*** New Site Questions And Comments Thread ***

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Is it possible to still view the board with old interface as an option? Not a technical guy so I thought I could ask. Thanks
Is it possible to still view the board with old interface as an option? Not a technical guy so I thought I could ask. Thanks

This is a new site with new software and a new look so I'm afraid not.

Reality, thank you for providing us with an excellent Cowboys board. Not all of us are tech literate, though, so not sporting an avatar for our posts may not be a matter of preference, but of incompetence. Some of us have poor eyesight and the use of thin, pastel colors and faint or small typefaces that we don't know how to change can discourage the use of the site. I can use my computer to enlarge what is presented but enlargement causes a need either to scroll across the content and back again several times on the site, or to copy it and transfer it to another medium with a more consolidated presentation, or to skip it altogether. That is the reason I hesitate to frequent the fan forum. Using a couple of the other forums which cite articles, I can switch to the article, hopefully of a more consolidated format, and read them without such scrolling. I lose out on member commentary but still gain information about the team I support. I realize that what I may consider detractions may be of no moment to most members. Regardless of my concerns, this is a great board for Cowboys fans. Thanks again for providing it.
Is there any way you can make it so the mobile site is stripped down? Not a different version altogether but maybe a default theme that can be chosen with less secondary stuff.

Visually on this software there is a ton of wasted space - which really sucks on phones.
Is there any way you can make it so the mobile site is stripped down? Not a different version altogether but maybe a default theme that can be chosen with less secondary stuff.

Visually on this software there is a ton of wasted space - which really sucks on phones.

The mobile situation has been discussed several times in this thread and the other thread that was up before it. I could repeat what has been said but it would be more detailed if you read the other posts.

Yeah I get responsive themes and all that - all I'm saying is on mobile it is painfully terrible. There is way too much open area in all the non-post areas whether that be for headers/footers/ads whatever and it is awful.

exaggeration but this is what it feels like


js maybe some things can be trimmed down - open space, ad size, etc.
Reality, problems were solved by turning off rich text edit. The world is all right again.
Yeah I get responsive themes and all that - all I'm saying is on mobile it is painfully terrible. There is way too much open area in all the non-post areas whether that be for headers/footers/ads whatever and it is awful.

If you had gone back and read the posts like I suggested you would have read where I disabled the responsive theme because it was not ready yet.

Most sites are moving away from mobile themes and many are moving away from apps. The reason is that switching to responsive themes allows a site to focus on one theme and not limit or restrict features and content from mobile users. The days of a separate mobile theme will soon be gone simply because there will be no real definition of "mobile themes" any more. Smartphones, tablets, ultrabooks, etc. are all becoming the norm, not the exception. Meaning that designing a mobile theme for one phone will look horrible on several other phones. The same goes for tablets and other mobile devices.

Sites that used to have or still have mobile themes will retire them in the near future because it won't be feasible to continue to update the mobile themes when their primary theme is built using responsive design.

Most mobile themes used to design for the lowest common denominator of resolution. This worked great when most phones fit or had specs near that lower common denominator. These days, smartphones, tablets, etc. carry the same specs as laptops and desktops.

As I said earlier in this thread, mobile support is coming soon. It's just not ready yet.

There is a link down in the lower left corner of the site called Default Style .. click that link and select the Responsiveless Style that I created.

I will be updating the default style's responsive support in the next couple of days that will hopefully improve it. For now, you can use the secondary styel.

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Why when I click a thread does it take me to the BOTTOM of the page rather than the top?
It's taking you to the first unread post in the thread.


No. It does that in every single one I open. Unread or not.

Been reviewing this thread to see if anyone else posted similar and it looks like burm had a similar issue that was solved by quote"the rich text thingy you mentioned" But I see no explanation beyond that?
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