Reality, thank you for providing us with an excellent Cowboys board. Not all of us are tech literate, though, so not sporting an avatar for our posts may not be a matter of preference, but of incompetence. Some of us have poor eyesight and the use of thin, pastel colors and faint or small typefaces that we don't know how to change can discourage the use of the site. I can use my computer to enlarge what is presented but enlargement causes a need either to scroll across the content and back again several times on the site, or to copy it and transfer it to another medium with a more consolidated presentation, or to skip it altogether. That is the reason I hesitate to frequent the fan forum. Using a couple of the other forums which cite articles, I can switch to the article, hopefully of a more consolidated format, and read them without such scrolling. I lose out on member commentary but still gain information about the team I support. I realize that what I may consider detractions may be of no moment to most members. Regardless of my concerns, this is a great board for Cowboys fans. Thanks again for providing it.