Since I am the "OP" or original poster, I will respond to the replies so far with additional insight. First off, I am a Cowboys FAN and season ticket holder for several years now, including the NEW STADIUM. (To the posters who think I was being overly critical) So, its not like I'm a jealous Commanders fan looking to stir ****. I provided my insights as I saw them. I try to play things down the middle of the fairway and be fair and impartial in my assessments.
That being said, here are some additional observations. One of the other posters was right about the sound. It seemed to be accoustically fine at some points during the concert and very bad at other times. I sat in the front row of the very lowest level in the corner.
I was in sectoin 212 - and the sound was great. It did however get VERY loud, to the point where you really couldn't understand what was being sang, but I would assume that had more to do with the equipment for the music guys, rather than the stadium itself.
The seats I sat in were "slightly" larger than the old seats I had in the end zone of the old stadium and were "slightly" more comfortable. I sat near a suite and the suites had "nice looking" leather type seats in them, sort of like office chairs. I don't see how they will last long in this type of environment and for this use, but I guess time will tell.
I've had season tickets since 89 in Tx Stadium and the seats where we were were more than slightly more comfortable.... but that could have been just because it was the club section - I don't know if there were like this throughout?
My girlfriend who is from Houston (who has season tickets to the Texans games (Club level and endzone as well) was impressed with the exterior, hated the exterior access to the stadium, and really hated the interior access to the stadium.
In the old stadium, once you were inside the stadium, you could walk all the way around the stadium inside the chain link fencing and walk the ring around the stadium to your seat. That seems to be pretty much eliminated in the new stadium. If you had friends in another section you could walk over and say hello, have a beer at halftime in the common areas and return to your seats. That seems to be a little more difficult, if not impossible in some respects in the new stadium. I'm not looking to hate the stadium, lol, just reporting my findings here folks. LOL
I agree 100% with this. I'm hoping it was just because it was for a concert and not the actual games - but there is no more walking around the stadium. I had the grand plans of spending the entire night just wandering around, but I wasn't too sucessful with this.
I am sure that as time goes on, that I will find the path of least resistance, and will get to explore the entire stadium, but as with anything, there are positives and negatives. I think the stadium was designed with a control of access in mind to differentiate between price levels of seats. Because of the controlled access though, you cant just wander around the stadium.
Because this was a concert, rather than a football game, it is hard to tell, but it looks like that there will be a significant distance from the field to the fans, which I think, to some extent, negates home field advantage a little bit.
I don't know about this - while it did seem the field might be farther away, when that place is full - it's going to get LOUD.
The air temperature inside the stadium was nice and cool, but the hallways were a little too warm for comfort. Nevertheless, the temperature is much much better than normal weather temperature in the old stadium. LOL
The areas where it got really warm tending to be areas that were halfway closed off from the field, but where there were exterior doors near by. Some of the "bar" areas on the club level felt like this. But, still 1000% times better than a nice Aug. afternoon game at Tx Stadium.
About the porta potties issue ..... I kinda thought the same thing initially ... that maybe that area wasn't complete and that permanent bathrooms might be installed later at field level, but after some thought on the issue I really don't think so. I cant figure out the unpainted areas either ..... It really leaves you scratching your head.
I've read and noticed some areas where construction was still going on. The longest I had to wait to go to the restroom was about a minute, if that. The wife had to wait about 2-3 mintues tops...once again 100 times better that Tx Stadium.
Like I said before ..... If you have any questions, feel free to ask, and I will be happy to answer any questions which I have enough info to give a meaningful response.
One more thing. I really dont care how much it costs within reason, I'm spending to get good parking. I would say that parking around the stadium up close (Blue Parking Equivalent at old stadium) will cost $200 per pass from a scalper at a good game. Yes. I'm serious. We better hope they run shuttles incessantly on game day.