New details emerge on Dak Prescott's hamstring injury

Has any starting QB come back to play at their former level after this injury? I thought Dak was dynamic the first 4-5 years of his career, but he was lethargic this year. I hope he retires.
He is already been broken and he is getting older, so don't expect him to get better because it will only get worse. This is a young mans game and not many older players can succeed, some have, but not many and I would bet Dak's time is coming up sooner than later.
Dak was immobile before, yall really gonna hate him after this injury lol. Congrats to the idiots in the front office for caving and paying our mediocre immobile QB TOP QB MONEY LMAO. Might as well have Jerry in a wheel chair out there, probably wouldn't make a difference.
Dak was immobile before, yall really gonna hate him after this injury lol. Congrats to the idiots in the front office for caving and paying our mediocre immobile QB TOP QB MONEY LMAO. Might as well have Jerry in a wheel chair out there, probably wouldn't make a difference.
Football is a tough sport, and so is the Military and that is why only people with the age between 17-35 can join the Army and only people with the age 17-28 can join the Marines. They know how hard it is on people and at Dak's age coming up is only going to get worse. He could not even join the Army now if he wanted to.
Hold up,…, they came out and said it was grade 2 for the whole week. How is that possible when two were completely torn off? That would have been seen almost immediately. Were these doctors graduates at the Medical School of the Mayorkas? :muttley:

LA LA LA ...............The head bone is connected opps and there is no brain :muttley: .................Wonder what his next injury will be hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm I think it is knee time coming up.
The next punk-out injury coming in 2025 at a NFL stadium near you!!!!
Stay home, keep the money, you deserve it. Good luck, Prescott.
Dak was immobile before, yall really gonna hate him after this injury lol. Congrats to the idiots in the front office for caving and paying our mediocre immobile QB TOP QB MONEY LMAO. Might as well have Jerry in a wheel chair out there, probably wouldn't make a difference.
They knew he had a problem before they signed him. He was walking around in a boot.
Hold up,…, they came out and said it was grade 2 for the whole week. How is that possible when two were completely torn off? That would have been seen almost immediately. Were these doctors graduates at the Medical School of the Mayorkas? :muttley:
It got worse, did you read it. Initially it was not tearing off the bone the third tendon. It was only when he got the final MRI that it showed he was tearing it, and it would need surgery rather than rehab.:facepalm:
All this tells me is he's not a natural thrower. He has to wind up and use his body to throw more than a natural thrower would. Next, he'll pull a muscle in his back pump faking.
All this tells me is he's not a natural thrower. He has to wind up and use his body to throw more than a natural thrower would. Next, he'll pull a muscle in his back pump faking.
LMAO all this tells me. Another person with no clue.
So wait, there's a chance he may not regain strength in his hamstring?
That's a bad injury...I'm rehabbing right now for a complete tear on ONE hamstring, this guy had 3...I don't even know when I tore mine. It showed up when my MRI detected 3 herniated and 2 degenerative tore off my pelvic bone too....not fun. He's about 25 years younger than me, he should be back at better than full strength. I've lost 35 lbs since I started rehab in August....barely got back into the weight room last week.
That's a bad injury...I'm rehabbing right now for a complete tear on ONE hamstring, this guy had 3...I don't even know when I tore mine. It showed up when my MRI detected 3 herniated and 2 degenerative tore off my pelvic bone too....not fun. He's about 25 years younger than me, he should be back at better than full strength. I've lost 35 lbs since I started rehab in August....barely got back into the weight room last week.
My daughter rock climbs she has plantar fasciitis . I told her it’s going to affect your hamstrings if you keep limping and don’t put a boot on. They go hand-in-hand. Sorry about your injury. Take care of it so heels, right. pS. Injuries are a great way to lose weight, lol side effects
It got worse, did you read it. Initially it was not tearing off the bone the third tendon. It was only when he got the final MRI that it showed he was tearing it, and it would need surgery rather than rehab.:facepalm:
No, I didn’t read it but my question still stands. Ignore the third tendon, the other two tore completely off. Surgery would have been required regardless of the partially torn tendon even if it got worse over the week. There was never a chance to rehab two complete tears, especially for an athlete.
No, I didn’t read it but my question still stands. Ignore the third tendon, the other two tore completely off. Surgery would have been required regardless of the partially torn tendon even if it got worse over the week. There was never a chance to rehab two complete tears, especially for an athlete.
Tyler Smith rehabbed
Yes, but that’s not what you said. You said how did they miss the third one?
No, my point was how did they miss the other two completely torn ligaments. That would have been discovered the next day and a planned surgery. The initial report was grade 2. I asked simply why grade 3 was not the diagnosis.
career ending injury, Jones gets an insurance payment from it so doesnt care, Cowboys have cap issues yet do begin a total rebuild, Jones relinquishes GM role, says he is retired and has accomplished all he set out to blah blah

can a man dream
Tyler Smith rehabbed
You like moving the goalposts a lot :muttley:

Smith did not completely tear a tendon, much less two. His was a minor injury. Again, you can not just rehab complete tears if you want any kind of mobility in the future.