New Coaching Staff

Obviously with the Jones at the top of pile it could never be as good as we all would like however... What are your thoughts on this new regime? At least it a younger staff and no retreads.
Idk, who's on the staff?
I agree.
Nothing personal against the man.
Just don't understand the logic behind hiring a guy who is average at best as a coordinator after 2 decades to then promote him and expect success as a head coach.

Well, I actually do understand by the FO's contradictory continuity crap along with the Dak contract influence.

But that just makes it look like the more that things change the more they stay the same.

And here we are.

Yep. Agree.

Here are few small glimmers that potentially provide a tiny spark of hope. Maybe lol

1. Adams as an OC and a run oriented HC that believes in PA passing game is at least on paper, an approach that has helped Dak play at his best in seasons past

2. Possible “bounce back” effort to the horrid performance in 2024. They got dragged and mocked and maybe, if Schotty is the communicator people say he is, the team can rally and put a better foot forward after getting embarrassed. Maybe the FO even cracks the wallet for an actual FA or two that actually upgrade the roster? Lol one can hope

3. Improved health and improved discipline in terms of penalties. Please. May it be so.

4. Eberflus is a decent DC. He has had some solid top 10 units. Perhaps he can help round the run D into form— but I will believe it when I see it lol

This HC transition looks very much like the FO is giving Schotty and Dak a 3-4 window to get it done. This offseason will be another huge roster shift, and I think we are significantly behind the Iggs and Commodes in a lot of areas.
Yep. Agree.

Here are few small glimmers that potentially provide a tiny spark of hope. Maybe lol

1. Adams as an OC and a run oriented HC that believes in PA passing game is at least on paper, an approach that has helped Dak play at his best in seasons past

2. Possible “bounce back” effort to the horrid performance in 2024. They got dragged and mocked and maybe, if Schotty is the communicator people say he is, the team can rally and put a better foot forward after getting embarrassed. Maybe the FO even cracks the wallet for an actual FA or two that actually upgrade the roster? Lol one can hope

3. Improved health and improved discipline in terms of penalties. Please. May it be so.

4. Eberflus is a decent DC. He has had some solid top 10 units. Perhaps he can help round the run D into form— but I will believe it when I see it lol

This HC transition looks very much like the FO is giving Schotty and Dak a 3-4 window to get it done. This offseason will be another huge roster shift, and I think we are significantly behind the Iggs and Commodes in a lot of areas.
Yeah Hawk, I can appreciate your optimism but not quite able to share it yet.
I just can't help but see it as another attempt at 2016's offense.
And heck, I loved that offense.

But unfortunately this QB still needs so much more than a running game to accomplish anything as you mentioned here with the defense.

So now maybe somehow this time the running game AND Eberflus can help to carry him to the postseason success that the 2016 team couldn't.

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You do realize that you're talking about on paper now do the other five teams show me the coordinators that the teams who lost Ben Johnson and Aaron Glenn and Cohen what did they replace him with cause from what I look at him I've never heard of most of them I've never seen them at their new current positions they've been elevated they're high risk and there are no names they're no big names what does that tell you it tells you they think it's the players and the scheme and that elevating and bringing over somebody into a new position they should be able to at least keep pace with what they lost..

So what does that tell you?

I can tell you what it tells me Ben Johnson Liam Cohen and Aaron Glenn have never been head coaches before and they are on equal footing with schottenheimer I don't care what they look like on paper let me ask you something did they bring all those players and support staff you know their head coach I mean anybody with them that can make them transition easier like what made them successful was probably the whole package but more so the players the damn lions had it all in two deep team and still didn't make it to the super bowl..

And last I checked those teams had some disappointing exits in the playoffs but let's just keep this real what you're seeing on paper means nothing I already said it they're all gonna have to prove themselves and they don't have the players they don't have the the coaches that they leaned on for advice and support and especially their head coaches that they left those teams they have none of that they literally are starting from scratch I don't care what they look like on paper...

So really there is no answer to your question but I can tell you there's a lot of teams that are feeling their last spots with very similar coaches to what we're doing what only matters here is does it fit what we have are they gonna work together in One Direction and help our team get better all those need to be answered on the field...

I remember people said this about Mike McCarthy when he first got hired nobody else wanted him he was retired he's washed up and then he had a good run here he was absolutely in 2020 the best coaching hire not even a close second he was the most successful coach hired in 2020 but when he was hired I heard the same thing from experts around here you know all the fan base that know everything..

What we need to do is calm down wait to see what the results are on the field and especially you gotta be judgmental on what are they gonna have to work with who's gonna have the better players and the GM supporting them you gotta hope that Jerry and Steven right now knowing some of the backlash they're getting for this Brian schottenheimer hire they may do a little bit more in the offseason to prove themselves right to the public therefore maybe better free agency a better draft maybe a trade nobody expects I think they're probably going to do that just to prove that Brian schottheimer was the proper hire and from a fan bases perspective that's great...
Keep drinking that Kool Aid. It is making Jerry very happy.
I feel similarly, sans Sorenson. I thought he was an interesting hire based on his unique background. To me it's almost like hiring CJ Goodwin 14 years later after he's gained experience coaching. Nick Sorenson was actually a pretty good special teams player in the NFL and allowed him to have a long career in the NFL despite playing very little on defense.

Now I don't know what kind of kicking coach he is, but I imagine he knows a few things about special teams coverage.
I do like that he was a successful special teams player. He has not been a successful coach, though. Maybe he didn't have much on special teams in Jacksonville or just wasn't given enough of an opportunity, but I'd rather have a coach who has had some success than hope that one starts having some success now.
“Completely different”? Not really. All coaching requires the ability to teach, communicate, cast vision, problem solve, resolve conflict, set goals, mange time and schedules, delegate, and hold people accountable to their performance

A HC might have a larger scope in terms of their responsibilities, the expectations put on them, the scrutiny they face, and people directly reporting to them— but the skillsets are very similar.

Which is precisely why successful OCs and DCs, and position coaches are promoted to being a HC. And is also precisely why many in the media and the NFL world are scratching their head over the Schotty hire— his coaching resume has been meh
well then why do so many of them fail sometimes badly when they become HC ????
They are not good leaders, and dont have all the skills they need.
Also "hot" dc and oc's are often just avg, but they had a great roster to work with on a good team, so they look
better than they actually are.

Like Saleh, was below avg with the jets and was let go early, eberflus, was horrible at chicago, I saw the game where he let all the
time run off the clock, I was thinking what are they doing??

I even think ben johnson may be over rated, since he had a loaded roster in det. The plays made him look good, but maybe he isnt.

So far I like shotty better than some of these other guys,just by what he is saying and that he hired what he thought were the
best coaches, instead of his buddies.
Yea. It’s better than staying with the same staff. Some of the hires seem promising. Maybe they surprise us because seemingly not one person thinks Shot was a great hire.
Keep drinking that Kool Aid. It is making Jerry very happy.
No this has nothing to do with Jerry Jerry doesn't read this I'm not talking to Jerry I'm talking to you I'm talking to anybody like you that needs some wider perspective apparently you think many positional coaches that were elevated to head coaches and a large % failed. Its true facts are all there,

how about all the BIG NAMED head coaches that failed from college? Saban, Meyers, Kelley, Petrino and many more.. i bet you thought they were going to be superstars. yet they not only failed they failed quickly and hard chased back to college..

Guarantee BS is a bit more NFL ready than they were hes been around it for 25 years and had father who was very successful HC..

it's not kool aid it's a fact you're basing your argument on names who have ZERO experience at their new jobs just like BS, and Fact...

they were touted as the new hot name ONLY because of everything they had where they came from, ALL IN ROSTERS AND STAFFS ,THEY CAN NOT BRING WITH THEM!!! Recreating that is going to be tough..

Heres some irony, last season Boby Slowic was the hot OC ready for success at the next HC job, now hes fired and not getting a HC job.. going from hot to not in one season.. he was ben johnson last year.hmm.
thats all the proof i need to say nothings guaranteed and the other new HCs have no more chance than BS other than how their GM/Owner might give them MORE pieces.
so, if they came here, they would not have had that advantage,​
Crazy huh real life perspective vs hyperbole. THE NFL sold you on those names without definitive proof , you drabnk that Koolaide, apparently LOL​
No this has nothing to do with Jerry Jerry doesn't read this I'm not talking to Jerry I'm talking to you I'm talking to anybody like you that needs some wider perspective apparently you think many positional coaches that were elevated to head coaches and a large % failed. Its true facts are all there,

how about all the BIG NAMED head coaches that failed from college? Saban, Meyers, Kelley, Petrino and many more.. i bet you thought they were going to be superstars. yet they not only failed they failed quickly and hard chased back to college..

Guarantee BS is a bit more NFL ready than they were hes been around it for 25 years and had father who was very successful HC..

it's not kool aid it's a fact you're basing your argument on names who have ZERO experience at their new jobs just like BS, and Fact...

they were touted as the new hot name ONLY because of everything they had where they came from, ALL IN ROSTERS AND STAFFS ,THEY CAN NOT BRING WITH THEM!!! Recreating that is going to be tough..

Heres some irony, last season Boby Slowic was the hot OC ready for success at the next HC job, now hes fired and not getting a HC job.. going from hot to not in one season.. he was ben johnson last year.hmm.
thats all the proof i need to say nothings guaranteed and the other new HCs have no more chance than BS other than how their GM/Owner might give them MORE pieces.
so, if they came here, they would not have had that advantage,​
Crazy huh real life perspective vs hyperbole. THE NFL sold you on those names without definitive proof , you drabnk that Koolaide, apparently LOL​
I don't think you understood my original post. LOOK at the coaching staff they are putting together on offense and defense. It looks REALLY good. Dallas' coaching staff looks pathetic at best.
Well, BS is hired. already gave my thoughts on the hiring process.

So far, I like what we've seen for the coordinators. Don't know too much about the positional coaches but just hoping for the best.
I don't think you understood my original post. LOOK at the coaching staff they are putting together on offense and defense. It looks REALLY good. Dallas' coaching staff looks pathetic at best.
oh i know what you're saying and i say you're completely wrong, paper names mean nothing, and ours is not chop liver go away, you are NOT winning this. Go be bears fan!! BYE

these LOOKED great on paper and burned like old paper lMAO, how about all the BIG NAMED head coaches that failed from college? Saban, Meyers, Kelley, Petrino and many more.. i bet you thought they were going to be superstars. yet they not only failed they failed quickly and hard chased back to college..
So many fans whined and complained about Schottenheimer being named coach. Heck I was not even sure how I felt.
Rather it was him or lack of the effort the front office put into it. Which is the same IMO as to not liking the hire.

However, these same many fans, seem to like the new staff as it is coming together.

So are you giving these hired coaches as credit to Brian, or to Jerry?
Can it be they are working together on it, so the fan myth proves, Jerry is not so controllimg after all?

Who you giving credit to. As to it looks better than many thought.
Yes Jerry needs to provide players now, and we need to see it on the field. However, that is not the point.

Who”s idea are all these coaches many seem to like.
it's stockholm syndrome and lowered expectations. we bottomed out and now people are grasping at any hope. this staff is not inspiring imo, it's just not worst case and it could have been
it's stockholm syndrome and lowered expectations. we bottomed out and now people are grasping at any hope. this staff is not inspiring imo, it's just not worst case and it could have been
I can see some feeling that way. But for the most, I think they do like the way the staff is coming together. Because it is a change. And gives us something to look forward to in a way.
But if the FO chooses not to bring in any FA's, or keep too many of their own that they shouldn't. Then that feeling will fade fast.

It was the process the FO went about, or did not go about in interviewing more HC candidates.

All did not like the way changing from Tom Landry to Jimmy Johnson was handled. And I do not know about how others felt. But I was excited to see how Jimmy was going to build the team. Especially after the Walker trade, which at first I did not like, but could not deny it was exciting to get all those draft picks.

Now I do not even come close to that now. But I am looking forward to what they do.
oh i know what you're saying and i say you're completely wrong, paper names mean nothing, and ours is not chop liver go away, you are NOT winning this. Go be bears fan!! BYE

these LOOKED great on paper and burned like old paper lMAO, how about all the BIG NAMED head coaches that failed from college? Saban, Meyers, Kelley, Petrino and many more.. i bet you thought they were going to be superstars. yet they not only failed they failed quickly and hard chased back to college..
Let's make a wager. Loser deletes their account.

Bears will have more wins than the Cowboys by the end of the 2025 season.
Let's make a wager. Loser deletes their account.

Bears will have more wins than the Cowboys by the end of the 2025 season.
Apparently, you can't read, because I said the coach wouldn't matter if he was here or there given the fact that we don't know if our wonderful front office is going to provide our coaching staff with the same weapons and apparently you don't understand the difference apparently you're separated at the narratives that hate Jerry Jones and the fact that he doesn't do anything at free agency and that hardly does anything in trades that's not aggressive that's not all in....

somehow, it's lost on you when I'm trying to tell you, so how about this how about I just don't see your posts anymore, you don't get it, you'll never get it...

There's a crazy alternate reality, what if we got to actually have a time machine and get to play out this year twice with the exact same scenarios except for switch Ben Johnson to the Cowboys with his staff and switch out Brian Schottenheimer in this current staff and bring it send him over to the bears and get the replay both seasons exactly the same except let the coaches make the decisions and find out which one is better because my bet is it'd be the one with more talent and the one given more advantages by the front office so I don't care if Jimmy Johnson came back in his prime right now with that roster we had last year and all the injuries he would not have won any more games and Mike McCarthy do you not understand the point now that names don't matter if they're not supported that they're just names it's all paper Ben Johnson would not have been the better of the two coaches here if you're just using names.

Here's another one I also guarantee that Andy Reid and his coaching staff coached this team last year they would not have won any more games and Mike McCarthy would have you can't win games without a healthy roster and without a talented roster the more talent always wins coaching does matter but you also have to have the talent you have to have the roster... So yes Ben Johnson came from a place where it was absolutely overloaded with talent and if the bears somehow give him something similar he probably would be successful but that doesn't mean he would come here with his name and be any better than Brian schottenheimer because we don't know what roster Jerry's going to give him!!

Oh my God dude you just don't get it...

And I'm betting it Mike McCarthy was coaching the Philadelphia Eagles right now they'd be just as successful siriani is not special that really the coaching staff is not that special but you know what is special from top to bottom they made sure they had a lot of talent Kelly Moore just overnight didn't change but his roster did you not understand that if he goes to the Saints he's probably not gonna have the same amount of success so names don't matter as much as talent but if you put the great talent with a great name sure they're probably gonna be successful and more in a great way...

Context is important. Having a general perspective on how it works in sports like it doesn't matter how great a name you put on the coaching staff if you don't give them good to great players and you gotta have luck to not have a bunch of injuries..

You're going to sit here and tell me that Ben Johnson would have been as successful had he lost Gibbs and Goff and that where he is now you're saying that in training camp or let's say three games in the season Caleb Williams goes down for the year you're saying that he's going to have just as successful as a year without his starters on the field and without a healthy team to realize his vision!!!
Too soon ..........let's see if Jerry and Stephen get the players. Free agency and draft will give us a true whether or not they are serious about change and not just change but change in the right direction.
Sign Garett and Garett Wilson and then we'll see.
There's a crazy alternate reality, what if we got to actually have a time machine and get to play out this year twice with the exact same scenarios except for switch Ben Johnson to the Cowboys with his staff and switch out Brian Schottenheimer in this current staff and bring it send him over to the bears and get the replay both seasons exactly the same except let the coaches make the decisions and find out which one is better because my bet is it'd be the one with more talent and the one given more advantages by the front office so I don't care if Jimmy Johnson came back in his prime right now with that roster we had last year and all the injuries he would not have won any more games and Mike McCarthy do you not understand the point now that names don't matter if they're not supported that they're just names it's all paper Ben Johnson would not have been the better of the two coaches here if you're just using names.

Here's another one I also guarantee that Andy Reid and his coaching staff coached this team last year they would not have won any more games and Mike McCarthy would have you can't win games without a healthy roster and without a talented roster the more talent always wins coaching does matter but you also have to have the talent you have to have the roster... So yes Ben Johnson came from a place where it was absolutely overloaded with talent and if the bears somehow give him something similar he probably would be successful but that doesn't mean he would come here with his name and be any better than Brian schottenheimer because we don't know what roster Jerry's going to give him!!

Oh my God dude you just don't get it...

And I'm betting it Mike McCarthy was coaching the Philadelphia Eagles right now they'd be just as successful siriani is not special that really the coaching staff is not that special but you know what is special from top to bottom they made sure they had a lot of talent Kelly Moore just overnight didn't change but his roster did you not understand that if he goes to the Saints he's probably not gonna have the same amount of success so names don't matter as much as talent but if you put the great talent with a great name sure they're probably gonna be successful and more in a great way...

Context is important. Having a general perspective on how it works in sports like it doesn't matter how great a name you put on the coaching staff if you don't give them good to great players and you gotta have luck to not have a bunch of injuries..
Didn't you spend the last couple months of the season complaining about how terrible McCarthy was (Schotty to a lesser extent) and it was his fault that this team underperformed this year. Horrible play caller, didn't get Turpin the ball enough, didn't name Dowdle RB1 early enough, etc. Now that we have been underwhelmed by the HC hire you can't just change everything and say that coaching doesnt matter all that much and it comes down to the talent level of the team.

I'm cool with the coaches matter thought process. I'm cool with the talent makes coaches look good argument. I'm good with something in between, but pick a lane and stay in it for once.
Sign Garett and Garett Wilson and then we'll see.
I don't know what subject you're talking about but we need to talk about the salary cap we need to talk about the fact that we have a wide receiver who makes$35 million we also have a defensive end that's gonna be making about the same amount of money very soon so now you wanna use draft compensation to bring another defensive end who wants a bigger deal meaning he's gonna want as much as Michael Parsons how do you fit two of those on same team you're trying to tell me you're gonna trade Parsons for Garrett and then pay Garrett and not Parsons I don't think you can have both I don't know another team to have two defensive ends that both make north of $30 million I don't think it's possible therefore it would be ridiculous to expect that from the front office because I don't think it works...

Now Garrett Wilson he seems to have a team friendly deal for at least one season if not 2 this says there's a club option he makes about 7 million well how much do they want for him h....ual realistic free agent to come here...

But that's what fans need to stop putting together this elite list of everything they want versus what the salary cap can fit on their current teams you have to look at current salaries current contracts up for a big deal and what not but yes Garrett Wilson would be a viable option, miles Garrett is a big fat probably no...

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