Twitter: Negotiations with Zeke have intensified **merged**


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Just end it already. Enough is enough, it's time to play football.
Patience young grasshopper. Some of us have been saying he’ll be there all along. It’s just a matter of time now.


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When Jerry Jones or his idiot son take less money on anything they do "for the good of the team" ........ I may decide to listen to their Bullcrap.

In the 25 years since we have won a superbowl ....... have the ticket prices gone down? How about food at the stadium? Have Jersey prices gone down? How about stadium tour prices?

When will Jerry Jones give the people who make his team worth over 5 billion dollars a fan friendly deal?

If its all about the team ........ Why cut Dez and Ware in the middle of their contracts but keep the same GM who has not won anything in the last 25 years?

But more than half the fanbase still believe the con-mans bull.


Maybe the fanbase just realizes we have alot of good young talent and there is currently a salary cap in pro football and we'd like to see us keep as.much of our good young talent as possible.

Maybe the fanbase also realizes that some of our good young talent plays positions that are harder to replace than RB.

So maybe our fanbase would just like to see us not waste alot of our cap on one guy and mortgage winning as a team.


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But the contracts are worth the paper their written on, except to the players apparently. Is there anywhere in the contract saying a player can’t be cut? Is there a mandatory amount of rime that a team must keep a player written in the contract? That’s why players get guaranteed money which is a great deal.

So the teams are honoring the contracts. The CBA agreed to the terms and the players signed the contract, right?

No, I don’t expect the players to hold out because they agreed to a set amount of guaranteed money and if they didn’t play up to that amount of money the owners don’t get their money back so why do the players not have hold up their end of the agreement?

Seems pretty one sided to me. A player can get a large amount of guaranteed money and do nothing for the rest of their career, take their money and walk away without owing the owners a dime. The trade off is the owners can cut them but the players still get to keep their money?

I would love to have that kind of deal where I work. Here’s a few million bucks that you get to keep no matter what, if you perform up to our standards we’ll pay you even more. If you don’t, we’ll fire you but you get to keep the few million dollars and look for employment elsewhere. Poor players, I don’t know how they get by.

Stop comparing yourself to a pro athlete, you're not special and are easily replaceable. You have no leverage.

Chuck 54

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Gary Brown spent months with him in the offseason on the changes, and the changes are more about approach and playcalling than terminology or formations. RBs don't need preseason reps the way a WR or CB does.
I t needing reps in preseason, but I’m not buying that he doesn’t need practice reps.


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if zeke comes in we are a super bowl caliber team....if he doesn't we have a lot to learn


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Stop comparing yourself to a pro athlete, you're not special and are easily replaceable. You have no leverage.
That has nothing to do with the overall point which obviously and predictably went right over head. If it makes you feel better, take my last paragraph out of it and respond to the rest but I’m sure you won’t do that because it disproves your argument.