New Perspective on Henson

One thing that strikes me about henson is that in controlled practices he looks great but he definitely has not acclimated himself to an unpredictable defense.

He is in year two to write him off already is foolish IMO.
No Enigma it was directed at the individuals who want to be PC and say we shouldn't hope one player fails in favor of another player. Disagreement what makes message boards great. If we all said teh same thing and thought the same thing, what would be the point of even being on here.
You would have thought by now we would have an "Instant QB" pill.
tothewhipbill said:
maybe it's me - but it seems a li'l early in Henson's camp #2 for everybody to bailing off of him.
Premature evaluation. Their poor women.
Look at the bright side. The Dallas Cowboys have now made two former baseball players that stiffed football originally into instant millionaires.

First Chad Hutchinson, and now Drew great! It is like sobbing around the house only to have Ed McMahon (Jerry Jones in this case) come knock on your door and hand you a big fat check for millions of dollars.

I say "go ahead" to folks like Henson and Hutch. If someone wants to give you the dough, then why not take the money and run.

I bet Charlie Casserly is laughing his head off right about now.
Eh, what does it matter. You have to be 33+ years old to play QB for the Cowboys these days anyhow. So Romo and Henson have what 6 or 7 years before they can play?
;) Just kidding around...sorta...

Hey, if Romo plays well and wins the #2 job all the power to him. It's still early though, preseason games 1-3 should be the most telling. While I'm rooting for Henson, I just want the one who wins the #2 spot to win because of good opposed to just playing not quite as bad as the other.
sacase said:
I think Henson won't be here much longer. That is my opinion.

Got a problem with it, take it up with the Constitution.

Just FYI, the Constitution has nothing to say about interactions in the private sphere. Its protections extend only to incursions on your freedoms by governmental authorities.

In any event, the point others were making has nothing to do with censorship. It has to do with appropriate conduct for a fan. Go ahead and wish failure on the members of your own team if you wish. But know that others may think that it makes you a poor excuse for a "fan". And that's their (Constitutionally unprotected) opinion.
TheEnigma said:
At first I want to say that I am rooting for Henson to become the back-up and at some point in time becoming the starter. I will not however make something in to something its not, and Henson right now has been struggling. But I want you guys to all consider this. If Parcells wants to bring in somebody else, he will do it, so you can't call Henson a waste of roster spot. With that in mind, the 3rd round pick we used on Henson was for this past draft. In terms of Value Henson is a rookie this year. We all know he was out of football for 3 years, but in essence, Henson is a rookie this year. So, when you judge him, don't compare him to Eli Manning or Ben R.
I repeat again: Henson will not beat out Bledsoe, and I don't mind that...I'll be patient and wait for him to be ready to start. However, if he can't beat out Romo at this point, he's just not very good...period. As for Romo leading the 3rd string offense to a score on a swing pass to A-Train, remember that they are probably also running against the 3rd defense, guys who won't be here.
Tristan said:
What did Drew Breese look like after his second season? Bust? and he came straight from college with no time away from the game. Thank goodness for him someone felt that he deserved a third year.
but he was a starting QB both years, not a guy trying to fight off Romo for the 2nd place job....there's a world of difference in those scenerios.
TheEnigma said:
I wasn't trying to defend Henson, nor provoke anybody to debate. I was just trying to emphasize the idea that some people are jumping overboard too quickly.

Training Camp, although we are now getting into actual football, it can sometimes bring out the worst in people, I don't know why. I also don't understand why people are so cuthroat about what they think, and everybody who disagrees with them are somehow inhuman. I may be overexaggerating a bit, but this is just what I see.

You're 100% correct with this assessment. It seems like people are more concerned with proving somebody wrong than actually using intelligence before jumping to conclusions. I'm as disappointed as anyone about how Henson has played thus far, but I'm smart enough to know that it is way too early to call him a bust. People who know football understand that it usually takes a few years before a QB starts to "get it" and blossum. Henson has been away from the game for years and did not play that much in college to begin with. A reasonable expectation for him to be starting material would be no sooner than 3 or 4 years. Personally, I don't want to wait that long but it is unreasonable to think he'll be ready by his 2nd year especially after they just threw another potentially growth-delaying variable in by altering his mechanics. He may end up being a bust, but there is no way to call him that at this point. I don't know why any Cowboys fan would NOT be rooting for him to succeed.
I'm not going to say Henson is a bust or a future star simply because he hasn't played.
I begged and begged BP last year to play this guy and NOTHING. You can't get better by sitting around playing around in controlled environments, you have to hit the field and get into the mix.
Plus they messed with his mechanics and it takes a minute to get back to your instincts when you're worried about how to release the ball. And I know in these days, you don't have time to get good and I think BP is trying to make time by hiding him long enough for Henson to figure it out because I do think Henson has good instincts for this game and that's important.

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