burmafrd;2824213 said:
Darren Woodson, Mario Edwards and Roy Williams were there before BP got here. He then picked Newman. Pretty good pick. Then Woody had to retire and we started looking for his replacement which took a few years. You recall BP wanted Roy to LOSE weight? Remember the biscuit quote?
Mario Edwards could not keep the refs happy and got tossed out of the league basically.
Blaming BP for Ware and James muscling up is pushing it. BOth were young players who had to get stronger anyway. Brady went too far but I flat out say DWare did not. Anthony henry was acquired to deal with big WRs like TO.
I know how much you respect Bill Parcells and for good reason. He wins every where he goes and won two Super Bowls.
In 2006, Bradie played at 265 and dropped 20 pounds, so he could play at 245 in 2007. He said that he needed the weight to take on the guards. Parcells was a control freak, so I'm sure he approved the weights.
Ware only dropped 5 pounds after Phillips arrived and said he felt sluggish carrying the extra 5 pounds in the fourth quarter during the 2006 season.
Spears dropped 20 pounds.
Roy Williams dropped 15 pounds. I do remember the biscuit quote, so I get you there. Losing Woodson hurt Roy Williams in many ways for sure. He lost that leadership.
My point really wasn't to rag on Parcells. I was just pointing out how he preferred power over speed, and his weight program was built to build power. He really emphasised the weight training and loved size and power. That was just his philosophy on defense.
I can't see Parcells letting guys like Spears, Bradie, Ware, or Roy Williams getting away with being over weight or too heavy. I think he approved of the weights for the most part, imo. Even
Jason Ferguson talked about the positives of playing lighter after Phillips arrived.