Networks should be ashamed

The CBS/Fox split is determined by the road team. If it is an NFC team, then it is on Fox and vice versa.
Nomad said:
I think since we had Aikman and Buck that makes us the headliner, atleast of the Sunday day games. So in areas where their local team played at noon they would most likely get us at 3 but I guess not.

I also don't get how the CBS/FOX AFC/NFC is decided, you would think since it was an AFC home game we would have ended up on CBS, I guess if its a game with both conferences they toss it up to either. Actually I guess its either way because when we play AFC on Thanksgiving its always CBS and still our home game.

You'll know when we aren't a featured game when we end up with Brian Balldinger etc.

the road team's network hosts any regular season interconference games.
JDSmith said:
I wonder if it will be the NFL game of the week. I think it should be, I was dying watching it.
It should be. It was a great game and had me on the edge of my seat.

But you know that the Whiners won a close game also and it was their new coaches debut and all that. You know how the networks love to trump Dallas with the Whiners.
Jimz31 said:
THIS should have been the game that they showed ALL OVER THE COUNTRY.


ummm, it WAS the game they showed all over the country.
today was my first day of having Sunday Ticket on direct tv and also my first day as a man :) i hated relying on networks and even though this week i got the boys on local, i didn't watch any commercials, because i had the cardinals and gints :)

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