

Third, what order did I have wrong? I said Disney wouldn't invest in ESPN just to see it fail. That statement stands independent of ESPN's success or failure when Disney acquired it. Disney also bought the rights to Marvel characters when comic book subscriptions and readership was declining. Disney just found a way to adapt (and capitalize on Marvel's success at the box office). Smart businesses find ways to turn failing ventures that have promise into profitable ventures. Read what Disney may try to do with ESPN.

Fourth, this article summarizes my perspective on the issue. ESPN is not Doomed.